The make-a-wish foundation might be going bankrupt after a boy found a loop-hole in the system and wished for unlimited wishes.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Again another catch up week. Here are the Top 5 [top5number1]eb2227f4-3694-4e46-a9ae-9a1401247bbc[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: 72f4647d. | View Video Song: New World by Back-On A very well made video, good timing, some nice use of effects (a bit overkill but livable). My only main criticism is the frame ratio, it was all over the place. Great job. 2. Submitted By: namiyuffie | View Video Song: Thnks fr th mmrs by Fall Out Boy A video with great timing and flow odd little timing issue, but that's about it. 3. Submitted By: Anime17 | View Video Song: Don't Stay by Linkin Park It's a known back I don't like Linkin Park AMV's, there are too many and i'm just sick of them, but this one I didn't mind, it had good timing and some nice effects (though not all of them worked) all I can say is, try a more original band. 4. Submitted By: f1071d03 | View Video Song: The faceby Jest A good emotional video, but the timing was your downfall, it was all over the place, there are places you timed and places you didn't. But it had good flow. 5. Submitted By: oathkeeper2u | View Video Song: Epiphany by Sweeney Todd OST I picked it for it's originally and it was well made, though the timing got really repetitive, good to see something different. Now for the Special Mentions: Submitted By: vaizado | View Video Song: Unknown It's a good beta, it's orignal with the voiceovers, and had good timing, but some parts could of been timed beta. But it's looking promising. Submitted By: axel6123| View Video Song: It's Not Over by Daughtry This gets a mention because it's a good first AMV, timing wasn't perfect and you could of added better flow by having more crossfades. But it shows a promising start to video editting. Good job. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! Yep, they are complaining about the short (James Bond like) sex scene at the end, you only see a few seconds of bare ass and for some reason they think it's justified to complain and riot about it. Geoff totally owned them, even though they weren't willing to listen to his points.
I'm off for the night, but before I go. =O
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Right, another catch up week, this now puts me at a month behind. I spent time yesterday when I should of been revising for a test I had today, but instead I did this. So if I failed then it's all your fault. =P Anyway lets being, and I would like to remind you that I now allow any Square-Enix related videos for the Top 5. [top5number1]6f0c3d34-c53d-45a0-83a1-9a0d002efc81[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: ANewBosnianKing, budds, Fayt, HazHeartz, KL93, SephysHeartlessAngel. | View Video Song: Various Well here you have some of the best editors here together in one video, can't go wrong with that. It's a good MEP or Worm (whatever you want to call it) I liked the transitions between each video, very nice and all of the editors involved did a good job, but I do have some little criticism's about it, in some of the videso the flow was a bit iffy, don't always go for fast cuts, but beyond that, great. Also I'm seeing alot of Red being used, but hey i'm not complaining (....yet) I personally love the band. 2. Submitted By: HazHeartz | View Video Song: How far we've Come by Unknown I loved this video, the video had great timing and flow was generally good, though try some smoother tranisitions for some parts and some of the scene selection seemed very random. Beyond that great, good job. But I would like to mention something (same goes for alot of editors) it would be nice if you add credits at the end, it would make it so much easier when finding out song names and the artist, like as you can see above I have no idea who sung the song, and also it can be useful for those who want to know where you got footage from. 3. Submitted By: KL93 , tallboy44, KairiDaSouljaGurl and Stardust | View Video Song: Carol of the Bells Another MEP huh, aren't we spoilt, but what did you expect, it was the christmas week after all. Anothrt great video, all of you did very well, but I do have some criticisms, the flow when you switched editors wasn't all that good, you don't need to introduce who's part is who during the video, save it for the credits or in the description who's part was who's, the idea is to merge many editors efforts together to make one whole continuous video. Also the song makes me giggle as it's the same tune as that burger song thing, but beyond that great and I loved the intro. 4. Submitted By: TheclamWhisperer | View Video Song: Monster by Meg and Dia Another really good video, though I do have 2 negatives things to say, first of all some overused effects, but also the quality wasn't pretty bad, it would be great if you up the quality. It would make it so much better to look at and make it better as a whole. But great job 5. Submitted By: tallboy44 | View Video Song: Until the End by Breaking Benjamin I liked this one, maybe not the best on a technical aspect, but it had a good story and timing, good job. Now for the Special Mentions: Submitted By: Mohrchen | View Video Song: Insanity by Darin There was something about this video that bugged me, it could of been the overused effects and debatable song choice, but it deserves a special mention for it's technicality and orginiality. Submitted By: LovexOnParas | View Video Song: Unknown Another beta I really like, shows promise, though one thing I would like to say, don't overuse that spotlight effect, it was good to begin with, but it gets old. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Monday!
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! I would like to say sorry for the lack of Top 5 the past month, but don't worry I won't miss those weeks out. I will make my way through and catch up within the next 2 weeks. So expect many more Top 5 goodness. Now this week was a tough one, so many submissions to choose from. [top5number1]ca227bbe-be28-438f-9389-9a07014f3c98[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: xkhxloverx | View Video Song: Alvin the the Chipmunks Trailer) Now this one could of failed, failed as much as a penguin trying to cook a 5 course meal for Gordan Ramsey, but this one didn't at all. The syncing was brilliant, had good flow and just worked and I liked the colour coordination of Sora, Donald and Goofy to the Chipmunks, it added a little care and consideration, despite it being a simple observation. Great job, you made something work that shouldn't have and was just plain fun to watch. 2. Submitted By: 802e8525 | View Video Song: Missing by Evanescence Now Evanescence, not the most original band to use in a video, but this one had a good originality to it (probably because it wasn't Bring me to life) but I loved the flow, timing and had a real mood and atmosphere, you really connected the video to the music things alot of videos don't have. Great job. 3. Submitted By: Anime17 | View Video Song: Break me Down by Red Might seem a little negative to begin with, but I didn't like the intro, just didn't suit the video that was about to come up, but the rest of it was good, I would of made the white strips at the beginning smaller and a smaller transparency as they are too bold. But everything else was fine, some of the flow was inconsistent but nothing to really complain about. 4. Submitted By: Dpfreak | View Video Song: Nine Days by The Moment I liked most of the transitions for this video, though some didn't work and where too cheesy for that sort of video like the star and heart shaped ones. But beyond that was a good touching video and flow for the most part was good, with a few slip ups. Though something to improve on is the consistency of timing, stick to a certain pattern, I couldn't quite get what you were timing too. 5. Submitted By: Ienzo | View Video Song: Harder to Breathe by Maroon 5 I liked the timing and was an enjoyable video to watch, desipte me not liking the band much. Though you did overuse the rapid flash, but beyond that a decent video. Good job. Now for the Special Mentions: Submitted By: Hazheartz | View Video Song: Unknown Though she didn't win any awards in the User Portal Awards, this beta of her next video deserves attention, it was just brilliant, the shattered glass effect was great and original (do I sense the use of After effects?) though as some pointers you overtimed a bit at the beginning and some of the transistions could be smoother towards the end, but this has amazing potential. Submitted By: FreeShooter | View Video Song: Rooftops by Lostprophets A very good FF and KH video, great song and scene selection as well as good timing, was just a great video overall, if I allowed FF this week I would of made it number 1. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Monday! Also I would like to add starting next time I will be allowing Final Fantasy videos (or anything Square-Enix related) into the Top 5 to add some variety to the mix and give people more reasons to use things beyond Kingdom Hearts since the User Portal allows those sort of videos. If anyone needs to know places to get FF footage from just PM me and I will be happy to tell you.
Yes finally that time has come, to announce the winners of the awards. From the lack of nominations I was skeptical if it was going to work, but from the number of votes I'm impressed by the turn out. Now for the winners - Best Action - Stardust | View Video This was a pretty close one all the way through but in the final leg stardust too the lead and ended up winning, congrats on the award. Best Emotional - angelsinflight14 | View Video Yep angelsinflight14 created the most touching video this year, congrats. Best Trailer - khfreak87 | View Video Well we have ourselves a landslide victory, congrats pwillard (khfreak87) on your win here. Best Effects - Budds & khfreak87 | View Video Can you beat the combined force of these 2 great editors, well in this award it appears not. Best WMM - khfreak87 | View Video Another one for the freak, congrats, you used WMM greatly. Best Non-KH Video - Darkandroid | View Video This had been a 2 person race for most of the voting between me and NekoNiya, but in the end these were the final results, so i give a special mention to NekoNiya for her great video. Best Video - khfreak87 | View Video Yep another somewhat landslide victory for khfreak87, it seems it appealed to the mass's more, congrats on your victory. Most Improved - KL93 & khfreak87 | View Profile (KL93) | View Profile (khfreak87) *Gasp* a tie, yes it seems so, instead of me just picking one, both deserve this award, both have really improved over the past year, and I hope to see more in the future improvements in the future. And now for the main award (IMO) - Best Editor - khfreak87 | View Profile Well khfreak won by miles. He might not make some of the best videos, but he is one of the most influential editors on the site, after he makes a video with a certain artist, a surge of videos using the same artists appear. With him releasing videos so often he keeps his fans entertained each time, and this is why he won this award. Congrats. So Congrats to all the winners, and lets hope that next year brings more great editors and videos, and make it less one-sided. =P Thank you.
Due to..Just read what I said in the new 'Count to a Million thread'. XD Ties that Bind - Alter Bridge.
With huge threads possibly being the cause of database errors, we have started a new thread for this, but starting at the number 35215. So carry on.