How are you Amaury?
As the tittle sugests, you post your favorite singer and why there your favorite singer. Mine would be Hayley Williams from Paramore. She is just so passionate about her music and has charisma a lot of singers tend to lack these days. Plus her lyrics are really intresting. Its like being emo without being whiney and droning on and on about how life sucks.
Thousand Enemies by Girls Dead Monster
Since i am a part of this family, i feel i want to share some of my works so here is a link to my channel on youtube. It is only 5 songs but i try really hard to make sure there good and people enjoy them. The link is below
New song added My Song has been added
"Heal." Rachel says while healing some of her wounds.
I usually vent it out in an angry song which sometimes results in Screamo deppending on how angry i am.
Rachel smirks. "It seems that the dolls have appeared." Rachel smirked. She then slashes at the Stealth Lizard. "It is time to repent!" Rachel calls.
*Alias: Blood/Rose Family Member/Title: The Cheerful Cousin Musical Talents/Interests: Singing. I can't play a musical instrument to save my life. Gender: Male Theme Song: Personality: Cheerful, Outgoing, and slightly gothic *Contact: Picture?: *Favorite Color: Black, Red, Dark Blue Favorite Genre of Music: Rock, Pop, Pop Rock *Do you have a microphone?: Saving up for one
Hi, i started a thread in the Forum Families section called "The Music Family". Im trying to delete it but i can't find the delete button on it....
Crow Song - Girls Dead Monster
Hayley Williams from Paramore is my soulmate! <3
I love your covers of Simple and Clean and Skycraper. I like to sing to but your a lot better then i am. (Plus the best i can do recording wise is grage band without a mic).
Hi, Im Bloody Rose. Heres my story. Not until recently i had no friends at my school and i actually was beaten up every other day. My only friends at the time were Drawing, Theatre, and Singing. Although i would never perform or show anyone my work. I was often so frightened that i would be told i wasn't good enough. Now every year my school does a recording CD and one day just staring at that sheet. I said "Screw it." amd signed up to do an a capella version of I Caught Myself by Paramore. No one there ever heard me sing before and when someone i hardly knew asked me to give them a preview. I sung what i had learned so far and she and her friends loved it. I was so happy that i could do something worth while. So i started taking lessons to improve my voice and a year later i did my first live perfomance with another girl playing an acoustic guitar. That song was Brick By Boring Brick by Paramore. I was so frightened at that moment i could hardly say anything but when it was time i just closed my eyes and pretended i was all alone. When the song was over i was kind of dissapointed. That feeling i got from sing a song to express myself was so great that i wanted to do it more and more. A year later while i was watching an anime called Angel Beats!. They had a this band called Girls Dead Monster and they played a ballad called My Song. The english translation was at the bottom of the screen and touched me so much that i cried a litle. Those lyrics made feel whole and i could perfectly relate to. It was from that day forward i sing songs that would reach people and make them wanna seize the day. Sorry for the long rant and the music. Note: I like to rewrite the lyrics to japanese pop rock songs and sing them in english. If you have recomendations i would love to hear them. Im starting out with songs by the fictional band Girls Dead Monster. Shine Days Crow Song My Song Thousand Enemies Im Alive! (Becca) Alchemy Misery Business (Paramore) Little Braver My Soul, You Beats (Gldemo version) My Soul, Your Beats (Lia Version) Sally's Song God Knows (Aya Hirano) Oath Sign (LiSA)
Crow Song - Angel Beats! Anime (Girls Dead Monster)
Rachel ran after her ready to fight. She was glad that she was now able to do something other then observe others. "Lets have some fun, shall we." Rachel sinisterly giggled.
This RPG is based an anime called Angel Beats! but you don't have to watch it in order to join. (Although you should give it a try cause its really good) Down to business -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People who have lingering regret or blame God for there misfortune are unable to reborn. They instead awake in the afterlife with the main idea of attending the large school you awake in so you can be reborn but every once in a while. People who had such horrible lives that blame god for or can't accept that there dead decide to do the exact opposite and cause chaos and stay as long as they can and then. There are people who have accepted there deaths or fulfilled there lingering regret but wish to stay and help others get reborn. The afterlife itself is primarily a large boarding school where classes, sports, and clubs are held and attended by a lot of students but most of them are NPC"s. There were apart of the world from the very beginning and have no souls. Human students who attend classes, go to clubs, play sports, or just act as a good student in general end up dissapearing and being reborn. There are 2 main points in this story so heres the 2 sides. Class SSS A battle front created by rebels who want to stay in the afterlife and rebel against god for there horrible lives. They do this by causing chaos in general. Breaking rules, skipping classes, ETC. They create weapons from a place called the guild which is a large cavaren underneath the school which manufactures weapons. They often fight the Student Body Counsel using those weapons because the Counsel tries to enforce the rules and try to help other humans cross over. They even have a band for the sole purpose of distracting NPC's during large battles to keep them out of the way or to steal there lunch tickets for a free meal. Student Counsel Basically people with tittles such as Student Body President, Student Treasurer, ETC. This is really just a facade because there main purpose is to enforce the rules and help people get reborn. Instead of using weapons. They use a computor program called Angel Player which they use to edit there bodies and in tern give them unique abilities such as generating a long sword from your body or something else. The abilities are called Guard Skills and are voice activated. Though there only used as self defense. The main reason to counter the attacks from the Battlefront. Those who break rules and get caught are kicked off the Counsel. (Key word being Caught). Battle Front Band (Band Name to be decided later.) A division of the battle Front. They partake in missions and combat but there main purpose is to distract NPC"'s during large missions so that they don't notice anything and keep them out of the way. There also used in a reoccuring mission called Opperation Tornado where they hold a gorilla performance and during the concerts peak giant fans are activated which blow away the student meal tickets. Spots for this are limited. Things you should know and rules. 1. Since its the afterlife. No once can die. Even if someone takes a fatal wound they just pass out and come back to life an hour later completely healed. There is a general joke in the battle front that usually goes along the lines of "Do you wanna die?" or "Im going to kill you." They mean no harm by it since no one can die. You can kill someone since they would comeback to life but please don't go overboard with this please. 2. What i say is law and rule breakers will be banned from the RPG and there characters will mysteriously dissapear. 3. Violence and Romance is aloud but please keep it PG-13. Nothing graphic please. 4. All of the KH-Vids. Net Forum Rules apply. 5. Have fun and be active. Character Sheets Battlefront Name: (First and last and if any. Nickname) Gender: (Simple, is it not) Age: (This is a high school 13 through 18 please!) Appearance: (Picture or detailed discription please.) Personality: (Tell me in as much detail as possible how your character acts.) History: (Tell me your characters tragic life story. If they have amnesia which happens to people who died in accidents leave it blank but i want to hear it at some point durring the RPG. Remember, make the story tragic or they wouldn't be here.) Weapons/Talents: (What they use in combat and perfectly normal talents such as "Good Dancer", "Good with computors", ETC) Other: (If you want to be apart of the band. Place your role in it here wheather it be Guitarist, Keyboarder, Drummer, ETC. Keep in mind this is a rock band. This is also wear information that doesn't go anywhere else goes.) Student Body Counsel Name: (First and last and if any. Nickname) Gender: (Simple, is it not) Age: (This is a high school. 13 through 18 please!) Possition: (Vice President, Treasurer, ETC) Appearance: (Picture or detailed discription please.) Personality: (Tell me in as much detail as possible how your character acts.) History: (Tell me your characters tragic life story. If they have amnesia which happens to people who died in accidents leave it blank but i want to hear it at some point durring the RPG. Remember, make the story tragic or they wouldn't be here.) Guard Skills: (The abilities they use in self defense created by Angel Player) Other: (This is wear information that doesn't go anywhere else goes.) My forms Name: Mikio Nanaya Gender: Male Age: 14 Appearance: Mikio stands at 5,7 and is rather thin. He has a heart shaped face and black mess y hair and large blue eyes. He wears the typical Battle Front uniform. Sand colored jacket with whie shirt, black tie and caques. He also wears a black choker with a skull. Personality: Mikio is passionate and not affraid to speak his mind but will do anything to help his allies. He hates to sacrifice members during missions but will still do so because he knows that they will recover from being dead. Mikio can be blunt and abbrasive when angered but means well in the long run. History: Mikio in life was an only child to his abusive alcoholic father. His mother left because she couldn't take the beating anymore and never spoke of them out of fear that she would found and killed by his dad. Mikio wasn't as fortunant and often prey to God for things to get better but they never did so he dwinddled into depression. One day a beating went to far and cost Mikio his life. As soon as he came to the afterlife and told that he needs to reborn. He outwardly rejected being reborn and thought that life was cruel and unfair. He started breaking rules and rebelling against the Student Counsel and later started the Battle Front. Weapons/Talents: Mikio is very skilled with guns and can easily hit a moving target. When out of ammor he relies on a hunting knife to do damage and can hold his own in Hand to hand combat. Other: Mikio is the battlefront leader. Name: Hikari Suoh Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: Hikari is average sized girl who is rather thin and stand at 5,4. She has a heart shaped face and green eyes. She has red hair which she ties into long pigtails on the sides of her head. She wears a the typical Battlefront uniform. (White long sleeved shirt with blue collar and blue mini skirt.) She wears dark blue knee socks and black laceless shoes. Personality: Hikari is spunky, kind, beautiful, and funny. She tries hard to look on the bright side of life but is realistic and knows when there is nothing happy about something. She feels cheeted by god because she was never able to experience life outside of a hospital. She loves music and likes to write and sing her own songs. History: Hikari was a sick child and often delt with cancer and asthma. She was to weak to do anything but eat, sleep, and bathe. To comfort her self, she would listen to music and often hummed along to them because her lungs were to weak actually sing. She tried writing her own song but she was never ever able to sing it. One day she when in the hospital she coded and she died. Weapons/Talents: After doing so in the afterlife she became a rather talented singer. In combat she often fights using a large hammer to batter her foes. Other: She is the lead vocalist and leader of the Battle Front Band Name: Yuki Shikki Gender: Male Age: 14 Possistion: Student Body President Appearance: Yuki stands at 5,5 with a rather skinny build. his face is round and he has blonde perfectly combed hair. He has rather large green eyes and wears the usual school uniform. Personality: Yuki is easygoing and kind but not a pushover. He is very smart and knows when talking problems out is useless. He speaks to even people he doesn't care for with formality and kindness. He detests violence but will fight when needed. History: Yuki's parents died in a car accident and he was forced to go live at an orphanage. He was constantly bullied by the other kids and was beaten alot. He suffered from depression. One day when walking back to the orphanage. Yuki was a victim of a hit and run where he died on impact. When he awoke in the after life. Yuki had no memory of the events that took place when he was alive. After regaining them over time he thought that his life was unfair but after seeing kindness from other students and NPC's came at peace. Deciding he wanted to make other people feel good. He started helping students feel at peace. Guard Skills: Field: Yuki discharges electrity though his body and anyone he touches or touches him get shocked like they were touched with a high voltage taser. Flare: Ignites Yuki's hands with fire and he can deliver powerful burning punches Freeze: An aura of cold surrounds Yuki's body and freezes any thing he touches. Other: N/A Members Battle Front Spoiler Mikio Nanaya - Leader Diversion Unit Spoiler Hikari Suoh - Band leader, Lead vocalist Student Counsel Spoiler Yuki Shikki - President
Rachel giggled with a sinister grin. "You do know that i am right here and can hear every word i am saying." Rachel then drew her keyblade. "I feel a little disheartened. Judging me based on age. I am not frightened in the slightest. To put it bluntly I am rather bored and i would like to explore this world and attempt to take on all of these. I think you calleded them heartless." Rachel said.
SImple and Clean Remix by Utada Hikaru
"just perfect." Rachel said sarcastically.