Watch the weeping angels. And don't blink. Oh and watch the silence, too... what was I talking about again? Oh yes, you should watch anything with David Tennant.
*heart* *pound*
You're so sweet and WHOEVER YOU ARE I LOVE YOU
I don't believe you.
Don't forget John Kirstley is being voiced by Will Arnett! Yeah, but do you like her as ARMIN? I love my friends<3
Oh ok :D
why u no have past usernames
Do you have soundcloud? Cause someone called tale wind is following me and I did a double-take for a second.
404 not found? :\
heheh i bea you by about 7
Interesting. I'll start something and it'll sound really good, but then I'll just never finish.
yeah i have a hard time finishing things too Xo
Saving the forum from evil cupcakes since 2014
Ack no he's got a beard
Nooo I already wen through all the work of shaping the nose and the mouth took forever to make all pretty. I'll make a thread with a pic soon
Hehe they're ugly in a cute way. Anyway I figured out that the reason is cause I made the eyelids to thick and i didn't make much of a brow.
I was going for a newborn baby tho so I guess I hit it pretty close
Not intentionally XD