It's so pretty...
I... I see a light...
Even if it sounds exactly like you, it still won't sound like what you hear, because it reverberates in your head D:
I cried when I got Dream Drop Distance for Christmas, so technically it made me cry XD I cried at the end of Rhapsody, Prof. Layton and the Curious Village, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks from sheer shock that they were over. As for crying from sadness, I cried when NIGHTS was over, cause it told me I didn't have all the ideya, and that made me sad. But seriously, I cried during Rhapsody when Spoiler it's revealed that Koruru was Cornet's dead mother the whole time. I cried there too :'(
About your voice,
If you like RPG and adventure: Kingdom Hearts 1(PS1), Birth By Sleep(PSP), 358/2 Days(DS), Nostalgia(DS), Phantom Hourglass(DS) If you like turn-based: Pokemon Platinum(DS), Pokemon Ruby Red(GBA), Nostalgia(DS), Rhapsody(DS) If you like building things: Minecraft(PC) If you like puzzles: Portal(PC), all Prof. Layton games(DS), Phoenix Wright(DS + GBA) If you like killing things and multiplayer: Attack on Titan Tribute Game(PC), Birth By Sleep(PSP), 358/2 Days(DS) If you like musicals: Rhapsody(DS) If you like visual novels: Don't Take It Personally Babe, It Just Ain't Your Story(PC)
I want rollerblading, chess and ballet. And is there swimming in the Olympics? I don't think there is. Maybe. Well, I know there's diving. GIVE US QUIDDITCH.
I jump at sudden sounds mostly. Like doors opening and footsteps. And I'm REALLY jumpy after reading creepypasta, but who isn't? I really like scary games and stuff though, cause being scared to death is fun. But not in real life.
It's a reward for posting however many posts.
I kind of liked Brave. I guess it's good Disney finally made a non-musical princess movie. Still like Frozen and Wreck-It Ralph better. I love that GIF though.
Hate to reuse a GIF in the same thread but
Ah, but I get about 15- alerts a day, so I love this. SLEEP WHAT'S SLEEP.
IT WILL. IT IS NOT FICTION, BUT A PROPHESY!! IN FACT, ALL ANIME PREDICT FUTURE EVENTS. YOU CAN EXPECT TITANS IN ABOUT TEN YEARS OR SO. But seriously, some evil deranged dude could get the idea from SAO or something. Or the helmet could electrocute you or give you a seizure or someone could hack into it and kill you or you could break it without realizing and it electrocute you or you could fall asleep with it on and it electrocute you.
Yes, yes it did. It is a mess, it is my fault, and I refuse to clean it up because it is modern art. No we haven't because THIS thread is THE BEST. Why? Because it gives me alerts.
I am the 6th most definitely, without a doubt.
Oh look, I got a shard. How nice...