I would watch that :D YOU HAVE A RANDOM MELODY BUTTON :O I WANT ONE (for reference to anyone reading) You just need to enter in a nickname to chat.
Come watch me do cool stuff http://www.livestream.com/yukaridoesvocaloidstuff please. i need you. i'm all alone. it's dark. i'm sad. help me
You I dare say, are the panda hero of all mods.
You crazy patched up matryoshka, you!
Who's Ethan
i hereby damn all emotes to eternity in darkness and pain
Aah kay didn't know that.[DOUBLEPOST=1395983393][/DOUBLEPOST] What about your signature? It has links to threads.
I good, since I spared all this time to fail a meme! I am kind of tired though. Exactamundly
Instead of having the username be in the profile URL, what if it was just numbers? Then the URL wouldn't change every time someone changed their name!
Face the truth >:D
Yeah hence " " Still actually a meme though. It's a thing, trust me. Aawwww how is my kawaii waifu doing today?
@DigitalAtlas @skull joke how on topic of you. Princess x Tummer. Primmer Tumcess. Luxer. Tuxord? Or Tux let's go with that.
OTP i so white no one else can be white
Kind of. Template: My super dokidoki crush is *first person on your following list* sempai. My best friend is *third person on your followers list*. *second person from the bottom of following* is my mommy and *fourth person from the bottom of following* is my daddy. *third on following* is my future waifu and *first person on followers* is my future husubando. Example: My super dokidoki crush is @. : tale_wind sempai. My best friend is @Aiden Pearce . @Snow Queen is my mommy and @La Sofa is my daddy. @Laplace is my future waifu and @. : tale_wind is my future husubando.
Tis the point. bring on teh HyumongaBerry Me and *picks first person from following* @Ethan. And I'm gonna marry *picks first person from followers* @Snow Queen Ooh this would make a good thread.
CokexPepsi CatxDog PercyJacksonxHarryPotter MeowMixxBanquet PokemonxDigimon SoraxRoxas DunkinDonutsxStarbucks ToiletPaperxPinaColada MistyxAmaury
...eh. cooties. What about MishMish?[DOUBLEPOST=1395893156][/DOUBLEPOST] a. i don't care 2. so was i
You hurt his fragile shadowy feelings, he's not talking to you.[DOUBLEPOST=1395892968][/DOUBLEPOST] I stole it.
You go girl. Tell us how you really feel.