okay i wasnt shore where to put this so i put i here okay i though it would be smart to let people on this site know i have a learning disablity called dyslexia now for those of you who dont know what dyslexia is it a disablity where its hard for me to spell things and understand alot of other stuff it also mies up my letters so some might of write one thing but i'm reading another and and one more thing there is like different levels of dyslexia there can be people who would be fine even if they had it or people like me who would have to be taken out of lauge classes like french and spanish because they would be to hard for me now if anybody else has any questions about dyslexia just post here and ill try to answer your question
cool texas i always liked texas its like a lot warmer vertion of ireland where we have bogs you got outback
owe now i know what your saying sorry i know what accent means its just i got dyslexia it mixes up words on me some times and ya your right they...
dam hey if ya dont mind me asking where are you from
(me looking at watch) its like late guess i kind of lost track of time its nearly 1 in the morning here
owe sorry forgot you where a nobody owe i got it make it seem like you lived your whole life like a normal person the same thing that happened to roxas happened to you someone reset your memories
owe bi was only looking at how it was so far the full thing wont be done for ages cause i a full week of exams starting thursday
ya good i was just waiting for a bit of a video i'm working on to render and its just finished
whats accent mean
and the worst part was we werent even given a replay and after everything the french did they just acted like getting into the cup was nothing a...
ya i noticed theres alot of good things on the site and some of the moderators are real helpful
the soccer world cuphe french cheated us out of the final
heres some advice never say anything nice about the french to me i dont like the french after what they did to us irish jouring the world cup
owe its the irish flag i use it cause i'm irish
you could say i'm 75% cause my moms english but my dad is irish and i was born here
thanks i;m feeling very welcomed so far ever one seems so nice
not much now man and you
ya i love where i live small village evryones knows everyone
was just about to go off line and work on a vidso say ya later
very true :)