all american rejects it ends tonight
thanks mickey
joe countined to shot at the phontomtails he shot one in the wing and it collided with the other forcing them both to fall to the sea "that takes care of that" "prepare to dock" one of the crew yelled
sorry to hear that man
hey no problem so how are you
work on my amv's and you
well you dont seem pissed of today so thats a good sign
owe thats okay then i was worried there for a minute (laughing)
joe looked to the captain so what do we got for these things" the captain threw joe a ak-47 "owe ya know where talking to began to shot the phontomtails
joe looked to joe sky "please tell me we planned for this" the captain noded joe then heard another crew member shout "land hoe" "well theres one releaf now lets get another"
okay i though the hating cheerleaders was a stereo type and right now i'm glad i live in ireland
got it flash back better remember that for next time
joe yawned then jumped down from the tree he then saw his friend Matt going toward him "hey man ready to head home" matt asked "What time is it" "nearly 9 o'clock" "well guess we better granddad wants me up at seven tomorrow for some training" "why does he work you so hard" "I really have no idea"
a dont say that you seem real peppy to me
Destiny's hand accepted Bic: joe was sitting on the popou tree on the island looking to the shore "wonder whats out there" he though to himself
joe was leaning against the the wall in his room on the ship it had been two weeks since they had left ireland an there where exspected to arrive in america any day now joe then heard someone calling above "Phantomtails" joe ran to the deck and saw the heartless above them "not good"
(me laughing) i think your very funny great to have a talk ta as well
well i could always try to swim to england na
i would to but irelands an island so i'm limited to how far i can go