thats up to you i just felt like doing it for my character but you dont have to
after finish talking to his parents in was 10 o'clock so joe decieded to head off to bed jouring the night while joe slept he had a strange dream he was standing on a circlur plateform with an image of him on it joe looked around "what whats going on" he ran to the edge of the platform and nearly fell off then a sword appeared in his hand "this isnt one of granddads new training setions" joe though
ya i'm good so what ya doing
i like to go there evert now and again to get new HQ vids
kh1 worst moment was fighting that dam lizard whats it called again stelth sneak in deep jungle before i beat that thing i nearly gave up on kingdom hearts and kh2 worst moment i think the bvery first few times i fought xemnas last boss fight when he got sora in the orb thing and drains his health and you have to use riku the first ew times i had no idea what was going on
just looking at some of my old amvs thats about it
shore would
throw youtube i was looking for a way to download kh video clips for some amvs and someone told me about kh-vids
hey there how are you
ya to bad i dont live near anybody who makes amv's like me that would be cool
ya i have a friend on youtube called drayckar who lives next door to another editor i know and there best friends and there always pushing each...
i'm shore youll get a chance some day to make them and beleave me its great fun make tones of new friends throw it
not much now just listening to music and working on some amv's
hey there i'm new
still sad i know how it feels cause i live in a small village and everyone knows eachother so if someone dies we all feel really upset about it
when joe arrived home he said bye to matt as he headed further up the path joe then walked in the front door to see his parents talking "joe where have you been" his mother asked "Owe out on the island with matt" "owe thats okay but would you stop staying out there so late" "okay mom" "owe joe" said joes dad "Your granddad was looking for you" "Let me guess training tommorrow" "Ya same all dad he did the same with me when i was your age"
i think he just wanted to give the 3D idea a try and plus since he choose the 3DS ddd is going to have way better graphics then any other nintendo game so far
if you quit smoking good job i hate people who smoke