joe ran down to where the smoke from the expltion was coming he then saw some men attacking matt and the other islander "leave them alone" joe called out "why should we" one of the men smirked he then summoned a keyblade "no way how do you have a keyblade" "simple kid it choose me now get ready for a world of hurt" joe man ran at joe but joe dodged then elbowed the man in the back knocking him to the ground the other man looked and laughed "Your a fast one arent you now lets see just how fast you are" joe second man summoned a keyblade and ran at joe joe dodged again but then the second man turned fast kicking joe in the chest knocking him to the ground matt ran up beside joe "Joe you okay" "ya these guys are nothing compared to what granddad puts me throw" "owe we are are we then lets see what you think after this" both of the men run at the islanders ready to kill them joe turns and yells "NO" a spark of light appears in his hand then an Oathkeeper keyblade appears the two men stop "a light weilder and a bran new one at that this should be fun" joe looks at the keyblade "okay then" joe and the two men run at each other the islanders grab one of them and hold him down while joe fights the other
Ooc: you could start now but they come back piece by peace not all at once ya know
joe turned to his granddad "dark weilders?" "keyblade weilders who reside in darkness they want all world to fall to darkness" "not good" joe then ran off towards the explotion "no joseph wait" it was to late joe was gone
ya i'm in them but i only get them when everyone else in school except a few other people are in irish so thats five resourse classes a week but i never got taken out of history our anything like that just languages
bbad ebnough to get me out of any language besides english and have to go to a second school after school some times
joe walked into his granddads house even as far back as he could remember joe had never been inside the house before "so granddad what did you want me to come here for" "joe show you this" joes granddad then pulls out a strange key shaped sword "whats that" "its your ansister Soras keyblade the kingdom key" "keyblade?"
Bushy-Brow-1992 accepted dam this think is starting to get move people then i exspected this is going to be great joe finished running his laps then arrived back at the beach beside his granddad out of breath "okay granddad did all the laps" "Good now back to the house i need to show you something" joe looked at his granddad "Okay" the two then walked to joes granddads house
gabr accepted joe walked around the island in the morning looking for his granddad then found him down by the beach "well its about time you got down here Joseph" "sorry granddad but i wasnt shore where you are o looked all over the island before i came here" "well then you can count that as one lap then now give me 20 more around the island fast now go" joe began to run "owe man i hate doing laps"
roaringflames accepted sorry i took so long i did see your post my bad
owe sorry didnt see you sin up i'll look at your thing now
joe dodges the creature one last time then jumps on its arm and runs to its head joe puts all his force behind his sword and swung the creature then feel to the ground and darkness covered the floor joe was then swolled by it then woke up in his room "woo that was some dream"
Tedeum accepted start posting when ever you like
thats good i just hope this rp goes well since its my first on the site
when the ship docked the pasengers and crew found themselfs in new york well what was left of new york anyway "man and i though ireland looked in bad shape"
Ooc: Ya its fine Bic: then huge shadow began to punch at joe with its huge firsts joe did his best to dodge each attack but it was hard this creature was fast
sorry took so long to respond but ya but remember for the rp sora and riku are long dead
same man want to see one of my vids
hey cool i use sony vegas to just started using but still i use it so what vertion you got
joe looked at the sword in his hand "if this is granddad doing then hes gone full out this time" joe then looked to the middle of the platform a shadow emerged from it and it began to grow bigger and bigger "this is so not granddads work"