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  1. Josephmahon1
    "well legend does say that the heros of the keyblade always appear when the darkness trys to spread so with the dark weilders and organization guys around that does give good reason for the keyblade to come back"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Josephmahon1
    joe noded to the question "ya i'm a decendant of sora the bvery keyblade he once weilded all them years ago is in my granddads house and my familys been living here for generations even before sora and his wife kairi"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Josephmahon1
    joe looked at the people confused "how do you all know about the kayblade and what do you mean so many my granddad told me that no one has been seen with a keyblade since my ancestor Soras time and whats this organization about do they have something to do with the dark weilders"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Josephmahon1
    when joe was walking to his granddads house he saw a few people on the beach "there not from around here dark weilders" joe walked over to them and asked with his keyblade in hand "who are you"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Josephmahon1
    after a while joe jumped for the poupo tree and headed to the main isleand when he arrived he headed towards his granddads house wonder how everyone is he though
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Josephmahon1
    Ooc: ya want sors's decendant i'm on my way
    Bic: joe had been traveling from world to world for the last few weeks fightin the heartless and nobodys tring to find the dark weilder that attacked his home but he diceided it was time to go home for a while when joe arrived at destiny island he went to the poupo tree and sat down "feels good to be home"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Josephmahon1
  8. Josephmahon1
  9. Josephmahon1
  10. Josephmahon1
    Ooc: sorry i havent been rp guys but school has been mad so before i start posting again can someone fill me in on whats happening
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Josephmahon1
    just a node to al of you you dont need to make new profiles for characters in my roleplays just add them in when you like and describe them as we go along
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Josephmahon1
    joe ran over to the two people he saw then ran right throw them "what the hell ghost where the hell am i" joe then began to walk around the world looking for other people
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Josephmahon1
    marcell accepted
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Josephmahon1
  15. Josephmahon1
  16. Josephmahon1
    joe was wondering throw the lains between when he saw his first world "a coluseem well okay lets take a look" joe then landed in the world and saw to other people as he desummoned his rider and armour
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Josephmahon1
    joe arrived down at the beach then saw his granddad and matt beside him "a granddad what about mom and dad" "dont worry about them Joseph your father knows the family history i'll just tell him you were choosen and he'll understand" "good" "hey joe" "ya man" "come back in one piece" "ya its a promise" joe then summoned his armour and keyblade rider and headed out into the lains between"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Josephmahon1
    ya its okay but be shore to make new names dont use the old ones even if you describe the members looking different and you can ignore the x thing for the members if you like
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Josephmahon1
    Ooc: a note to Dr_Wigglz remember that the orginal organization is all gone so new names will have to be made for each member just in case you didnt know

    Bic: joe and the dark weilder began to clash joe may of been new to the keyblade but he weilded it with great skill joe pushed the dark weilder back "Hu Hu Hu you know Hu for a new keyblade weilder your Hu Hu pretty strong" the dark weilder then turned to the other "were out of here its ovence we'll have to leave this for another day" the other dark weilder noded and they both disappeared everyone cheared "why'd it go joe nice job" said matt joe then looked to the hill and saw his granddad "very well done joe i think its time for you to begin a journey of the worlds now that you have a keyblade" "a jouney of the worlds" "yes for you to go out and track down others who weilde the keyblade and join forces with them to stop the dark weilders" "okay but how do it get to other worlds" "take this it was sora's old armour he wore it when he traveled from world to world sometimes" joes granddad then explained how everything worked "i understand joe then walked to the top of the hill and looked back at the islanders and smiled he then head to the beach followed by matt and his granddad
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Josephmahon1