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  1. Josephmahon1
    NemesisPrime accepted

    Joe lauched himself from the tower down towards Marluxia as the two clashed a blast of energy shot between them Marluxia smirked at Joe "impressive your stronger then i though" "that nothing wait till i get serious" "huh like i'd even give you a chance" Marluxia then forced Joe back as he did Joe did a back flip trying to regain his balance Marluxia then swung his scythe down and a surge of energy shot towards Joe Joes eyes narrowed "Crap" Lea then jumped infront of Joe holding up his chakrams as he did fire surrounded his two circular weapons blocking Marluxias attack Joe then regained his balance and looked to Lea "thanks for the save" "no worries now i told you not to take him lightly didnt i" "i know i know just didnt think he'd be able to push me back so easily from a head on clash like that" "think Joe Marluxia didnt get put in charge of castle Oblivion for being a push over hes one of the organizations most power members" "not as strong as you of course" "of course"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Josephmahon1
    Rapid Ignis accepted and since nobody else seems to interested in joining we can start and i'll show you how people roleplay KH13 style :D

    Joe appeared on top of the train station tower in Twilight town as a red hair man with a black coat appeared beside him "Joe" Joe stayed looking forward "is it true that Riku ans Sora are in trouble in the dream realm" "Ya how'd you know" "i remember when we were growing up back home Sora Riku Kairi the three of them you'd never see one with out the other two close behind hard to believe they all went through so much" "from what i hear you went through allot aswell" "hum me a nothing compared to the hard ship that friendship went through i hear Kairi stayed on the island" "ya but thats only because she though Sora and Riku would be right back after seeing the King and Yin Sid if she finds out she'll find her way off the islands she always does" "interesting gift she has being able to do i must say" "so Yin Sid has called in some more Keyblade wielders to help" "so far your the first we we're able to find" "We?" "the kings looking for keyblade wielders to we're suppose to meet up at Yin Sids tower in about a day and then we'll be entering the dream realm" "i dont no much about the dream realm but it will take us a long time to reach where ever Sora and Riku are the levels of the dream realm are hard to move through" "ya Yin Sid explained all that to me already" "So we get moving head to the Yin Sids tower" "Ya" just as Joe and Lea were about to head off a man with a black coat and hood up appeared "that aura i sense" Joe looked at Lea "someone you know" "ya its one of the organization members Somebodies" Joe then notices a flower petal on his shoulder "i know who it is now "Marluxia what was his Somebodies name again" "no idea he was never really important enough to remember" "is that so Axel" "its Lea flower boy" Marluxia then summoned his scythe as Joe summoned his keyblade and Lea summoned his Chakrams "looks like we might be late to the meet up" "a like it matters much a little work out before going into the dream realm would be good for use" "just dont take Marluxia lightly got it memorized" "I got it"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Josephmahon1
    Its been a year since Sora and Riku defeat Xemnas and the Organization and now they find themselves being summoned Yin Sids tower to set foot into the Dream Realm but while Sora and Riku are in the dream realm they run into more trouble then they can handle so along with Lea and King Mickey entering the Dream Realm to help out there two friends along with a few new keyblades who have appeared to help the two heroes out.

    Just to let everyone know ahead of time im all for diversity so if you feel like adding in stuff from an anime manga movie game or anything like that to help add to the story go for it

    no god modding
    no taking control of other peoples original characters
    language allowed but don’t go overboard
    no killing anybody else's character without permission
    post your favourite kh character at end your character
    so I know you read the rules
    lets keep it Pg 13
    No ending or starting sequels to this rp without my permission
    all posts must be over 4 lines
    You can have more than one character if you’re up for it

    Character Setup
    Keyblade or normal weapon:
    Home world:
    Appearance: (Picture if possible)
    Bio: (Optional)

    My Character Sheet
    Name: Joe Mahon
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Side: Light
    Keyblade or normal weapon: Oathkeeper
    Home world: Destiny Island
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Thread by: Josephmahon1, Feb 16, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Josephmahon1
    i dont think i know enough words to say how awesome this video was its defently one of the best meps ive taken part in in a long time
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Aug 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Josephmahon1
    kye made my part longer heres the new download link
    and heres the vid for anyone who wants a look [video=youtube;4bER355HWl8][/video]
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Jul 14, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  6. Josephmahon1
    okay i know that the chroma key took away from the characters but thats how i wanted the clips to go and i know that there was no resolution thats the point behind my part showing how kh hasnt meet its full resolution yet but now that i know the minimue time aloud is 30 i will be making my part longer
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  7. Josephmahon1
    thanks i desided to try out a few new tricks with sony vegas this time
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  8. Josephmahon1 download link
    and the video itself [video=youtube;jemRxiL58xU][/video]
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  9. Josephmahon1
    i'm still in this but havent started my part yet i've been busy rerendering some ff13 clips from mp4s to wmv so i could use them anyway the song i'm using is linkin park across the line and i should be starting work on my part tomorrow i hope
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Jul 10, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  10. Josephmahon1
  11. Josephmahon1
    can i join in on this mep be a while since i did one
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Jun 27, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Josephmahon1
    -xero- accepted
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Mar 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Josephmahon1
  14. Josephmahon1
    already siad you could join in so just start posting :)
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Mar 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Josephmahon1
  16. Josephmahon1
    joe scratched his head a bit here let me show you joe then pushed on the circular pad of his armour by his chest and the armour covered his body "this is keyblade armour it is used when you are traveling in the lains between to protect you from the darkness and sometimes in fights" joe then throw his keyblade into the air and his white runner came down to him he jumped onto it "this is a runner your keyblade can turn into them they are used along side your armour when traveling in the lains between to speed up the trip and as a weapon in case an enemy trys to attack you in the lains understand"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Josephmahon1
    so none of you have runners or armour hum that might make things tricky
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Josephmahon1
    Profile Post

    hey how are you

    hey how are you
    Profile Post by Josephmahon1 for Shinichi Izumi, Feb 19, 2011
  19. Josephmahon1
    "seems like you really dislike this Luxek guy by the way hwo did you all get here i never asked"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Josephmahon1
    "thats because it is sora's keyblade holds a light inside it that repels the heartless it would take someone with extream power over darkness to get them here"
    Post by: Josephmahon1, Feb 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home