My part for Hidden Dreams Studios Christmas Mep hope you all enjoy and look forward to the full meo which should be...
My part in the Hidden Dreams Studio Mep Using the song the dream is over Using My studio Character Natsu from...
The Complete vertion of the fairy tails couple what the hell mep with everyones parts got to say had allot of fun...
Part ten of my what the hell fairy tails couple mep someone else originally had this part but ran into some...
My part in my Fairy tails couple mep using the song what the hell by Avril Lavigne When the full Mep is out and...
thanks and for the record i did one of the best bdays ever
cool anyway gtg so see ya later
on the dueling network is it
okay i'll get this ball rolling to make more sense im watching advent children and working on some roleplays
well ya kind of easy to no that :P
hey thanks well i do put a good few hours of work into every one of them so i kind of should hope so XP anyway what you at now cause im watching...
I'm good alot happened over the year but cant complain to much really by the way i see you have a few amvs posted up here on the site thats cool i...
Jose? XD am for the record i prefer Joe and your the first person to ever call me Jose so how you been must of been like a year since i was last...
hey there terra254 remember me we use to talk a bit back when i was a bit more active here on the site
Welcome to the world Hanzor a dark and violent place a long full of war with four main populations there is the normal humans who use technology to fight and defend themselves while on the other three fronts you will meet humans with powers beyond normal humans control the three powers that separate these three groups and the normal humans are none as the Limit Break the Spirit Mode and the Final Burst in the limits of Hanzors powers the Limit Break Spirit Mode and Final Burst have always been looked at like a triangle of power the three corners of power the Limit Break the power corner the power that focuses itself in raising its users powers through level level 10 the highest of the levels being the most difficult for anyone to reach and something not many can do while the Spirit Mode the corner of Defence comes down more to focus the more focus the user has the more power they may tap into and then finally the Final Burst being the magic corner of power relies on its user being wise the more knowledge the user has the more power the Final Drive but even with these three god like powers there is still one that out ranks them all the Soul Drive a combination of all three corners of power and the centre of the power triangle while the normal human side fears any of there enemies unlocking this power many believe that one of there side unlocking it will lead to there side winning the war while others believe the Soul Drive does not even exist at all as only one man has even had its power and that man himself is believe to be a legend although all four sides are truly believe to hate each other there is still a smaller group made together of people from all four sides of each army who believe the only way for peace is for all sides to join together and now there ready to step out to show each side there message by any means needed even if them means mean unlocking the soul drive itselfs Rules no god modding no taking control of other peoples original characters language allowed but don’t go overboard no killing anybody else's character without permission post your favourite kh character at end your character so I know you read the rules You can have more than one character if you’re up for it Normal Form rules Set Up: Name: Age: Gender: Weapons: (If any) Side you were born to: (Normal Humans Limit Break Spirit Mode Final Burst) Side now: (Birth side or neutral) Appearance: (Picture if Possible) Bio: (Optional) Heres Mine Name: Joe Mahon Age: 16 Gender: Male Weapons: carrys it on his back Side you were born to: Limit Break Side now: Neutral Appearance: Bio: Joe grew in surrounded by the influence of war watching people he knew and cared about jump into battle and get themselves killed until the day Joes father died that was the day he had had enough the day even his father on his death bed had had enough a few hours before Joes father died the last words he told Joe were to find another path join forces with the resistance against all sides and with that he gave Joe his sword to mark the promise the two made soon after Joe left the Limit Breaks side he found himself face to face with Blaze the leader of the Neutral resistance and ever since that day of meeting Joe has sided himself with the Neutral resistance trying to stop the war
hey there master of keyblades been a long time since we last talked remember me by any chance
no worries and looking forward to see what kind of ideas you come up with im so use to seeing people im use to from kh13 coming up with idea that...
just letting you know my roleplay you signed up for kingdom hearts in the end has started :D
just letting you know my roleplay you signed up for kingdom hearts until the end has started and you were accepted
a that takes me back to a few weeks ago when i was in my school musical back to the 80's difference is i was forced to take part