Search Results

  1. Colby1234
  2. Colby1234
  3. Colby1234
  4. Colby1234


    i really have tryed to comit suiside!did you think of the pepole that loved you at that momment?!
    Post by: Colby1234, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  5. Colby1234
  6. Colby1234


    yah i know right there are tons of vids of real deaths that have happened which is very sad how they do not see all the pepole that care about them our even love....and never got the chance
    Post by: Colby1234, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  7. Colby1234
    tifa......are you okay?
    Profile Post by Colby1234 for Tifa L., Jan 7, 2011
  8. Colby1234
  9. Colby1234
  10. Colby1234
    Profile Post

    are you okay?

    are you okay?
    Profile Post by Colby1234 for Ventus PSP Aqua, Jan 7, 2011
  11. Colby1234
  12. Colby1234
    Profile Post

    thank you very much

    thank you very much
    Profile Post by Colby1234 for Ventus PSP Aqua, Jan 7, 2011
  13. Colby1234
  14. Colby1234
    Profile Post

    hello how are ya?

    hello how are ya?
    Profile Post by Colby1234 for Ventus PSP Aqua, Jan 7, 2011
  15. Colby1234
  16. Colby1234


    okay if you read this you think this is going to be stupid...well no.

    i have noticed that alot of my of pepole have killed them self and when you think of the reson it makes you like depressed like how gay pepole get made fun of (wich i think is stupid they are just normal pepole ) but getting to the point if you have ever heard of our know pepole that have killed them selfs please take a momment to remaber them even if you do not know them. please i ask you.
    Thread by: Colby1234, Jan 7, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Colby1234
  18. Colby1234
  19. Colby1234
    okay here is the plot every one:it is 2000.every thing is not out of the ordinary.Every one is doing there normal things as all ways...then there is a odd wind sweep that takes every one besides you."why is this happing?" you ask

    if you would like to participate

    include things like..age,appearance,weapon,gender,bio



    weapon:long sword


    bio: lives alone on the street trying to find a place to belong untill..the wind
    Thread by: Colby1234, Jan 7, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Colby1234
    Profile Post

    okay thank you :)

    okay thank you :)
    Profile Post by Colby1234 for Korra, Jan 7, 2011