hey adam i am on deviantart i am colby1235
if you guys have not noticed i have leaft and sadly not coming back *sigh* so if you do not like me then will you do not have to care about me...
well i can tell haha and i am going to leave the site to *sigh*
okay i do not care
blade shurge!!! *hites you like a mad man*
blokes and cures and fires blizzared at you
are you going to fight?
fine you do that
yo pepole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was kidding child! lol but lets fight *keeps cutting face*
i van so tell em our we will have a rp battle to
those were the terms :) do not like it...becuase you better ether you hand your girl to me our win (but i would not data her anyway) but still it...
hey i could know if a want to so please tell me
so does that sound fair if you lose carly!!?? *slises half of face*
do you even know jaden in real life? becuase if not that would be weird
it will be over........carly sound fair.....well it is *dents armor with sword*
hey i said not card game! *runs up to black luster solider and swing sword rapedly at him!* hey what are we fighting over?
are you backing out jaden?
*a long sword gets in hand.i look like dark lol*
do you acept my chaleng jaden so called under dog?