Hmmm... This story doesn't surprise me one bit some 4th graders get sent off to work at the red-light district at that so their parent or whoever can pay for their latest fix. It's a sad reality and drugs is tearing nation after nation after nation and now to become generation after generation after generation. 'What a mess', as Roxas would say.
Yeah that's a brill idea what'dya say DW?? EDIT: Actually just a thought here, this thread should be renamed: 'User ranks - You loose them!' Tch.
I have several bone tumors. Never broken a bone though.
How very vague of you... And you used less than 4 words right? Which means: :spam2: Hehe just kidding but will someone please go into the descriptives. Why???
Yay!! I've been waiting all month for this cheers DeathSpank! This week's top video was really funny except the 'Pika-pi' bit was a little annoying ^^ Hehe good work, I'm making my 1st AVM but there's no way it'll be fit to lick the boots of these ones. Ah, well it's just a bit of fun I guess!
You don't believe in God.... Even if you're sent to Hell.... Were's the sense in that? No God. No Hell. In that case you have nothing to worry about. So why the rant, eh? You go on as if somewhere you do believe there is a God but hey he hates me and I hate him, something is making you bitter.... No God doesn't hate you. And no the world is not against you. Yes it is your choice alone to believe what you want but if God doesn't exist why the anger? Over something, which isn't even there. Yeah 'many' is more like it not 'EVERY'. I only said the laws were based on the 10Cs, not they are the 10Cs. I'm sorry if I'm going below the belt or whatever but you do have a funny way of showing your respect for religion what with yout siggies and all if you do truly respect us why not leave it be? After all, there is no God in your mind so why even bother? No, I wasn't been judgemental it seems to be everyone else who has this terrible problem with anything and everything that the Christians say and in all truth, God forgive me, but I am getting very fed up with it: hence the mile-long rant. Not exactly WWJD but I never came along and said I was perfect. Do people think we are snobs or something??? Acts of violence like what? Yes in the olden days Christian may have been riding around with swords and scattering gunpowder here are there but lets step forwards to the 21st century. The Christians are no more violent than the secular section so I won't have that. As I keep repeating in parrot-fashion, the 10Cs will never make their way into your schools. Certainly not the state schools. Evangelical Christianity spreading? Maybe, one section of the Christians is spreading but what about the rest? There are more Atheists than ever, the world is more 'ungodly' as we BBs say than ever. Just because you were baptised as a baby at 3 months or went to Sunday school from the age of 10-14 doesn't make your a Christain. The stats are a far cry from reality Oh wow, now the Christians are going for World Domination. 'EVERY' religion seeks to spread, Christian or not. Just because one is spreading quicker than the other doesn't mean that one happens to the be one with the leaders riding in army tanks and planning how be rid of sinners from the face of the Earth. In my country A FEW people want Shirah law enforcing. Do I march around blowing the trumpet and bad mouthing all Muslims and taking the mick with witless youtube parodies?? No. I simply step aside and don't add fuel to the fire. Because I know and you know it will never happen. The end.
No, not 'EVERY' civilization did one bit in some you did what you need to survive and that was that, whether you stole, killed or sacrificed to get it. And before I get my head bitten off, no I am not implying that nations without the 10Cs were primative/barbaric or anything not even the nations with them followed them properly and they all had their fair share of atrious acts. America?? Huh? I wasn't even talking about America (or is it the US?) I was talking about the UK where I live, which is a nation traditionally based on Christianity. And, so the laws where based on the 10Cs. Wow, some Americans sure do seem to hate Christians, or all religion come to think of it. They'd sooner burn down the schools than have the 10Cs on them so your worries are over. Hmmmm, yeah America is not traditionally Christian. A nation all about the people right? All the more reason why they ain't gonna stick the 10Cs outside no school building. So no probs. It wouldn't even happen in my country let alone yours. And for the last time every one, the 10Cs are not exclusively the Christians so stop blaming it on them. Oh, but wait, of course its the Christians' faults. Those bloodythirsty-judgemental-corrupt-loons. Tell 'em where to shove them evil evil evil evil commandments? Right? The only thing 'comedic' about this is you. I assume you are atheist, no? Well then why should the 10 commandments even concern you? Bug the [offensive slander] out of you? But wait a minute, God doesn't even exist, right? What harm can the 10Cs stuck outside a building do if God doesn't even exist? None. If we all fall into an etenity dark emptyness when we die anyway, no praises for good things and no punishment for the bad. Zilch. So why is everyone getting so wound up over nothing anyway? It will never happen. Christians are more likely to be snipered off one by one than that. Now that wouldn't surprise me at all. PS Oh no it's you of all the people DW I never even realised don't ban me I know I keep on stepping on your toes :-( Death sentence?? Woah, I can't believe that. And they go on about the Bible having an 'eye for a eye' well lemme tell ya is that not what your legal system has too and yet they say 'don't murder' (of course killing is illegal in the US), yes? So now someone step forward and admit how the justice system is hypocritical as well. OK, look let me introduce a key figure in Christianity: who else but Jesus Christ. Christians (are meant to) follow his teachings above all: Duh. And sorry to be a biblebasher (any other names you want to call me guys? It's so fun to poke the stick at Christians. Come on, roll up, roll up!) but Jesus said that an eye for a eye was 'BS' as you might put it. So please don't make us out to be monsters all of the time. Unless you happen to work in a church or in Vatican City Repliku the 10 commandments will not be put up let alone followed.
Ha, you've posted that like a million times now, no wonder you're banned. Bah, like a robot! See OkamiNoGobi, that's an example of what not to do. What does your name mean by the way?
Yayyy! That'll be fun! Yeah she probably hasn't gone for good I don't think it'd end like that.
As has already been said, Namine is not a part of Organization XIII so doesn't have that kinda name with 'X'. Remember that Xemnas is the one who renames them all, and he never renamed Namine. The name Kairi in japanese has something to do with the ocean (as Sora does with the sky and Riku with the land. Also Aqua, Ven and Terra need no explanation). And Namine's name is also to do with the ocean, 'Nami' means (little) ocean wave in Japanese, as in 'TsuNAMI'. I guess they just added the 'ne' bit to make it into something which sounds more like a name.
A thousand posts? 1000? I'll be retired with 50 grandkids before I reach that many! Seriously I've gotta study starting next week or else no future for me. This is gonna be my senior year and I need 1000 posts? No way, I apologise but I feel this is really unfair to the forum members just because they don't have 100s of posts doesn't mean they should have privilages taken from them. Yes, I think premium members should have more privilages but it doesn't mean than non-premium should be robbed of them. Nooooooo!!!! Why??? Why oh why oh why??! Y O Y O Y O Y O Y???! But seriously, why? What's the point? Do people actually want this to happen? Aw, it'll be sooo boring those little custom thingies always make me laugh and they make the place more friendly. Now it'll be like 'I am a nobody,' or even 'Sora's sidekick'. Is this necessary? Please don't do it :crybaby: PS and if you do does that mean we can have a extra line on our siggies or something? PPS Don't be angry and ban me I've been warned not to mess with you but I'm just a little upset at what might happen to my new online home :cryinganime: EDIT: Spelling mistakes, sorry ^^ Lemme fix it it's 'should' not 'show'
Erm, I thought it was grey ^^
Yeah it was it was wrong .... 'R**e meeehhhhhh!!! R**e meeeehhhhh again!!!' LOL so funny at the end though! Us fangirls are sooo evil ^^
Mmmmm!!! Yeah SEXNESS even better ^^
Erm, eeny-meany-miney-mo??
Aw wait a min' DW does that mean I won't be able to have my little Roxas quote above my piccie?? Help, I'm confused!! Please don't do that :speechless-smiley-0!! Anything but that!!
Anime rocks, KH is the best and FF is alright, I agree!! Welcome to the forum! Remember to post loadsa non-SPAMmy stuff and have fun!
The poll's open for 45 days ^^ :bangbang: COME ON SOME OF YOU ARE VIEWING WITHOUT VOTING I CAN'T BELIEVE YA!!! It takes 2 seconds to vote... Pleeeeeeaaaaassseeeeee :crybaby: ???
Somehow, I doubt strongly that they will ever do this anyway. Maybe in Christian schools but certainly not state schools. The day I actually see some people take the 10Cs without offense I'll cry 'Hallelujah!!'. There is no way they would ever allow this. And please, let's not shovel the blame on Christain's here as we always do. Christainity is not the only faith which uses the 10Cs. As for 10Cs outside court bulidings, well that's just traditional I guess. Many court buildings are centuries old. Just like the whole oath thing. But I predict that within a few years these shall be gone. After all, people are getting so offended by them. I think the 10Cs where put there tradtionally since a lot of the laws were based upon the 10 commandments in the first place. So what is the harm in having them there? Are traditional Christain-based things gonna be plucked out just because they offend people? :sideways:
Don't you say that it's not even funny! Is this a joke to you??!!