I'm Cloud BTW, Roxas' new big bro ^^ *Interupts* 'Yo, Roxas get going we gotta go visit Grandm-- Oh wait, who are these guys?'
Yeah birds of a feather stick together :cheers:. Those 2 have awesome hair!
As has been stated by everyone else I can't what's so lol with it. Poor thing he did right to smash it up.
Oh boy I can't even afford any Vegas software... WMM it is ^^
Ooo can I be Cloud please? Erm... I know what you're thinking but I kinda think Cloud looks like Roxas' brother and let's pretend DiZ but a fake one of him in the town for whatever reason... If not I'll be Seifer... ^_^
Garnier wins! It actually works (no, not like that on your hair I mean) Herbal Essences is not an aphrodisiac or whatever!!! Ew, that's just sick :xp: LOL that's fricken hilarious!!!
Not even the galaxy will last forever let alone the Sun. Yes, one day humans will cease to exist. The question is how long and what happens after that? People go on about this invention and that being able to save us but in reality science can only go so far.
Awwwww as I've already explained I've never really approved of OLD but that was sweet, brought a tear to my eye. But what suprised me is that you to decided to have a relationship despite being staff members here. I'm not saying that is irresponsible of you or setting an bad example I, er, just didn't think it'd be allowed that's all.
OK cool. It just seems with CK with those countless going-ons that the Catholic Church will stop at nothing to destroy him/her. And in addition to this s/he will stop at nothing to continue to bad-mouth them. Yeah, agreed. This whole thing is better off left alone.
Hmmmm... Yes if the media said that. But the media is a broad area let's face it the accuracy of content in the world affairs news on Sky News/CNN is a lot different to what you would find in the gossip column of Teen Vogue or whatever. I don't think the media explicitly lies about most things. Instead they twist things, or are selective or picky about certain things. In other words things may get ignored on purpose or over exageratted on purpose. The main reasons are for sales, polictal correctness and control. Yes the WW thing may have happened but that was over half a century ago things have changed dramatically in our world they probably wouldn't be able to pull that big a stunt nowadays what with so much connectivity and communications globally such as the Internet and 24 hour news reporters etc. But I wouldn't trust that the media doesn't have something up it's sleeve for the future. The media is a bit like history. The only thing that gets into the media is what people want to hear, or in favor of those with power or influence. It was a bit like this with what was written in some primary source history books, only what suited those with power. Does the media change how I look at the rest of the world. Undoubtely and unavoidably the answer is yes to a certain extent. But that doesn't mean it actually shapes my view of the world in the first place. EDIT: Ooo BTW this is a interesting thread ^^
Jello! Aw it's OK if you don't have a PS2 I don't have CoM. You can always watch some cutscences or non-spoiler AMV on the main site. Have a great time with us, and keep as active as poss. Oh it looks as if you've already seen the cutscences then ^^
Hmmmm, I'd like to know which program the 1st one was made with. I'm using WMM but it keeps crashing it's doing my nut in!!
Wow I feel like I'm fighting a war here it's like 10 against 1. Hmmm yeah maybe it is off topic but at the end of the day it's still belongs in the debate corner so why not discuss it? Sometimes one thing leads to another it's not extremely OT to the point of SPAM. God is taking over the media? Or is the media trying to take over people's view of God? The only times God appears in the media are: a) on the God Channel b) He gets mentionned and there just happens to to be a guy in a mask with a bomb strapped wround his waist c) To take the P - probably the most common and the saddest type d) When some loony protesters are plotting the execution of gay politicians e) When Christians are yet again conspiring to take over the world and threaten the World Order f) Da Vinci Code, Jesus Christ Superstar, The God Delusion, Bruce Almighty, etc So in other words in 98% of media coverage God is only put in for atheists to shake their heads in pity or digust for those deluded Christians who reckon that a bloke who lived 100s of years ago died... For what again? Ha, the media almost has a fear of God. And the reason? Polictical correctness is something to do with it. Publish an article about the works of Jesus (which isn't slandering him) and you've been brainwashed for sure. God just doesn't sell newspapers nor does he create hits on a site. Publish an article about how Jesus was a pimp and had 666 concubines and you've got yourself millions of copies sold and a shiny new promotion. Stupid about it? What do you mean? You mean extremist or just plain stupid about what they have the right to believe in? Yes of course Christians realise they are human so you think I look in the mirror and see a halo on top my head? No. Do you think they are really that arrogant? This is what I mean about people tarring all Christians with the same brush. In fact being human is part of what Christianity is all about. Humans: being human is utlimately about making choices between right and wrong, this is what separates us from other life forms. And with choice, comes responsibility. The right to the make mistakes and learn. And in order for this to happen Christians need Jesus. Why do you think he came in the first place? To be a judge or a warrior (as the media might have you swallow)? No. He came to take away our sins because we are human and none of us are perfect. Why would he bother otherwise. Played against each other? Well it appears as if you have subconsciously been played against others yourself. Again, it is not solely the Christians that do this as much as we might like to believe. This happens in every walk of life whether it be brother vs sister, one school vs another, Catholism vs Protestants or the Western world vs the East and soon to be added Planet Earth vs ET (sad joke thrown in the mix). The main divided on this planet at this moment in time is the West vs the East. Unlike Christian vs atheist it is more likely to cause devasting destruction to mankind. And, they will say this WvsE is Christainity vs Islam, which is not true it is to do with power, money and weapons. What use is God to the government without any weapons or money? No, let's use religion as a cover-up, a fabolous way to divide and conquer since people get so fantical about it. Christians aim to bring more people to Christ and be a witness onto other and sometimes this is peceived as playing X against Y. Yes, you have a nature-based beliefs that's fine. You believe we came from nature, which is true. Christians believe that nature came from God. So maybe before you start looking at all those differences you should start looking at similarities between us. Christians too should recognise the importance of nature via numious experiences and being able to see God's works and love through what he created. Christians aim to preserve the beautiful things that God has made for us to enjoy. Nature is what he intended for us, not skyscrapers and council estates. So why blame it on the Christians as per usual? Well it is so much easier to blame it all on them, no? You should start blaming the people who are really ripping up the environment i.e. the government what with the growth of economy (that's all they care about, now someone come along and tell me this is all the Christians care about) and the carbon emmisions, rooting up rainforest, driving gas guzzlers and polluting rivers and landfill sites. Please, of all the things do not blame this on the Christians. If you choose to believe that Christainity is a 'myth' that is your descion (sp?). Now we could take this matter to court and weigh up the evidence: did Jesus even exist or not? Some say there is more proof he lived than Julius Caesar. Others, such as yourself say there is undeniable proof that the guy never even walked the face of the earth never let alone on water. Will we ever really know? No. Not one of us alive knows. Why not? Because if we did wouldn't everyone get up and start converting to Christianity (which would prove nothing to God), or oppositely all Christians ceasing to exist. Christians believe it takes faith to get Heaven as the man himself said 'blessed are those who do not see and yet believe'. What do I say? I believe in Jesus more than the Earth around me, because what I feel inside, whether it be in my head or not, is more real to me than anything around me. So I don't need any science book or bloke with a Ph.D. to come and tell me what is or isn't right. And the same for you I'm guessing ^^ It's all about what you believe inside, not about what's happening on the outside. In other words what's inside of you as a person. And that's where all faiths should link but instead we go around critizing, mocking, denouncing and making implications on what others believe. Me too I'm dyslexic ^_^ You're post is fine. I'm a Christain who can't even spell Christain. It's either Christain or Christian I dunno.
You say just because you are 12 years ols you may be wrong about God not existing... Well by saying that you saying you could be wrong about anything. The point is, at the moment your mind is made up that he doesn't exist. You might believe in God one day or you might not but let's please talk about the present not maybe this or maybe that. OK what I am about to say here is my opinion: No open your eyes and see that it's Catholic Church gets angry at you for small things, not God. Man, they wanna take over the world or whatever of course they're gonna be strict how else can they get around people? I've been to Catholic school all my life just like you I'm 17 and still in it. So why am i not angry at God? I never fell for what they told me. Because it is the Catholic Chruch speak all of this not God write that Cathecism book, build million dollar chapels and enforce all those suffocating dogma, all of it being way more in excess of the 10 Commandments ever were. So long as whatever is was, was accidental and you didn't go out of your way to hurt anyone, why would he get angry? I can't believe some people are so naive as to think they are condemned to Hell because they didn't recite the 'Hail Mary' 77 times or didn't make the sign of the Cross before breakfast. Yes, God does get angry at somethings, but all of us religious or not have a little something called a conscience inside us telling us whether we are doing right or wrong anyway. God is just. Not a nit-picker. Ah, yes. A little off topic I agree but I should have seen this coming: the imperfect God argument. If God is here, why doesn't God come and pick up the pieces? Blame everything on God, etc etc. Every religion/spiritually has a different take on this. Well, are we going to do the norm and point the finger at God or are we as a human race going to rest the blame on the people who start the stuff in the first place? It's so much easier to shove it all on God isn't it. Did God tell Hitler to kill the Jews or Bush to start a war on Iraq?? No. Though, some may say yes. Did God give approval for slavery or was it the Pope? People do terrible things in the name of God and then the atheists come along and tar all of the Christains with the same brush. Oh but because God didn't zap all those warlords with lightning bolts or make sure they were never born in the 1st place it's his fault anyways I'm guessing. Well, as a Christain I can say that something much much worse is going to happen to them. Humans have free will. The right to choose to follow him or not. And if you choose not to well fine it's your right. He didn't make us into God-fearing puppets or obsessive monks. But free will extends to daily life. So he wont bail anyone out because of any choices that have been made freely. otherwise it wouldn't be free will would it. If God appeared to everyone of us we are all guaranteed to believe in him; it may prove God but that proves nothing about a person and their faith. You forget that in a Christian's POV we believe in a little something called an afterlife and no matter what befalls us here on Earth we will ultimately be with God in Heaven and there is no power on Earth that could ever separate us from God. That's why some people are persecuted to death for God. And it's not just Christians either it happens in every religion. It's fine for us to sit on our @$$ at home typing into the computer about how oppressed we are as theists or atheists and about the cheek of those Christians and the arrogance of the atheists and how we are all threating each others freedom but we are probably some of the on people in the world who can afford to do that.
Erm, when you say 'age-appropriate' do you mean like rude? Aw, great it's all those crude and foul-mouthed peoples' faults. Thanks a bunch! I do kinda agree that it should be a rule that they are all KH themed though. I mean after all, this is a KH forum and we all luuurrrrrvvvveee KH. At the end of the day it's what we all signed up for. Apologies for the childish wobblies earlier by the way but sometimes I think it's more of a teenage stroppy thing as opposed to a juvinile tantrum ^^ EDIT: I thought I'd edit as opposed to posting a new post. Just wanna say thanks for the mood thingies at leest we can customize a little now ^^ Can't quite get in touch with what mood I'm in though. Confused in that case!
Raise your hand and get violent if you're as PO as me!!!! GGGRRRRRR GRRGRG R G GRG RG R GRGRGRG GRRRG!!!!! *HISSY FIT* *PUNCHES WALL* *SCREAMS INTO PILE OF TISSUES* AAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! *PUMMELS INTO QWERTY KEYBOARD*0-iq[o'[s'aas,lw092393j3484dkmmdamam!!! *THROWS SELF ONTO FLOOR* *BURSTS INTO TEARS* *BANGS HEAD ON BEDPOST REPEATIVELY* RRRAAAWWWRRRRRRRRR!!!!! OK so basically whenever you're feeling a bit agitated come here and let it all out so you can get back to normality. Life isn't that bad. Ah, that feels so much better.
I'm sick of almost being banned alla time for speaking my mind here. Anyone would think these guys work for some secrect government agency (well, I hope they don't). Anyways. I wont push it. I love you guys, really, just love me too!
:sweatdrop: 'Suspend', that's permanant right? Good grief please don't OK you win. I shall never mention it again.
LOL awesome!! You own this place.
I'm sick to my stomach, sick on my deathbed, sick as a dog, of people constantly flamming Christians!!!! WELL TAKE THIS!!!! :guns: Happy now??!!! See how violent and utterly evil we all are!! Here have s' more!!!! :guns3: CONDEMN YEEEEEE!!! BE GONE!!! :guiltygearXpc37: TO HELL WITH THEEEEE!!! Ahem. ... Well that's what you make us out as being like ^^