'Oh dear, does this mean I'm dumped???' Cloud mumbled pathetically. 'Dammit I knew I should have let Sephiroth finish her off!' He barked, struck down by a sudden rush of anger. 'You got something to say bro'? Your last wishes perhaps? Because I'm about to stomp on your big toe.''
'Ow! I gotta a boo-boo! Just watch grannie's gonna bust ya a$$ with her buster sword after she's had her kidney transplant!' (Cloud had stupidly offered both kidneys to grannie). ''Ow! Where's Tifa????? TIFFFFAAAAAAA!!!'
'Yeah I like her... It's just there's sooooo many girls 'round this town, ya know?' He said to Mayya in Rai-like fashion. Wow he sure is picking up the Twilight Town dialect. 'I'll go talk to her,' he gulped and time went back to norm. 'Or this!' Cloud cries and kicks Roxas in the shin. He's got mighty big boots ya know ^^ 'Well grannie says so, too. Respect your elders.'
'Shut it li'l bro! Or else!' occ what a meathead ^^ beat him up Roxas! 'Suits ya blondie. Oh wait I'm a blondie too.'
'She's lost the plot. Reckons that one day you'll land up with the name Sora. Who the hell is that? It's gotta be a girl. She always wanted a granddaughter,' Cloug sighed. 'Oh Tifa, you wanna cookie? Tough I ain't got none!' Cloud laughed. 'Just kidding!' he called after her. 'Oh she's gone dammit. Ah, I always get so nervous around her!'
'Yeah but where's Aerith? Nah, I'm just kidding Tifa how are you?'
'Er, hiya. Seen Aerith today Tifa?' occ sorry he's been a jerk but DiZ reprogrammed him like this since DiZ is a jerk himself!! Grrrrr....! I hate him.
Yeah everything there is made by Microsoft! That's really bizarre!
'Yo, bro grannie knit you another jumper,' Cloud said throwing a mammoth sized jumper at Roxas with a giant 'S' on it. 'She still insists that you're called 'Sora' for some reason. Well, you'd better make sure you wear it,' he said proudly sporting his own gigantic pink wooly jumper. One arm cut off of course.
Hey everyone do any of you watch fonejacker?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN9625lUjaQ When's it back on?? I wanna watch it! OK I take that as a 'No' then O_o
Yay! You are human after all ^^ If you want a bigger challenge of KH2 FM there's loadsa new bosses as well as a an extra level of difficultly, that is assuming that you don't already have FM and you probably already knew all of that anyway. OK. I'll be quiet now...
Wow cool I wish I could speak Japanese too ^^ I've always loved anime and books about Japan so I promised myself that one day I would at least visit. LOL Japan has to be the coolest country in the world , right?
Hey don't worry about the drawings it's OK we all get the basic shape they're kinda cute anyway. Yeah for some reason I'm always one person who studies the keyblades during cutscences but ask me to draw one? No way! Aw poor Ven we never get to see anything from in FM, the game bit anyway.
Haha DW see what I mean you got mad and told me to quit whining and threated me with suspension because I said I wouldn't be able to post much in my senior year and that that was no excuse, and here you are saying it will be hard for you post during your junior year. Oh, that sounded a little mean it didn't mean to just saying really :poketoungeb: Things went pretty pearshaped for me during my junior year and now I'm paying the price.
'Well, I'm outta here. It reeks of high heaven here,' Cloud grumbled turning to the exit. After taking a few paces he stopped and said, 'Oh, and I'll make sure to tell granny how you forgot. Just like you did when granddad was in hospital too.' And with that he stormed out. seriously I gotta go sorry that was a little weird if you asked me ^^
Aw I wish I could draw chibis! So cute =D
'You never even had it in the first place,' Cloud said cooly. 'Ah, there's nothing quite like bullying your younger sibling,' Cloud said out aloud, but Roxas knew that his demonic older brother was just jealous.
'Forget it. Yeah, it's just like you to forget. I'll go this time. You don't look so good,' Cloud spat. 'Have you come down with something? Maybe the lovebug?' He added maliciously, followed by a burst of laughter.
I was an FF fan so when I found out that Square was making a new game with disney i just hadta have it. I got the the Christmas the year the 1st one came out and I KH2 last Christmas. LOL they're the best ^^ But I hate the gap of time in which it always takes them to make a new one. Bah, so annoying!!
Hey stay out of it then! 'Erm, we gotta go visit Grandma. She's sick in hospital.' *eyes everyone up suspiciously*... Phew, Sephiroth is nowhere in sight. 'I kinda like this place.'