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  1. Gaming Reploid
    I don't think that it's his natural eye color. If you watch the secret ending (idk if this is considered a "spoiler")
    when Xehanort is walking down the hall and is talking to Braig, you can see that Xehanort's eyes are actually brown.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Gaming Reploid
    I (a little ashamed to admit it) used the strike raid trick.
    Here's what you need to do. You need Once More/Second Chance. I had my attack haste MAXED OUT. Just use Quick Blitz + Sliding Dash + Fleeting Crystal to make strike raids with attack haste. I used four strike raids and had the other 4 slots filed with potions (so I could carry 20 with me into battle...though I usually only used 1 or 2 until I got VLS in my trap) If he uses that attack where he cloaks himself in a black orb and sends about seven shadow clones after you, do NOT run behind a rock. Those clones can still track you. Like Protector212 said, spam dodge roll...A LOT. The trick is when you notice VLS running towards you. Now run behind a rock. He will still try to run behind the rock to find you until you actually hit him, then his lock on you will be broken. The thing to be careful about here is that you STAY LOCKED ON! If you knock him away with the strike raid and your lock is broken, lock back on asap. If you try to use strike raid and you are not locked on to anything, then your keyblade will not go through the rock. Instead it will just stun you for a split second, and that's all the time VLS needs to go around the rock to find you. I would upload a video for you, but for many problems that I won't go into detail, I currently can not. Hope this helps. ^_^
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Gaming Reploid


    Sora definately has a dad.
    In BbS, when Terra talks with Riku, Riku tells him that they live on the main island. That they only come here on his friends's dad's boat. When he says that, you see Sora waiting by the boat. So they imply that the friend he is speaking of is Sora.
    Well, unless his dad dies before the events of KH1. You know what would be interesting?
    In BbS, we know that Xehanort used to live on Destiny Islands. Until he was a young man even. Perhaps he had a family? A wife and child? Granted, He was already an old man when Riku and Sora were born, but he could very well be their grandfather or great grandfather. Riku does have similar hair...

    Anyway, back to the families missing them. Sora's family doesn't remember him due to the events of Castle Oblivion. (hopefully there weren't any pictures of him in the house. That would REALLY confuse them!) Riku's parents must've known about his hate for the island and the need to explore the world. Perhaps they talked to Kairi who told them about the raft and they must've assumed that Riku made one and left to explore. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they were worried and tried to find him, but there was nothing they could do.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Gaming Reploid
    I can believe it was Mickey easily. True, it doesn't sound like him, but you have to remember that this is his HEART talking. Remember in BbS
    when Sora was born in the intro, his heart spoke to Ventus. Even though Sora could only say things like "Googoo gaga" his heart could still communicate and even said, "I am a brand new heart." and other things as well.
    I think that when the heart communicates, you don't hear it. You feel it. You understand the gist of what it is trying to communicate.

    For any DBZ fans out there, here's an example: Later in the show, most characters can sense someone's power level. Not an exact number. Not like "He has a power level of over 9,000!!!!" Just a rough estimate. They can FEEL their power.

    Back to KH. Here's a theory: I think that when Mickey was talking to Sora in the beginning, he was really trying to reach Riku. He could probably sense his light and his ability to wield the keyblade. Even in that video that's posted on page one, Mickey says, "I've been talking to you all along. But my words were hindered by the darkness covering your heart." So he tried to reach Riku, but he was too concerned with opening the door to leave Destiny Islands (his only bit of selfishness and "darkness" at the time) but then Mickey must've noticed Sora's light and HIS ability to wield the keyblade thanks to
    Ven (since he fused with Sora's heart)
    and that's why he talked to Sora.

    As far as why Sora didn't say anything at the end of the game like a "Hey! I remember you weird voice guy!" wellll...let's just remember that Sora isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch. Besides, he was too concerned with Riku and Kairi and all that other good stuff.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Gaming Reploid
    I see what you are all saying about WHY he wants Ven, but here's my theory on HOW he knows where to find him. Aqua knows that Terra is still alive within Xemnas, otherwise she would have never jumped into the darkness at the end of BBS to save him. Now Xemnas has Aqua's armor which he talks to (and it seems as though it talks back. In the scene from KH2 Final Mix where Zexion is talking with someone (Axel?) and the other member says, "...and I could hear him talking with someone...I couldn't hear what THEY were actually saying.") Well, Terra's armor had some of his memories (or will power or whatever you wanna call it) either way, some of Terra was attached to his armor. Perhaps Aqua has a piece of HERSELF attached to her armor. Maybe Xemnas is pretending to be Terra to gain information from Aqua. Remember he refers to Aqua as "my friend" in the video from KH2 Final Mix.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Gaming Reploid
    I seriously think it's Xion that Roxas sees. First of all, remember that Xion kept changing her appearance towards the end of Days. Sometimes she would look like a black-haired Kairi, other times, she'd look like Sora (in an Organization coat). So even though that figure looks like it has Roxas' "physique", it could have easily been Sora's physique. (And lets not forget that Xion's final form was a giant 'Nobody'. Granted it looked more like Sora that a Twilight Thorn, but you catch my drift.)

    And as far as the pictures in Namine's room are concerned, I think that the one with Roxas, Axel, and (I don't remember if it's one or two) hooded Organization members, is definately a reference to Xion and Days. I'm sure they had some idea of creating a game based on Roxas' days within the Organization and that they would introduce new character(s). Maybe it was just a thought back then (while making KH2) and they didn't really design Xion yet, so they had no idea what she would look like.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Gaming Reploid
    Same here. The only reason I never made any was due to the fact that I already made so many on KH1 that I just didn't want to bother anymore.

    But my favorite creation was my Shield Liger (from the TV show ZOIDS) that basically didn't do anything except have high DEF and a shield, then I would use the transforming gummi to turn it into my blade liger with a $#*! load of cannons. Ah, the good old days.

    Oh yeah, and that too. WAY too hard for me. The simpler the better.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Gaming Reploid
    Well Riku could not be tricked. Since he's blindfolded, he wouldn't see any visual changes to them. Plus he can smell the darkness (that's how he found Zexion through the Sora illusion). Even if Goofy/Donald/Sora looked like Heartless, Riku would be able to sniff out their true identities.
    I'd hate to make Riku sound like a dog, but it's true.

    If we ignore Riku and have a three way match of Sora vs. Goofy vs. Donald, then Sora definately wins and he goes on without Donald and Goofy and still eliminates Xemnes anyway. (after all, Goofy and Donald weren't there for the final battle anyway :P)
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Gaming Reploid
    Re:CoM was better for me for the following reasons:

    1. You can choose difficulty settings (I only beat the game on the easiest mode and never attempted the others)
    2. Voice actors and better graphics
    3. Theater mode
    4. New cards (like the Org XIII ones ^_^)

    Though I actually found the original harder, the one good thing about it was the multiplayer mode. It was the first multiplayer in KH history. I never actually got to try it since no one I knew bought the game, but it was nice knowing I have that option, where as Re:CoM had no multiplayer whatsoever.

    In conclusion, PS2 version ROCKS!
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Gaming Reploid
    Wow, you know, I never thought about him having all of the organizations members powers before. But (with Zexion's power of illusion) that makes perfect sense! It's like when Zexion disguised himself as Sora in CoM. Brilliant mchammer. Just brilliant.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Gaming Reploid
    The only REAL proof that I found (other than BBS since I didn't play that yet) was in Days for the DS. When you unlock Mickey in Mission Mode, his weapon is called "Kingdom Key D". (I can assume that the D stands for Dark or Darkness.) I haven't played in a while, but I'm pretty sure that the description for that weapon read "The dark side of Kingdom Key." Or "The keyblade of darkness." (or something like that.) However it's worded, it does mention darkness.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Gaming Reploid
    I think the only difference was that in the original GBA version, After Axel told Repliku what to do to be a "real person", you only saw Repliku approach Zexion, then it faded to black, then I think that Zexion sreams. So they really don't show any kind of absorbtion, only imply it. In Re:CoM, I think they added Repliku picking Zexion up with one hand, then his hand glowed with the power of darkness, then it faded to black.

    EDIT: I went back to watch the video. In Re:CoM, after Repliku holds up Zexion, his whole body begins to glow with darkness, then Zexion's body is emitting darkness as well. However, it doesn't look the same as Repliku. While Repliku's darkness looks stronger, Zexion looks more like he's fading away.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Gaming Reploid
    This is just a guess here, but he would probably have to do something to their eyes and make them see each other that way. How did he do it? Well, he has the power of "Nothingness". That doesn't make much sense either. How can he teleport from one location to another? None of it really makes sense. We just have to understand that this is one of those parts of the game where we just have to accept the "he just CAN" excuse.

    What I'm wondering is how the heck did Axel "undo" the spell? Really odd.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Gaming Reploid
    This theory sounds correct to me, EXCEPT one point. If Namine truly is Sora's second nobody, then why does she merge with Kairi at the end of KH2?
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Gaming Reploid
    Well, technically, no. A heartless can go on without being reunited with it's nobody. (Look at Xehanort, for example.) Even after Sora was turned into a heartless, he still was able to close the door to darkness, go through Castle Oblivion and take out some Organization members, etc. The only reason he needed to reunite with Roxas was because he needed his MEMORIES to awaken. Roxas had unintentionally absorbed some of the memories and claimed them as his own. If Namine never touched Sora's memories, then he and Roxas could have both existed as seperate, incomplete entities. Even Riku once said "things could have been different if he only met Sora." (or something like that.)
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Gaming Reploid
    I always assumed that the crown was the symbol for "Light." Sora wears it since he is a being from the realm of light, and he fights the darkness. And since the keychain on Oblivion is a black crown, I always thought of it as "the darkness within light"...if that makes any sense.

    As far as the three symbols go, I thought the point of it was to introduce the third party in the game. I mean, in the first game, it was light vs. dark. Now there is an "in-between". The realm of "Nothingness."
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Gaming Reploid
    If I remember right (sorry, it's been a while since I played the first game) I think that they explained it like this:

    There are barriers that keep each world seperate. During the game, those barriers were down (I forget why) and you can use gummi ships to travel to each world. After defeating the final boss and closing the door to darkness, the barriers went up and all of the worlds went back to normal. Even the original denizens of those worlds go back. For example, Cloud has been in Olympus Coliseum the entire time, not Hollow Bastion. But during the ending credits, you see a scene where Cloud returns to Hollow Bastion. I think at some point in the game, even Squall (Leon) tells Sora that they won't ever see each other again, "but they'll never forget each other." That's why Kairi ended up back in Destiny Islands. So what happened with Kairi (and Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie) is what most likely happened to Mushu, Simba, etc. The only part I don't get is why Sora, Donald, and Goofy didn't return to their home worlds. Oh, and Pluto, too (sometimes I forget that he's in the game).
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Jul 28, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. Gaming Reploid
    Actually, I wonder about that. Xion goes to Twilight Town to merge with Sora, Then Axel comes to take her back to the Organization. He succeeds and all we see is him collapsing at The Castle That Never Was, then Xemnas picking Xion up and walking away. We don't see Xion again until she attacks Roxas. You're saying that Xemnas reprogrammed her, but if he did, then her words to Roxas would NOT have anything to do with Sora. It seemed to me that Xion was acting on her own free will, because (sorry, I don't remember the exact words) she said something along the lines of "I need to defeat you and then I'll go back to Sora. That's what I was created for." If Xemnas REALLY reprogrammed her, then she wouldn't want to go back to Sora.

    EDIT: I went back and watched the video. I think you're right. She doesn't mention Sora at all before her battle with Roxas. Only after she was defeated and regained her senses. So now that I think about it...Xemnas must've reprogrammed her.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. Gaming Reploid
    I don't remember when this line was said, but I would think it refers to all the worlds Sora went to in the first KH. But I could be wrong.

    That may be the biggest mystery in the game to me. I mean, I could understand why Roxas can remember some of Sora's memories. After all, he IS Sora. But why would he have a memory that only Zexion and Riku had? Truly bizarre. :/
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX