Well (supposedly) there are going to be 4-10 new characters, but the only ones that are confirmed are Kain from 4, Tifa from 7, and Lightning from...
I agree with Sara about the optional thing. I mean, it took me a while to get used to that mini game, and AFTER I got the hang of it, it wasn't that bad, but it REALLY shouldn't have been mandatory to complete Ven's story.
And here I thought I was the only one who remembered that early trailer. I believe I also saw the scene in KH2 where most of the Organization members come to speak to Sora (with all their hoods down) but in an early trailer, instead of them appearing in Hollow Bastion (KH2 version) they appeared in Hollow Bastion (KH1 version!). So unfortunately Docyx no15, You can never trust early pictures/scenes/etc. Until the game comes out. Heck, remember when in the secret ending of KH2, you see Terra/Ven/Aqua pick up Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D, and Way to the Dawn? And they all had cool capes? Then they took that all out. V_V Oh well. Nothing you can do about it, right?
In most cases, (like everyone else already said) yes you need a strong heart. HOWEVER you don't need to become a heartless to create a nobody. There was that one exception with (I don't know if this is really considered a spoiler, but just in case...) Spoiler Kairi. Remember? She never became a heartless, yet she has a Nobody (Namine). When her heart left Sora's body, a Nobody was created from Kairi's heart, but Kairi herself was never turned into a heartless. But then again Namine was created under special circumstances... ...so I assume this is a one time deal here and it probably won't happen ever again in the Kingdom Hearts universe.
Still feels so far away... T_T And I just found out about Dissidia 012 today and I just looked up the trailer. Spring '11 for Japan,...
Ventus was my first story and I thought the same thing. It's funny, Eraqus only tells Aqua and Terra about the unversed, yet when Ven sees them he evens says, "The Unversed!" and starts attacking. My only explanation is that when you leave The Land of Departure (which, come on, they couldn't come up with a better name?) after you leave there, you get Xehanort's letter, which I'm pretty sure does mention the unversed. So maybe Ven decided to read that when he was on the world map.
I think it's one of the best because of the three playable characters. And it's not the same as the 3 playable characters in KH2 (Sora for most of the story, Mickey (at times) when you die, and Riku for about 10 seconds during the final boss fight.) This time you actually get to play story mode with three different fighting styles and some unique moves for each character, different command styles like wing blade and ghost drive. Overall, it was really a great game. My only complaint was that it felt kinda short.
I'm good. A little impatient for the next KH to come out, but other than that pretty good. How are you?
I could be wrong, but I believe they said the US release date would be January 2011.
Actually, they were never clear on this during the final ending of Re:Coded. It's like saying this: "If you put a meat patty, then a piece of cheese, you will have a cheeseburger." Even though that statement is true (though I didn't mention the buns...but oh well, stay with me here) Even though it's true, it could still be true backwards. If you put the cheese, then the patty, it still makes a cheeseburger. Back to KH, Yen Sid never said the words "If the heartless is destroyed FIRST then the Nobody SECOND". He never said the order really mattered. I think that everyone is just assuming that. :/
Here's my thoughts on it: When Xion "died", she disappeared into thin air. Her memories were then released from her body and they were fair game for anybody trying to remember those memories. So either: a) Roxas absorbed them. b) Sora absorbed them. or c) They both absorbed some. Either way, she never really "disappeared". Parts of her merely went inside of him/them. Now Repliku is a different story. When he was struck down, he faded into darkness. I think the only chance of us ever seeing him again is if we see Sora & co. go into the Realm of Darkness to find Aqua. Maybe they'll run into Replku, but I doubt that he'll be brought back to "life".
Eraqus couldn't have a Nobody. In order for that to happen, his heart would have to be devoured by darkness to create a heartless first. His heart, however, was not released in any way. Spoiler He merely died, and in the process, gave some of his light to Terra (which is explained in the secret ending). But no heartless was born, so no Nobody was born.
Well I always assumed that he was emblem, though I have no proof and that is only speculation. It would help if we knew about the other founding members of the Organization and their heartless. I wonder if emblem heartless can even have nobodies? The only time we saw someone turn into a heartless and spawn a nobody Spoiler ...Sora... that was a pureblood heartless. So it's possible that emblems can't have nobodies. Making Ansem Seeker of Darkness a pureblood. (this is only a possibility, I could very well be wrong)
Well, we never actually saw him become a heartless. If he did it in a natural way (don't ask me the specifics, I have no clue), then he would technically be a pureblood. However, if he used some sort of machine and manufactured his power, then he would be considered a man-made, emblem heartless. As far as his guardian-shadow, it is merely a part of him, like an arm, or a leg. So even if he is an emblem heartless, that doesn't mean that the emblem would appear on his shadow.
I'm not so sure that the Corridors only effect those with a heart. In Re:Com, when Diz gives Riku the coat, these are their exact words: "What's this?" "The Organization will pursue you. Like a pack of hunting dogs, they will sneak up on you if they sense your presence. However--this cloak that is worn by Nobodies will render their eyes and their noses useless. [referring to Mickey] The ears, not so... They wear this to give themselves protection from being devoured by darkness. Is it clear? Even the Organization cannot rule the darkness." No, chronologically Xehanort used the coat first. He is wearing it in the opening video when he is at Destiny Islands with Ven.
Maybe it's the spider inside the barrel/pot that's the heartless, not the barrel/pot itself. Maybe that's why you can't see the emblem?
Did anyone else notice this? I'm talking about the scene in Disney Town where either Terra, Ven, or Aqua receive the Million Dreams award. You can play the game and not get these scenes and the theater will still count as 100%. But of course maniacs like me still don't count it as truly completing the game until it has been unlocked. I guess the System Data records which characters you have beaten the game with. So (for me) since Terra was the last character I chose to play with (saved the best for last) I saw HIS scene where he accepted the reward and his ice cream. I just assumed he was the last to visit that world. UNTIL I played through again with Ven and then saw HIM accept the award and get HIS ice cream. So naturally I checked Theater Mode and there I saw that in Aqua's theater, there were no "???" and it still said 100%. But when I played through her story, I saw HER version of that scene. What stinks is that the scene won't be added to Theater Mode until you finish the game. So even if you start a new game just to see that scene, you still have to finish with that save file to unlock the movie. (Which on the easiest mode only took me 3 hours. I beat the game at level 19.) For those of you who missed it and are wondering whether it's worth trying to unlock, I'll say this about the scenes: It's EXACTLY the same for everybody with the only exceptions being which Ice Cream they receive, and a slight change to what Terra/Ven/Aqua will say. Like one will say "I guess they already left" while another will say "I guess they're not here." But Pete, Minnie, etc. have the exact same lines.
Well, he is an old man, he could've started "planting seeds" since his 40's for all we know. Most likely they will reveal his plans more in depth in KH3. One of my theories (which may be proven wrong) is that Xehanort may have left a piece of himself inside of Ven. Remember that Spoiler Ven was Xehanort's apprentice before he met Eraquis. Perhaps a piece of him lives within Ven. They both wear the same colors... In fact, Xehanort even said in the secret ending to Terra, "Know this...you are just one of many roads that I might choose to take. Trust me. I made certain of that."
Actually, Terra is the only one who summons his keyblade that way. If you watch the scene in Radiant Garden right before the fight with the Trinity Armor, you see the three different ways they summon their keyblades. Terra summons it digitally (much like Roxas at the beginning of KH2), Aqua's looks more like it has flower petals falling off of it. Or perhaps tiny shards of ice? Ven summons his in a flash of light (much like Sora summons his Kingdom Key). Does anyone remember how each Keyblade used to have it's own summoning in the older KHs? Like I remember how Kingdom Key would come from a flash of light, where Oblivion looked more like it came from the darkness. (Unless Oblivion was the only keyblade to have a special summoning...I don't remember.) But I guess that would take up too much room on the UMD for the PSP. Hopefully they bring that feature back in KH3. ^_^
Did Xemnas have brown eyes? I didn't really think about it before, but I guess it's because he does not have any darkness within his heart. Well, let's face it, he has no heart! Spoiler True that it was Terra's body, but Terra had blue eyes. The eye color we see is Xehanort's. Remember that before he had amnesia, he still had gold eyes. (I'm referring to the final fight in Terra's story and the final chapter.)