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  1. Gaming Reploid
  2. Gaming Reploid
    Same for me, Ven was my fist storyline and I REALLY wanted to fight Eraquis, but remember that Ven would never raise a hand against his "father-figure".
    His heart is of pure light.
    That's why he tells Terra that the Master is right. That he would rather be destroyed.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Gaming Reploid
    Well, the second scene, where Xehanort is in Olympus Colliseum talking about Ven's heart. Here's my thoughts:
    They probably cut that scene out so that they wait until a later time to reveal the truth about Ven's heart. If they revealed what had happened with his heart at a later point, it's more of a dramatic twist where you think, "OMG! This whole time he was
    only half of a person!
    No way!" But if it was revealed earlier, it would not be as 'exciting'.

    Towards the end where you see Terra holding Ven, even though it was in Radiant Garden, that was just because they didn't create Land of Departure yet. It was funny seeing Ven see Cinderella at the ball though, so they must've swapped Ven and Terra's experience at her world. But I don't know why they took out that scene in the beginning. Maybe they couldn't think of a scene where Ven saves Terra?
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Gaming Reploid
    Like every one said, it's storyline based. It doesn't matter what difficulty since it happened to me on Beginner and Proud mode, I think. (I'm pretty sure.) And I'm 99.9% positive that it happens when you replay that mission in Holo-mission mode. Can anyone tell me which day this was? I'm trying to find it on my DS to confirm my thoughts, but I can't seem to find it. And yes, I remember it was in Agrabah as well...with Xion. I just don't remember which day.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Gaming Reploid
    I think it may be possible, but it would have to be a prequel. Like, WAY before BBS. Remember, Xehanort said in one of his reports that there used to be "countless" keyblade masters out there. But now he only knows of a very few "outside his circle" (I believe that's how he put it). So I could see an MMORPG of Kingdom Hearts one day. Disney has made online games before (like Pirates of the Caribbean Online) and we all know Square-Enix has made some (Final Fantasy XI and XIV). My only concern is that when it comes (probably in 2053) that it wil require a monthly cost like FF11. I hope they make it like Pirates of the Caribbean online, where you can play for free, but paying members get some extras.

    I wonder what kind of "classes" there would be. I mean, we see three different fighting styles in BBS focusing on strength, magic, and speed. I wonder if they would make more like, a weaker but faster dual wielding class, or maybe one focused on defense, though that's hard to picture a shield-based keyblade...

    What do you guys think?
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 23, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Gaming Reploid
    Profile Post

    Hello. How are you?

    Hello. How are you?
    Profile Post by Gaming Reploid for MaM_1, Nov 21, 2010
  7. Gaming Reploid
  8. Gaming Reploid
    As hilarious as it is that I find Pluto to be a "magic bloodhound", it does make me wonder...what the heck was in that letter he had?!?!?! I mean, he just runs off with it and we never hear from him again until KH2! And if I recall properly, nobody ever mentions the letter...
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 15, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Gaming Reploid
  10. Gaming Reploid
    I'm not an expert on this topic, but I have some slightly bad news...

    Your data on your memory card may be "corrupt". When this happens, I have heard of no way of getting that data back. It's happened to me on a VERY FEW PS2 games. Once on my PSP for one game. I mean, my save file was right before the final boss, then the data gets corrupted, now when I turn on that game, it doesn't even say "Load Game". Just "New Game". It doesn't even acknowledge that I have a save file. Very frustrating. (By the way, the game that I'm talking about on my PSP was Final Fantasy I)

    But who knows, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe your data is fine, or maybe it can be saved. Like I said, I'm no expert.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 14, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Gaming Reploid
    That was at the end of Sora's credits. When you play through Riku's story mode, you see that Axel takes Repliku to see Zexion. Then Repliku kills/absorbes Zexion's power, then fights Riku, then dies.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 14, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Gaming Reploid
    As far as melding goes, only Ventus can meld it to make something else. Terra and Aqua can not. And if you DO meld it with Ven and you want to see him break dance again, you can always make another Break Time by melding Curaga with Renewal Block. However there is only a 10% chance that it will make Break Time. So I would suggest saving your game and try melding it. If it doesn't work, load up your game and try again until your patience runs out.

    But it's not necessary for journal completion. Only if you want another Break Time to use. Once you have the first one in your possesion, even though you used it to meld, it still counts in your journal.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 14, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  13. Gaming Reploid
  14. Gaming Reploid
  15. Gaming Reploid
  16. Gaming Reploid
    It is never said that only beings of light may hold keyblades. In BBS, Master Xehanort holds a keyblade, and his heart has WAY more darkness than Riku had at that point. So people with darkness or light in their hearts, doesn't matter, only that they have a STRONG heart.

    Unless you mean it doesn't make sense why Riku (with darkness in his heart) would hold a keyblade of light. That is because the only difference between keyblades of light and dark is where they come from. Since Kingdom Key came from the realm of light, it is a keyblade of light, but can still be held by ANYONE with a strong enough heart. Much like King Mickey holding a keyblade of darkness. It still doesn't matter about the light/darkness in one's heart or from which realm the keyblade came from. Only that Riku's heart was very strong at that point.

    (I'm sorry if that sounded repetitive, just trying to make my point clear, that's all. ^_^)
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Gaming Reploid
  18. Gaming Reploid
    Yup, that sounds about right.
    After all, Vanitas was just the darkness taken out of Ventus, so perhaps he looked exactly like Ven at first (kinda like the final fight in Aqua's story (not final chapter, reglular story)) and then after Ven and Sora's hearts touched, then Vanitas was also linked to Sora and started to take Sora's appearance.

    And before anyone tries to argue that Vanitas has no connection to Sora, let me just remind you that even though Vanitas had his own body, he did state somewhere (or maybe Xehanort mentioned in his reports, I don't remember) that Vanitas could feel what Ventus felt. That's how they knew about his feelings toward Terra and how to lure Ven away from Land Of Departure.

    So Vanitas has a connection to Ven's heart, which was touched by Sora's heart. Ipso facto, Vanitas has a connection to Sora's heart.
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Gaming Reploid
    This actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. After beating BBS, I always thought that Sora could summon the keyblade because of Ven's heart inside of him. HOWEVER, if Sora summoned Ven's keyblade, or even a keyblade of his own due to his strong heart, then in Hollow Bastion, Riku would have summoned his own keyblade. Hence, Sora and Riku would both be holding keyblades.

    However, Cubia is saying that on Destiny Islands, Sora took Riku's keyblade, which explains why in Hollow Bastion, when Riku summoned it, it was taken back from Sora. It's all becoming clearer now. ^_^
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Gaming Reploid
    Don't forget that Sora WAS a heartless during the ending of KH1 and during CoM. He wasn't whole again until Roxas merged with him in the beginning of KH2. He LOOKED human the whole time, but he was just a special heartless...just like Seekernort.

    I highly doubt that Xemnas had a heart. He may not have any memories of the events of BBS, but he still has his memories of being Ansem's apprentice. He still remembers what it was like to feel emotion. At the end of KH2, there's a scene where Sora tells Xemnas, "Just give it a rest! You're Nobodies! You don't even exist! You're not sad about anything!" And Xemnas confirms, "Ha ha ha ha. Very good. You don't miss a thing. I can not feel---sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist."
    Post by: Gaming Reploid, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX