....Darky...You joined just to talk to peoples?? So THAT'S why you dun talk 'bout KH that much.....
*Nooooooooooooooooo Darky, DUN DIE ON DAY.* Are you sure? It's pretty easy.....well until F6 and 7....BUT STILL! >.<
Wanted a little change up. Castle Oblivion Floor 7 is really hard. That's what I meant.
e_e......WTFT? Gah, CO Y U SO HWARD?
thisthisthisthis. Gah, been stuck on floor seven for a while now. I'mgoingtogetthatpinI'mgoingtogetthatpinI'mgoingtogetthatpin!!
Storm shrugged a tad, watching Kurisu. "Hmm." What exactly was her partner doing? And, more importantly, why? "Yeah, I do.." Allora sighed. "All I can say now is that...I think my Grandmother was right in putting all these pairs together. They seem to cover their strengths and weaknesses. And with what they're going to face, that might just turn up to be an advantage." ~ Deyanria grinned as Illya left. Her plan was going astonishly smooth, despite Catherine and her brats. She half expected it to be thwarted by now. "Oh, poor Guardians~" She mocked, watching as her "pet" slithered by her side. "It's time." ~ "And I'm Roman. Nice to meet you all." He paused, considering a certain factor in this situation. "Though, why am I of all people a Choosen? I mean, I'm not the greatest...." Roman then glanced off to the activity going on around him. There were teens his age- fighting each other and using their powers. So, that's what was going on? Training? 'Why the elder choose you I'll never know myself.' Castor added, earning a glare from his Guardian. 'What? It's true.'
....Wha-? Oh shiz, I forgot about Guardians Again! Oh Man oh man! *Post!* Christmas= Forgetful DH.
Amber chuckled as she blew off her gun. "That's what I thought." ~ Later, the girl sighed as she sat down with a tray full of food. She then proceeded to dig in halfheartdly, not wanting to admit what was troubling her. Truth was, Amber missed Blue and her random jokes, the bickering, the awkward silences, the always being by her side. This was the longest they were apart! Oh, the agony.... Yawning, Carter made his way back to the Cafe. His stomach was basically roaring for food, and everyone he passed gave him a look and hurried on. But, he had to admit, that was pretty funny the first ten times. On his way, he spotted the Chief up ahead. 'A chance to meet Chief Taiga? Oh heck yes.' He thought, walking up two steps to the man then stopping. 'How am I supposed to greet him? Do I just go and tap him on the shoulder? Nah. I should salute him! Yeah, tha-' Rumble. His stomach. Just growled. Again. "Oh, wait. Guy, can you keep the group here for five minutes? I think the Chief is back! Oh man, I was supposed to be there!" 'Here I go being a bumbling mess again...' ~ "Hmm?" The girl smirked as she glanced up ahead at the blue haired boy. He obviously raised suspicion; he had looked around to see if anyone was following him. 'I will follow him! Maybe he knows where Genesis is!' ~ The girl paid no attention to the two in back of her and shot at the Creature two more times, causing it to topple over to the right with a slam. Rocks were flung upward as the girl pulled a lever on her gun, causing a tiny white and red canister to fall out. She then started to run to the face of the creature, still enraged. "I only knocked it backwards, it can still get up and get us!"
OOC Note: F- yeah, been waitin' for this! Suddenly, a electric sounding gunshot thundered through the underground village, which evoked some of its inhabititants to glimpse up at the surface in astonishment. The bullet then pounded into the creature's club, compelling it to swing to the right combatively. Another three shots cascaded groundward; their gunner emerging out of the dust soon after. The gunner, which was a girl with prolonged yet intense ruby colored hair, rappelled down into the village, a extensive gun taking up the space in her arms. She proceeded to shoot at the creature as she swung around it, approaching the two men at a break neck pace. She then crashed into the ground, sliding back until her butt came to a halt directly in front of Simon and Kamina. Focusing back on the two, her expression brimming with fury, a glint of sun flashed off her orange tinted sunglasses. "Alright you two, ya better get back!" She called out, meaning business and only business.
"We were heading off to the Cafe, right?" Amber spoke up, the first time she had since they landed. "Cause that Kouji guy wanted something to eat." She swayed back on her feet, her boots faintly squeaking on the shiny floor. "At least, that's what I got from the last five minutes, where were you during this?" She then turned to Gimlet. "Are you sure you want to be released? 'Cause, you know, if you were, I'd pull this out-" She grabbed her hand gun from her belt and swung it around her hand with her Thumb and index fingers- "And chase you around with it until got tired. So, do you wanna be released?" She hissed, a sweet smile on her face. Trish's golden eyes widened as she listened in on Amber's conversation with Gimlet. 'That girl has a sharp tongue- I'd better not get her angry...' Out loud, she stammered, "Uh, t- that won't be needed! Let's j-just get something to eat, okay? This way everyone, this way!" ~ The girl peered out from underneath her shady hood, glancing around. Nothing was appearing. Nothing at all. She exhaled as she trudged on, her boots tapping the ground loudly. "Ahhh. Where is this Robot thing they call....Genesis?"
Haha! I like it! Okay, that works! I was gonna get their Forms ready.
Fine. You'll get it on the 20th. ;D Oh yeah, what Character OC's will Yoko and Nia fall under? I'm really torn on this subject...
Yay! That makes Day happy. I'm Finished with it. I'm just not gonna let you see until Christmas~ ;P
Oh yeah, with -Ahem-. Aw. But that's okay! It's the thought that counts!
You have your banners done... >_<;
Yeah, that would be best. Or, as I always do it, seperate it by series.
Oh Gawd. Thaaaat's a lotta peoples.
Yes, yes it did. Anyhe, I'm t'kin' a fancy to this idea of yours, captin. But, I request still being the head gunner. MAYBE, Commander Gunner.....lady. YES I LIKE IT. >:D