I NOES MEAN 2 B CONFOOSING. D: Hehehehehe! Oh lordie, that'd be hilarious. XD
Chamber of Repose...GRRR.
Hehe. Then people would be like, "WTH DOES DES TINY SHAND MEAN?" And then feel stoopid. X3 Noooooo. Day was writing from her iPod. BD She loves...
I would love it if you could, but Teddy is trying to help too.....-_-; Once I get this riddle I will feel solo ******ed.
Oh okay! Day really thought that Darkeh wantEd it to change for a second there........
What's up?? *OOOOOH, I can't wait til Tuesday. That day, I'll have been here for a year~ BUT I STILL CAN'T BEAT CO DAMNIT. I totally wanted...
Ehh~ I dun really wanna capitalize it. Destiny's Hand. Ehhhh. I like it like Destiny's hand. My hand is now a person/place/thing that isn't...
Alright, here's my gift for Old Sage. It may not be the best sig you've ever had, but I hope you like it all the same! Spoiler: SoKai Omigod Saxima!! I <3 them!! Thank you and a very Happy Christmas/ Merry New Year to you too~
Amber paused in her actions, just to catch her breath, then caught Guy's eye. 'Whoops. It happened again.' With a large, but oh so totally fake grin and giggle, she sat down, her cheeks a dark red tint, head hung, and her hands folded palm sides up in her lap. 'Maybe it's best if I'm not the Leader,' She concluded, not looking up from her tray. 'I mean, I can't even act properly when faced with the possibility....Yeah, it's better if someone else was the leader, cause then I could be second in command.' Yeah, that sounded paradisiacal. "Thanks." Carter's cheeks flushed at the praise as he stuck his hands in his pocket. Boy, was he grateful for Trish showing up when she did. Trish froze with her mouth hanging open and a finger sticking out in the air. She knew it. She just knew it. 'Damn. I knew he wanted to talk about that! Dear God help me!' Clearing her throat, she nodded to Carter, who turned and trudged away. Next, the woman turned back to the Chief and exhaled. "Right. Um, let's discuss this in private, shall we?" ~ It hadn't been long after the last battle, and Rei was already being called in again? Why? Her wounds weren't getting any better over here! Oh well, the girl shrugged it off, eventually making her way to 00. She paused at her Eva, waiting for Commander Ikari's further notifications. ~ The girl snorted, throwing back her hood and leaping up when the tremors started. "Genesis, come to me! You will be mine!" She cried, a sudden flicker of a bright blue flame burning from her eye. This was it. This was what she was trained days and nights for. This one moment. And she would not let it pass. ~ "That's impossible!" The girl interjected, pausing to examine the machine. Suddenly, a thought hit her like a light. "Hey, I wonder if this is a friend of the other Gunman." The older lad ignored her, stating that he took a liking to the Gunman's face. While Simon said something about him and the other teen using the tiny Gunmen to fight the other one, the girl pondered on the idea of the two of them trying to fight it. 'Maybe I should say something about it-' Just then, the Gunmen's eyes started to flash, the small necklace on Simon's neck illuminating with it. Simon cried out about it running, and the girl bent over to take a closer look at it. "Are you sure?"
[IMG] *Bounds in out of NOWHERE* Heeeeeeeeeeeey Terra.
but still~ is so adorable~ *equips*
See? I would totally do that, too. In fact, I have done it. And then started a flash mob. IT WAS AWESOME. Irony? Irony?? IRONY?? [IMG]...
I loved posting as Amber. It made me wanna dance~ Oh, and as for Yoko, I like posting as her too.
Amber's ears picked up as soon as Guy started to speak. He had said something about others needing his help, and how this place was designed for them to find their way around. That made her a tad excited. 'If he's leaving,' The girl thought as she bit on a fingernail, 'Then does that mean someone else is going to take us on the tour? Or is one of us going to become the leader?......WAIT A SECOND. LEADER?! OmigoshifIweretheleaderthat'dbeawesome!' She squealed, stomping her feet upon the floor enthusiastically and leaping up on the bench. 'Oh yeah~ If I were the leader I'd be cool, If I were the leader most boys will drool~ They can't compare to me~ Cause I'll be all leader....ly' She hummed, frolicing on the bench, oblivious to any stares coming from the others. She was too in adulation with the idea of becoming the leader over them. "Yes, I am." Carter nonchalantly held his hand out, shaking the Chief's hand fearfully. Oh, he had never met him before. "Ah..neither did I, Sir. But, I didn't think I...uh, would be the one to operate it either. See, I only help out repairing them..." Trish wandered around the Base, humming to herself as she searched for the Chief. 'Hmmmm. Wonder where he could be? Maybe he's- Ah! There he is! And Carter...is with him? Ahh, okay?' Trish casted a tender-hearted beam over her face as she scurried over, calling out, "Chief Taiga! It's nice to see you again!" ~ Behind the blue haired boy, the raven haired girl leapt up and hung onto a small suspended walkway that hung from the ceiling itself. 'Almost as if I were some kind of normal child, time for a little monkey bars.' The girl considered dryly, swinging her feet forward and using her hands to move her forward as she listened in on two other voice's conversation. "...if dis 'Genesis' did get stolen, it wouldn't matter anyhow. Dey'd have as much luck as we 'av at openin' da damn thing, and da boss'd 'av it stolen right back." The girl smirked maliciously. Genesis was here. 'They won't know what hit them.' She thought, dropping down from her place in the air to almost right behind the boy. ~ "Do I need to tell you again to run?! Do you have a death wish?!" Suddenly, a large shadow fell upon the two, causing the girl to gasp. The next thing she knew, the club of the creature swung down, causing them to fall down a hole and into a small man made tunnel. Another boy poked his head up, the other guy congratulating the boy, (Which he called Simon) for his work. Simon just nodded grimly, then told them to follow him. "Where am I?" The older guy muttered the name Giha Village, and she nodded. "Oh, the pit next door! I'm from Littner Village, the pit that's right next to this one. See, I came from the surface just now, but I'm originally from Littner."
Oh god, that bad?? ....*Checks Thread* Ahhh~ I see.
e_e. Okkkkkaaaaaaaay. I wish my mum was like that....
.....WTFT? Y U BUY KH FO UR MUTI?! *thisbetternotbeajokeoriswearillkillyou*
Awww! You're kinda right though. You don't really seem like the type to play a game like KH.