"Gah!" Amber shot up, then bounded over her table. "Uh, Mr. Guy! Where is my Mecha?! I think she can track that thing for you!" Ignoring any answer, she dashed out of the Cafe. "Blue! Where are ya, bud?" She called, glimpsing around the base as she ran. Suddenly, the girl stopped in her tracks, letting loose a long, high pitched whistle. Blue's head moved upward as her Communication systems picked up a whistle. Amber. Amber! She was in trouble! "I'm coming Keeko!" The Mecha then extended her wings, taking flight as she searched for her pilot. "Blue! Over here!" Amber yelled, waving her right arm in the air. She had heard the hum of her wings, which meant the Mecha was flying. Yes! Just then, the girl jumped up, feeling a sharp pain in her back. Glancing behind her, she saw that Blue had caught her and grinned. "Showtime!" "I will." Carter saluted to his Chief; jogging back to the cafe to check on the new pilots. 'Hmm. I wonder what that light was. I really hope it wasn't-' "Heeeeey! Look out!" "What the-," Carter peeked behind him, his eyes going wide. "Oh cr-Ooooouuucch!" The boy blinked rapidly, his legs on fire as a blue and white mecha carried him and a girl with blazing red hair. "Gah! Who the hell are you?!" She cried, her eyes scrutinizing his bewildered expression. Abruptly, she turned her attention to in front of them, then grit her teeth. "Hold on to that thought. Blue! Can you fit two people inside of you?" "Do I look that big enough to you?!" "I'll take that as a yes!" The girl flattened her hand out, pressing the Mecha's head with her palm. The body of the Bot opened up, and the girl clutched Carter's shirt collar, squishing him and herself inside. Carter immediately tried to stretch out, but the girl's foot swiftly connected with his face. "Don't move!" The body then closed itself back up, the girl taking the Controls as she straightened up in the tight space. "Alright, whoever-you-are, hang on! You're going for a ride!" 'Oh!' Trish's anxious expression turned blank, then morphed into a massive smile as she bowed formally. "I....I would be honored to be Deputy Chief!" ~ "Understood." Rei bowed her head in apprehension, then glanced over at Commander Ikari's son. He wasn't that bad... "Hmm. Good luck." She whispered as she turned back to 00, readying herself to enter the Plug. ~ Seconds later, Rei sat in her entry plug, waiting for the LCL to pour in. "Alright. I'm ready." "Flooding Entry Plug." The Orange liquid began to fill her Plug, submerging her in mere seconds. As soon as it came to a stop, Rei let out a breath, then clutched the controls a little bit tighter. It was time. Again. ~ The girl calmly regarded the boy, summoning a long Katana with a silver blade and black handle out of thin air. "I am not human." She smirked, crouching down and thrusting her blade into Genesis' head. "I'm just a Thief." She then sliced the head open, falling in to the cockpit. So what if They didn't want this Robot to be damaged? It was, in fact, the only way to get in the thing. ~ The girl (who had been riding the Gunman on Simon's left this whole time) sat up and glared at Kamina. "What is Lagann?" She demanded. The lad pet the Gunman, saying that it was its new name. The girl opened her mouth to say something, but heard the younger boy whimper. She glanced up, just in time for her to see the Gunman to slam its club down near them, causing "Lagann's" legs to eject springs out of them and send them upward.
Especially when doing things that involve Photobucket....*Shivers* YES! ****'S BOUT TO GET SERIOUS! Tehehe. Oh, speaking of the Rp, how does...
Oh Saxima, you write so exquisitely. I love Rosalynn in this chapter; she reminds me of a friend I once had... Anywho, I'm glad you updated and I can't wait until the next chapter!!
Oh ****. I didn't mean to take that long... XD
Ahhh~ Now I see. Oh yeah, *Goes to PM box* Hold on two seconds...
....Why Trap I wonder? CURSE YOU INtERWEBS.
Yay, can't wait to read it! *So excited!*
Anyway, I'll have to get to sleep now...*Yawns* I'm a tad tired... Goodnight Terra!
Ow. That hit mah fo'head..... lawl, jk!
Ah! Are you perhaps talking about Kazuma? You're totally right about him looking like a girl too. Especially when Michiko in Michiko e Hatchin...
........ [IMG]
Hehe! AND I DUN TOLD YOU I'm difficult. X3
Yes. I tink that is why.... HECKS YES. *Sighs* Though being single is a bore too....Gak, now I'm being difficult. Anywho, my Dearest Darky, have...
See? The INTERWEBS is a terrible- Hey it started.
Oh yeah, speaking of the Prize Pack, it isn't downloading for me...-_-; CURSE YOU INTERWEBS.
I've been single since August. I was bored of our relationship, damnit! I HAD A RIGHT TO BREAK UP WITH HIM. But yeah, me and my Boyfriend...
[IMG] How did I not know this....?? Thank you Terra; I owe you four! All those firetrucking hours spent spazzing out over The COR....Oh god.
Awwww. Wait. We are single at the same time. OMG, TWINTELEPATHYPOWERSDEACTIVATENAO.
I have! Ahhhh, brain. Hurts. A lot.