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  1. Destiny's hand
  2. Destiny's hand
  3. Destiny's hand

    Oooooh, may Day join?

    Username:Destiny's hand
    Character of Choice: Stocking Anarchy
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
    Additional Info: Stocking Anarchy is a main character in the Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt series. She is a gothic female angel, with long violet/pink hair and teal eyes. Stocking is the youngest of the Anarchy sisters. Her name, Stocking, derivates from the object she is able to weaponize.

    Username: Destiny's hand
    Character of Choice: Jade Harley
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Homestuck
    Additional Info: Jade has a very quirky personality, and often dozes off to sleep, then wakes up without any recollection of ever falling asleep. This is at least in part due to Vriska's frequent use of her powers on Jade, causing her to fall asleep. She is completely unaware of her narcolepsy, possibly never sleeping by her own choice, and only makes it into bed with the help of Bec. She is forgetful and wears colorful reminder rings on her fingers. She has been seen with a flute which she plays, though in a very silly and bad manner. She is however an expert on the Eclectic Bass. She has interest in older cartoons, the Furry fandom, Nuclear physics, and high-tech gadgetry, and she is a skilled markswoman (though perplexingly, she is also a pacifist).

    Post by: Destiny's hand, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Destiny's hand
  5. Destiny's hand
  6. Destiny's hand


    Chapter Five, Chapter Five.
    I adore it. It's, between all these awesome writers here on the site (Twinny is one!) I'm really jealous. I mean, can I have some of your talent? XD

    Anywho, Darky Dear, please please please continue. This has seriously got me hooked, and you 've known this! So, may you please keep updating?
    Post by: Destiny's hand, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Archives
  7. Destiny's hand
  8. Destiny's hand
  9. Destiny's hand
  10. Destiny's hand
  11. Destiny's hand
  12. Destiny's hand
  13. Destiny's hand
  14. Destiny's hand
  15. Destiny's hand
  16. Destiny's hand
    Why thank you~
    And yes, you may use it~
    Post by: Destiny's hand, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Destiny's hand
  18. Destiny's hand
    Why thank you!
    ...Flaky and Flippy one? I really hope you're talking about the one with the girl with the red hair...XD

    Hmmm. Thank you for the Advice! Words following a path eh? Hmm, I've got to try that...

    Okay; A more vivid text you say? Hmmm. I'll look through them, see what I find. Thank you!

    Aww, you've got me blushing...:D. You may have that one if you want!

    Hmm. Lotsa love for the Yoko Avatars!
    And the 150x150 Bottom Right one is my absolute favourite out of the ones I've made. It's just...I can't believe I did that.
    Ah, I see where it says "Color Illustration" on that one. Hmm. Yeah, I agree with you there, I don't like how it's just...there...that way.
    Why thank you! I see the Cut-off you noticed, I must've forgotten about that when I first made it. Alright, thanks to all the advice on the sig, I may just be able to spruce it up a tad.
    Anywho, awww, Darky made Day blush! Thank you Twinny~
    Post by: Destiny's hand, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Destiny's hand
  20. Destiny's hand
    First Graphic Dump, dun sue me! XD
    Anywho, CnC is greatly appreciated, as I am clearly not the best at these things...
    *Ask and ye shall maybe recieve..*

    ~100 x 100~

    ~150 x 150~

    ~A Sig *Bonus*~
    Thread by: Destiny's hand, Dec 28, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics