Damn straight! WE $LAUTE YOU BABEH.
Why thank you! Yes, that is Jade, my favorite HS character, and yes, I do read HS. BTW, I love the Avvi. Is that Vriska?
You need some Twincest. DarkTraitor x Destiny's hand EFF YES.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViBVD8F7nvc&feature=related I just had to. >o<
...... ..... Hehehehehehehe??
Oh, Merry New Year Darkeh! OTAY. :3 .....SHEETS. What with Christmas, and all that junk I forgot about it! Forgive me? 3:
Damn straight. Thank you Twinny~
Yes. For mah NAME....0_0. Oh yeah, notice Mah post in OD? *winks*
Only minutes later, the trio flew to the battle scene, a couple of yards in front of a girl with white wings. A giant Mecha, a Military style one, the girl, and another Mecha that was acting rather...uh, battle crazy much? Amber grinned at the sight, realizing that this was a nice place to fight. "So, you, Hitchhiker of some sort, who do we battle?" "How the hell should I know?!" Carter yelled, the girl adjusting her sunglasses with a pout. "I'm not even on orders, and the others didn't tell us who we should fight! Are you crazy? You could have us-!" His breath hitched in his throat as the girl yanked the controls to her right, an eye squinted closed as she did. "What was that for?!" Amber panted a bit before answer. "Flamethrower....I barely missed it. Blue! How ya holdin' up?!" An automated voice shrieked over communication system, causing the two teens to grunt. "How do you think Amber?!" "I'll take that as good!" Amber sighed, steering the Mecha over to the girl with the white wings. "Come on! Blue, you got my- well of course you don't, it's on my belt." She let go of the controls, clutching her gun and sticking it in a small container. Carter watched as the container inserted itself into the Mecha's arm, a medium sized firearm appearing on the outside of it. "Now!" Bullets shot toward the girl in white, just as the Flamethrower that other Mecha shot out past by them. "I going with this! She doesn't seem like she's on...the good side..." "Yes Sir!" Trish saluted, preparing for work. This is what she lived for- the behind the scenes action, the rushing around, the helping out the people in battle. It was the best job in the world. ...Well, to Trish it was anyway. ~ "I'm ready." Rei stated simply, clutching at the controls a bit tighter. "Ready for anything." ~ "Workin' on it!" The girl now known as 'Black' cried, desperately trying to take control of the Mecha. It wasn't long before they reached the surface, then what.....Yes! They would be up there, ready to get Genesis! "White! I'm going to up there soon~ Just you wait!" ~ "It's Yoko. Yoko is my name. I never introduced myself, did I?" The girl smiled, her extensive hair wafting eagerly in the wind. "Come to think of it..." Simon started, getting cut of by the other boy resting an arm on his head. "I'm Kamina," The older lad introduced, a finger on those ridiculous uh, interesting glasses of his. "And this is Simon!" "Nice to meet ya!" Yoko chirped, her bust suddenly wiggling, revealing a small brown pig-mole with great round eyes. "Ummm...what is this little furry thing that has been hiding out in my clevage?" Simon chastized the Pig Mole, his hands tightening ever so slightly at the controls while Kamina muttered something about a tasty morsel hiding in between more tasty morsels, Yoko ignoring him as she the wind around her changed. "Hey, is it just me, or are we falling?" She demanded. Kamina commanded the younger lad to do something, sending the boy into a desperate state. "I don't know how!" Simon cried, jabbing at random buttons as he tried to stop them. "....It's no use...." "....Great." "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" "We're falling! Try to hold on tight!" Kamina instructed, just as Simon pulled on the controls, causing the canopy to enevlope the trio once more. Bam! The tiny Gunmen Lagann made quite the explosion; the canopy broke, dust billowed up at least ten feet into the sky, and the group scattered. "Talk about a rough reception..." Kamina groaned, his head resting on a sharp rock. Yoko kept silent as the younger lad agreed, suddenly realizing where his own head lay. Simon then shot up, the boy's vision filled with Yoko's solid amount of cleavage. He stammered 'Sorry' a couple of times, Yoko only replying with a mysterious grin. But seconds later, her expression turned into a panic. Simon's mimicked hers as she clutched the boy around the neck and pulled him back into her chest, grimancing. Two large shadows blocked out the group, white teeth revealed as two low chuckles made Yoko shiver. "Oh, great! Out of the frying pan and in the fire." OOC: Such a colourful post....0_0
*Why...you've got me blushing* Okay! Hehehe...I liek this Demon Lion style...>:3
YES. Dayshine is a Powerpuff girl! Best job in da world. :D
Hola Droid. I was just wondering, if we ever got the chance to have more characters, I'd like to reserve Panty Anarchy and Dave Strider please....
Well if you put it that way... HOLD YO HORSES GOD. XD
I'm sorry; my family has been dragging me everywhere since 9:00 A.M. Auuuuughhh. My LEGS. Anywho, I'm working on it! DARKEH, Y U SO DEMAN. DING?
Yeah, I'm going to do that now. .....0_e.
I really hope so! Dear lord, plllleeeeeassse keep Panty safe for me; she's an Angel! Hehehe. Oh god, Darky get your body ready. That may hurt...
Now I can't wait 'til Droid starts letting us have more! Ohh, I knew I should've signed up Panty! She's so fun to Rp as.