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  1. Asylum
    Nobody really knows much about the Bible. What we know has been passed down to us from many generations. For people who are apart of that religion, they are told what the bible is, whose word it is, etc. Yet, I'm not sure if there is any evidence of what we are told.
    For me, I do believe that God's word is the Bible but I'm not too religious. It's not that I'm afraid that if I die only following the Bible, it may turn out I did the wrong things. It's that, like the rest of the world, I don't know or have an evidence of whose word the Bible is. All I have to go on is what my parents, priests, and other religious leaders have told me.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. Asylum
    She could be the 14th member and she may not be. I think I'll just wait for the game to come out..
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Asylum
    Yeah, I've noticed some of these motions from the Nobodies. I like the moves of Dancers the most.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Asylum
    Either Zexion, Axel or Roxas.
    Zexion because he's like an illusionist. Axel because even though he's not one of the fastest members, I did enjoy battling him in the game and it'd probably be more interesting fighting as him. And finally Roxas, not just because he's my favorite character but also because he's awesome.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Asylum
    I'm reading Shabanu by Suzanne Fisher Staples.
    In the beginning it was pretty boring, just discussing camels and such but now I'm on a chapter that's really getting my attention.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  6. Asylum
    Stereotyping, Sexism, Racism, all the -isms... There are too many annoying things to say...
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. Asylum
    After reading some of these post I feel as if my fear is a bit odd ^^'.
    Though I am afraid of dying alone, it isn't my greatest fear. I think about death but I don't let that fear take over my life.
    I also have a fear of all horror/thriller movies. It isn't really a fear but the make me so uncomfortable that I can't watch them at all.So I never do, and even if I do, it's on VERY rare occasions.
    Now my actually fear -which I may say is ridiculous- isn't as, depressing I'd say as my other ones but it is very odd.
    I have a huge fear of nudity >.<
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. Asylum
    I'm not obsessed with animals but there are certain one's I like; like wolves. I like them probably because of all the books I've read that also pulls them off as dark creatures and makes them sound so interesting. Yet, in reality, I've never seen a wolf face to face ^^'.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. Asylum
    Has a hyphen in their name ^^'
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Asylum
    Real friends wouldn't make you do something you don't want to do. You should have just said no and left. You didn't have to tell anybody that they did it (Although you should).
    As for telling your dad, I think you should. Of course he'll be upset but it's the right thing to do. But that's just my opinion on the situation, the final decision is up to you of course.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  11. Asylum
    There have been times when I thought about it; I even stopped eating and double checked the food I'm putting in my mouth. But then I remember that apparently, bugs and insects are supposed to be good for you O.O
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. Asylum
    The Emperor's New Groove and Finding Nemo made me laugh, as did Pirates of the Caribbean of course... Camp Rock and High School Musical 1 & 2 were OK. Made me chuckle a bit.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  13. Asylum
    I think an anime wouldn't be so great for the series. It would be very odd. Maybe something similar but not the exact same thing.
    I'm actually afraid to get Breaking Dawn as soon as it comes out... I can only imagine the rush. I'm planning on going to get it a day after. Hopefully, there will still be copies..
    It kind of seems to me though that Stephanie Meyer is pushing the series just a tad bit too far. I'm not saying I want her to stop writing but I don't know how it would feel to read the story from Edward's point... I don't think it would have the same enthusiasm as it did when reading it from Bella's point of view.
    Well I'm just praying that the movie doesn't ruin the book.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Literature
  14. Asylum
    I'm not so sure is it's okay and if it's not. Somethings shouldn't be for free on the internet like certain programs and movies but music, well I think that's all right. But that's just my opinion.
    For trying to stop it, I think it would take too much time and possibly money the government may not have or want to give because there are other things that are above Internet Piracy on their list of things to do.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  15. Asylum
    Wow, just wow. That's an amazing sketch. Marluxia isn't one of my favorite organization memebers, in fact, he's one of my least but that is an awesome sketch.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Asylum
    If it's true, then that would be amazing. But if it's not, I imagine there will be plenty crushed fans.. Maybe even a mob or two O.O
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. Asylum
    Mine was Atlantica for the first game.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Asylum


    I really do like the book Twilight but I wouldn't classify it as one of my favorites. Yet, I'm still very excited to the movie a couple days after it comes out (I figure that I won't get a chance to see it as soon as it comes out because of all the raging fans).
    I'm not sure how the movie will do, infact, I'm not so pleased with some of the actors but I can't say I'm not interested. I'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Literature
  19. Asylum
    I see what you mean. I was pretty annoyed when I noticed that too, but then I thought "Aren't the Heartless really after the person wielding the keyblade?" I still don't have an answer to that question since this day.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Asylum
    I'd have to say Atlantica and Monstro in Kingdom Hearts 1. I had no idea what I was doing in both worlds. Atlantica was a bit more hard for me when it came to fighting and swimming.
    As for the second game, it'd probably still be Atlantica. I know you didn't swim that much but those buttons you had to keep pressing... They were so annoying.
    Post by: Asylum, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts