I believe animals have emotions. I think they all have their own personality, whether they are two animals of the same breed or two total different animals. I'm not so sure how they show them since I'm not much of an animal activist and I don't like as much as other people but they probably show some feelings.
I really enjoyed the last line a lot. But the first verse/paragraph was a little odd because after talking about beauty, I felt as if you just jumped to hate. Overall, it was a really beautiful poem. I hope you get a good mark ^^.
Interesting. Never knew that much about Coded but this is good.
I love both Simple and Clean reversed. They are awesome. And all the lyrics you can hear.. It's just really cool. But when it comes to titles, I like Sanctuary (lyrics, music, title and all) much more than I like Simple and Clean.
... I wake up between 6:14am -6:37am. I know, it's shameful -.-'
I'd have to say Cloud. His fighting was just... Totally Awesome. Not only because he's one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters but because he's just... Awesome.
Tell her that she should concentrate on her work and always keep focused. Don't get side tracked by silly little drama that may be occurring around her. Keep up your grades, be a nice person but don't let people walk over you. Another thing is, choose your friends carefully. I find a lot of people from elementary school always end up changing. Your best friend could turn into your worst enemy. Just... Be vigilant.
Well this is difficult. I believe in saving lives but what if we save them, only to have them destroyed later on in life? Buying funding Space programs, we are capable of finding new things that could probably help both poor and rich people. But then, we still have to feed people so they can enjoy this new technology we will eventually discover. But if we don't feed them, they die. Yet, when you think about it, why should we get involved in such matters? We're we the ones to cause these countries grief? I don't think so, yet, it is still our responsibility to keep them alive. In total, I do believe we should fund space programs but still, we should have some money that should benefit those in need.
Well I'm almost done the book (My friend's letting me borrow her's ^^) and all I can say is... I'm not so sure if I'm at my happiest with it ^^'.
I'm thinking either 13 or 14.
I only really liked the "Is it the..." parts. But it was a good overall.
My friend's getting me a copy because I'm afraid of getting pushed by all the people who will probably go after it ^^'
I'm not sure about what will be in the future so I try no to think about it. It's a little too sensitive of a discussion. There maybe be a future and there may not be. I'd like to say to worry about it when it comes but I think we have to start thinking of what the future might hold. As for what I think may be in the future, possibly technology will reach an astonishing level and many diseases will have found a cure. Hopefully in the future, earth it won't come too an end too soon.
Wow, after three years. Congratulations.
Is there something apart from possibly the way you look that's making you vomit? Whether there is or isn't, I'd tell somebody about it before things go to far and you end up in the hospital. That's just my opinion, I don't know what it's like so the advice I gave you is all the advice I can give.
To some people around me, I come off as someone on the road to Light but I believe that I'm Twilight. I'm not all that good ^^'.
I like Dearly Beloved, Roxas' song, and Sanctuary.
I would save either Axel or Demyx. Neither of them deserved to go. If I had to choose between those two I'd probably save Axel.
Donald could probably heal himself and cast spells on Goofy so he would win but Goofy's more of a defensive player.. I still think Donald would win though.
I do believe we are our own person. Yes, we do go by hat we are told but at a certain point of life -whether you by 15 or 50- you have to make your OWN decisions. Society, parents, school, peers all influence or being but I can't say they make the person we are. We choose who we are don't we? Physically, we are made up from other people but I don't believe that has anything to do with being our own since I believe a person is what's inside. We all have our personalities, strengths, and such and for sure those couldn't have been decided by Society. While we live, we gather these things on our own.