8 seconds? And here I was insisting I could last for 10 D: I know. Yet, I still have to do it. Darn computers and their technological stuff. D:< I'm listening to this: Dave Armstrong & Redroche feat H Boogie - Love Has Gone Okay, Last it is.
1, 834 songs on my library. I'm going to have to start deleting some.
Just one of the programs of got on it. I have to uninstall it and then install it again and I can't stand doing that D:. I get distracted like that too. Instead of actually doing my work, I end up drawing. Or if I'm listening to music, I'll start writing the music lyrics down instead of working.
Hi Last (Can I call you Last?) I'm good. Just struggling with my computer. Try to get away from what's distracting you Destiny.
All right, Fire it is ^^.
I only watched the first two episodes ^^'. After that, I just lost interest.
Thanks Kiburedo ^^... Even thoguh your probably gone right now ^^'. Okay Emma. And I won't make fun of Ginta. I watched a little bit of MAR. Firekeyblade, is there a name you prefer me to call you? I've neve rmade an AMV. Maybe I'll try that some time soon too.
I don't like History that much. At least, not the History I have to learn. It drives me nuts; it's just so dull. I think I'm going to make a signature X3.
I believe in God but still, I'm unsure if there is even one. I don't think about it often because I don't feel comfortable questioning my beliefs. If ther eis a God, then there is. But if there isn't, well I'm sure we'll discover a new beginning to the planet.
Oh okay ^^. And thanks Ginta. Bye Kiburedo. I prefer anything over math.Well, I don't have to worry about it till September 5 or something.
Well, then I guess it's: Hello there Family X3. I'm pretty much a slow runner too. Only because I run slow on purpose. I only run fast if it's really needed ^^'. EDIT: Aw, thanks Destiny (If I may call you Destiny ^^') My day was good, still summer vacation for me so all I did was draw.
Hi members of the Twilight Love Family X3 (I'd call you all family but I just got here ^^')
I don't believe she is pathetic but just really down. She says she loves Edward so much, and it's obvious she does by what the book states. I think it's okay for her to go into "Zombie mode" because of all that she's been through with him. Yet, I do think that state lasted a bit too long and getting to the end of it, I did believe that maybe Bella was going a bit over the top. But I can't relate to her so I didn't think too much of it.
Let Go - Frou Frou
I really listen to anything. From Techno to Rap. I don't really have a favorite music genre but I can say Rap, R&B, and Hip-Hop are my least favorite... Any sort of Rock is at the top :P As for what I would normally listen to: -Flyleaf -Paramore -Utada Hikaru -Metro Station -Linkin Park -Evanescence -The Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack -Die Mannequin -Death Cab For Cutie -Daft Punk -Nightcore -A Day to Remember -Bjork -Lady Gaga -PATD -Seether -Disturbed -The Used -Madonna -Alexisonfire -Soundtracks (Any, as long as the songs are good) -Chiodos -Coldplay etc...
Thanks Firekeyblade and everybody else who welcomed me to the family and warned me but may also not be online ^^'. I'm okay with hectic. I'll just watch and take down notes on who not to mess with. *Pulls out Notebook* ^^.
I'd probably be a mix of Roxas and Namine. I wouldn't really want to be a nobody of anybody though ^^', but I think those characters I really seem like.
Yup. I've read the whole series. And now I can say with confidence (Kind of ^^') I don't like Edward or Bella that much. Darn, abnormal is my specialty XD Lol, random question. Well, I do like techno; I like all kinds of music.
O.O Well.. I defiantly don't want to know want to know what abnormal is here. Thanks DestinyStar :glomp: I actually saw the title and thought "OMG. 'Twilight'. Stephanie Meyer. I read the first post and then thought "Well, not what I was expecting ^^'."
Oh my.. Well this seems like a bad time to ask but I was wondering if I could join this family? Sorry if it's the wrong moment and all ^^'.