Do every villain in Kingdom Hearts have a name relating to sexual topic when the letters are moved? ... Or is it just coincidence ^^'?
Wow, leaving. Well, I'd wish you'd stay but it's your decision.
"Breaking Dawn" by Stephanie Meyer .... Again ^^'. I might start "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer pretty soon.
Personality wise, I'm a lot like Roxas and Namine. Looks, I have NO idea. Maybe Kairi if you squint really hard..
One Piece : Of pizza? Of cake? Pokemon : Poke a mon? That's how I used to say it. Bleach : I think I clean my clothes with that stuff... Fruit Basket : O.. Kay? Lucky Star : It's just.. Odd... Love that anime though ^^'.
I ish good, thx ^(^.^)o Just finished my very first sig, I know it could be better but meh. How ish all of you?
Hi ^^. {Fillers}
I'd stand still in shock that the world is about to blow up.
I believe Goofy is a dog, all though, he does come off as a combination animal.
I think both males and females from ages 15 and up should be given baby simulators. The teenage pregnancy rate is just ridiculous. Teens are just popping out babies without think about the consequences. Maybe if we gave them a piece of reality on what it's like actually HAVING a kid, they'd start waiting for after marriage to think about children.
I just started reading this and I love it! It's good. I hope you update it soon.
I would have cried if Carlisle had died. Honestly, I would have. He's my favorite vampire in the entire series.
I had to stop it because my dog started to cry in pain. I have to admit, I thought I was going to too.
"I just discovered what love is... And your not it."
In the beginning, I'd be shocked that I'd have ruled the world. ... Later I'd start saving the planet.
My very first fan fiction so be as mean as you like XD. I hope you like it, never really wrote a story before but it seems there's nothing to now a days... -------------------- Chapter 1 Home Red haired, blue eyed, peach skinned, slim, and kind Princess Kairi leaned against her windowsill. It was a normal day, a regular day. Kairi had woken up, dressed in one of my many outfits, walked to her father room and kissed him good mourning, grabbed a apple and ran to her favorite rooms of the castle. The wind whipped passed her light skinned face as Kairi took another bite into the fruit. She chewed leisurely on the piece in her mouth. Her red locks followed the blow while she ate. Yup, just another day normal, regular day in Hollow Bastion. Kairi looked down, only to see people working about the in the castle. "They look happy," Kairi mumbled to herself. She looked back at her apple and realized she had finished it off. "Guess I'll go see him." --- "Where's Riku?" Sora muttered to himself. He wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of his gloved hand. As usual, it was an average day as Hollow Bastion. Sora was waiting for Riku to appear out of now where as he always did in the Marketplace. Sora sighed and threw his hands behind his head of spiky brown hair, crossed his legs, and stared up at the sky. The soft blue clouds floated slowly in the air, blocking some the heat from the sun. Just an ordinary day. "Sora." The brunette whirled around at the sound of his name. He grinned when he saw a pretty red head dressed in pink and white smile. "Hi Kairi, what's up?" "Nothing much," Kairi smiled. "Just decided to see what you and Riku are doing? ... Where is Riku?" "Who knows. This is his daily routine," Sora explained. "He always makes sure I'm not looking and ten pops out of now where acting all cool... Stupid Riku." Kairi giggled at Sora's fuming. "I'm sure you'll catch him eventually." "Yeah," Sora smiled. "Hopefully eventually is today." "So what do you do while you wait?" "Nothing." "Nothing?" "Nothing." "Oh," Kairi muttered. "You really need a hobby." Sora rolled his playfully, "Anything new at castle?" "Nope," Kairi said. "Well, Namine's engaged." ----------------- Well that's the first chapter (Yeah, I know it's short and VERY different from the actually Kingdom Hearts Story but isn't that what fanfictions are about XD). I hope you enjoyed it.
It took me forever to get to a higher level in Destiny Islands and Hollow Bastion. For Destiny Islands, I stayed till I reached level 56. For Hollow Bastion I stopped 56-76. Those were the longest nights of my life.
I'm Christian-Catholic but I don't go to church. I've got all my sacraments so far but I guess I just don't take it as seriously as others. I believe in God though. I also do believe Religion is the cause of many problems. It's probably as much of a problem as racism. I think that people should believe what they want to believe but why should they push it on other people or divide some people because they don't believe in the same thing?
I don't really have a favorite. Advent Children was pretty good, but I did go see Mama Mia this summer... I just can't choose.
Namine. She had more of point to the actually story (Even though Kairi did; her point just wasn't as interesting as Namine's) and she's just not annoying.