i just uploaded a video Yay! its kingdom hearts with listen to your heart by i forgot teh artists name. but i think it still needs more time to acctually start playing
*takes ice cream and sits in corner*
i still love demyx so every month is demyx month.lol. why was i thinking demyx was #4
oh yeah its vexen month
Its demyx month right? yeah i think it is.
*dances* WOOT!
wow those are good. I picked devoted hearts.
i don't think Namine will get a keyblade because she is a special kind of nobody and she is not only apart of kairi but apart of sora.....wait that goes against what i've been saying..........ugh brain freeze T_T
i agree he was ansem the wise's freind and lots of other stuff.
so do i. My sister likes kh but she hasn't played the 2nd one yet and she's not obbsessed with it like i am so i get sad my other sisters aren't the video game type. I think i should get my friends into it, Yes yes i am likeing this idea mwahahahahahaha i will threaten to kill them unless they play kh mwhahahahahahahaha......................ha
you know your obbsessed with kh when you realize your obbsessed with kh. oh what now top that.lol
one time i saw a plate that had Goofy on it and said "Garsh" and i thought of KH because i always think of kh when i see disney charaters
Guilty of like all of those...... when you have a dream that you owned KH2FM+ and furious when you wake up for school......this is true
no it's awesome stupid america would never put somehting as cool as this in a game
OMG it's just how it was in my dream.seriosly i drempt about owning this game
ok the frozen person looks too much like roxas but i dont get why he would be there I'm not sure if some one already awnserd this question but im not reading all of the replys. anway yen sid gave sora that keyblade and yen sid was mickeys teacher so he could of given it to mickey first
no but I'm just guessing. and i think that the key was kind of made after the crown like they do have somthing to do with eatchother but i don't think it's about what you said.
Riku in kingdom hearts 1 and Roxas in kingdom hearts 2
1.Xigbar.....because i love it when he says "As if" 2.Demyx.....because of his sitar 3.Axel.........because of his awesome catchphrase and because he's the pyro of the organization 4.Roxas......because of his double keyblade. But he is my overall favorite kingdom hearts character
I agree Storrini a lot. cows