Hai!!! Thanks for the Welcome :) And lol never thought of it that way :3
Uhh, im not Ignorant about these things. I have Custom Firmware. Have had it for 2 years. Running 6.60 PRO B10. I have been on 6.20 PRO B5 - 10 and 6.35 PRO B7 - 10. So im not really Ignorant. Its just that the Codes dont work when i activate them.
Well, the First season is about a guy named Jiunichi Asakura. He goes to High School and lives on Hatsunejima. Otherwise known as the Island of...
Right on all Points Protector :)
Yup, i always feel that way when talking to someone far away from me.
It is, u should try it. Its my FAVORITE Anime out of all the ones i've seen :)
I've been great How about yew? :)
It was Great Thanks ^^
The company that made them is Circus. And for how many Eps, Da Capo: 26 Da Capo S.S: 26 Da Capo II: 13 Da Capo II S.S: 13 Da Capo if (OVA): 2
Lol its ok ^^ Have Fun :)
Im Great Thanks ^^ How has ur day been so far?
Oh wow Lol That makes sense ^^
Hai Llave!!! How Are yew? :)
Oh i see....Would u rather have Snow or just be hot?
Oh ok, And sorry just people were typing to me in those ways so i thought it'd be appropriate :P Anyway, i see, thanks for letting me know ^^
Ok....I just have to say this out BLUNTLY. I AM IN LOVE WITH DA CAPO It is THE Most Romantic Anime i have EVER watched. It currently has 5 seasons and they are in this order: Da Capo Da Capo S.S (Second Season) Da Capo II Da Capo II S.S (Second Season) Da Capo If (Imaginary Future or Innocent Finale) Now...for those of you who have NOT seen it...WHERE THE HELL HAVE U BEEN?! Da Capo: [video=youtube;_9UIOJpGt4M]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9UIOJpGt4M&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLE3BDDAF71C83B1C5[/video] Da Capo S.S: [video=youtube;I--KTvoBS90]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I--KTvoBS90&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] Da Capo II: [video=youtube;gZ-n0l7RNz8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ-n0l7RNz8&feature=related[/video] Da Capo II S.S: [video=youtube;7_FfyI2gRkQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_FfyI2gRkQ&feature=related[/video] Da Capo If (Sorry all i could give u was the VN Version and the One i Uploaded): Version 1 [video=youtube;gC7QRsXb5MI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC7QRsXb5MI&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] Version 2 [video=youtube;aCKRq10Kps8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCKRq10Kps8[/video] NOW That u've seen these....What are ur thoughts? For those of u who HAVE Seen it before. LEMME KNOW UR THOUGHTS...AND...If u didnt Already Know.... [video=youtube;UALLqHKwiEY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UALLqHKwiEY[/video] I have Watched Every Season 65 Times EACH. I have played EVERY Da Capo Visual Novel and Own them on Disc (Fanatic) If u wanna see more of the openings go to my Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/HikariNoDWI Have Fun Discussing and If u wanna know anything lemme know :) (Sorry if i wasnt allowed to post Videos..)
OwO SO MANY PEOPLE! XD Anata no subete o mitasu tame ni yoi!!! :D (Its Very Nice to meet all of you!) Thanks Everyone for such a Warm Welcome! :D @Keyblade Spirit: REALLY?! Im watching Persona 4 The Animation too!!! I love Persona :) Also, Kampfer & Love Hina were AMAZING! (For some reason...I love Gender Bender as a Genre in Anime, Manga and VNs :P) And to be honest its really not. I think theres only 1 other Girl in my School that is named Hikari O.o. Though im sure there are a few others out there XD. And Arigato Gozaimasu on the Sig Complements! ^^ (Also..its possible to change ur username? I was wondering about that...i've had MANY names on various Forums and this is the first time i've used this one. But i always change my user on my own Forum "Winz00e".)
Oh im great Thanks ^^ Just A bit Tired cause i didnt get much sleep last night so ima do what i said ^^ have a Great Rest of ur day :)
Anyways, im a bit tireds, ima go take aCatnap. See yew Tomorrows ^^ (Ill probably be asleep till like..8 or 9PM then be busy with other things...
Welp. im a bit tireds, ima go take a nap. See yew Tomorrows ^^ (Ill probably be asleep till like..8 or 9PM then be busy with other things then go...