Awesome! Mine starts on Saturday. And Sure! What Genre do u like the most though?
Gomen... Anyway, i love rain a lot :)
Oh i know what u mean.... And sorry saying "yew" is a habit ^^ People call me "Neko" on many Forums and sometimes in Real life cause i act so...
Hey ^^ Great Thanks, how about yew?
Herro ^^ How are yew?
Hey There!!! Welcome to KHV! O.O... UR A COSPLAYER TEW?! OMG...i think u and i have much in Common :3
Welcome to KHV!! Have Fun, Enjoy Urself, and most of all, MAKE FRIENDS :D
Awwwwwwwwww thats so sweet how this forum brought u 2 together :3 It may not be a romantic story, but it still happened ^^ I wish u two the best :) Oh and...WELCOME!!! :D
^ This right here XD
So it has a low Success rate....Bummer... And i've tried activating it after i load a save then going into a new Area. Thats how i thought it worked in the first place. EDIT: since the Warp codes wont work..that leads me to my 2nd question... What does the "Character Slot" Codes do? I have entered the Values correctly (i think?) And it doesnt do anything. heres an Example in case u wanna see whats wrong... _C0 Slot 1 (Ventus only Eraqus) _L 0x20626000 0x65303262 _L 0x20626004 0x00303078
Ok, ill try that Program. Game ID Is correct since most of my other Codes for KHBBSFM work (Just the Warp codes dont seem to work) What do u mean by Jokers? Like invalid parts?
Ikr?! Me too.... Welp i got around 200 songs back so far.
Welcome Kiari :D I also thought u were a girl by ur name XD. Have fun, make Friends and Enjoy urself here ^^
Nm, my computer crashed and i had to format my Hardrive. So i lost EVERYTHING. So im getting back all my Music right nows.
Im Great!! Thanks :) Yew?
Herro Again ^^
I use CwCheat.
Welcome Lyris ^^ Have Fun and make Friends here :)
Welcome!!! Make Friends, Follow (And Read) The Rules, but most importantly, HAVE FUN! :D
I've seen the anime. The Dubbing is pretty bad i admit. But its easy to get past for me if u just focus on the Action and Plot. Though to be honest i like the Japanese Version better then the Dubbed.