Welcome?...Lol..u remind me of a friend of mine who likes to be random.... ANYWAY, Have fun and Make friends :) (see u in the Spamzone)
Hey!! Welcome to KHV! :) Have Fun, Be Active and MAKE FRIENDS :D
Blankity Blank Blank
Yesh, yesh they can :3
That is.......no words....
Welcome to our Family! :D Have Fun and Make Friends ^^ Hope tew see yew around :)
I LOVE this Anime, been keeping up with it and watching the Episodes as they premiere on TV (Havent missed a single 1), Mirai Nikki is AMAZING.
Welcome to KHV! Enjoy ur stay, have fun and make friends :)
Meh, i think i prefer the "Dark" Version more then the Lite. Idk its easier to see Text on that one.
Np :3 I love making friends ^^
Hmm, i like it alot, great Colors too ^^
Hmm, dont really know u but that doesnt matter... Hope whatever u have to do works out ^^ i dont know u that much but i sure will miss yew :3
OwO I Forgot to actually introduce myself! My names Hikari ^^ But yew can just call me Neko (or Hikari, whichever u prefer :3)
Omg that looks REALLY Funny! XD Agreed, we wont know if its good or bad until we see it :P
HAI!!! I didnt know there was a Group for Cosplaying! XD heres me Current main character you're cosplaying: Kotori Shirakawa (Have cosplayed her DOZENS of Times since people call me a Clone of her) Characters you've cosplayed: Kotori Shirakawa, Nanaka Shirakawa, Kusakabe Misuzu and a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of others! Characters you want to cosplay: None more really, though sometimes i wanna try characters with different Hair colors. Just that my hairs REALLY Red Naturally and i dont wanna ruin it -_- Cosplays you're working on: Currently Making Kusakabe Misuzu's Regular Clothes :3 Been to a con before?: SEVERAL DOZENS. I think i lost count at 37. And thats all u need to know :3
O.O WELCOME!!! ANOTHER COSPLAYER YAY!!!!!! *Glomps Heroine" :3 Welcome to KHV, Have Fun, and Make friends :D
Ohhhhh i see. But still u met her didnt yew? Thats whats important ^^
I like them ^^ Their very very nice :)
Oh another few i got from the top of my head. One Ok Rock Nami Tamaki
K's.. Of the Top of my head... Nana Mizuki T.M Revolution Yuki Kajiura (Also does Almost every OST for almost every Anime u could ever think of...