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  1. TerryNirv
    Rain quickly blocked the shurkien with his pistol and was forced to his knees.He fired more at Seth and Futium.
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TerryNirv
    Rain looked to see Futims attack of light.He quickly turned and fired 3 explosive shots at his body.
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TerryNirv
    Profile Post

    XD thats beast

    XD thats beast
    Profile Post by TerryNirv for MandyXRiku4ever, May 20, 2010
  4. TerryNirv
    Profile Post

    no your pretty good XD

    no your pretty good XD
    Profile Post by TerryNirv for MandyXRiku4ever, May 20, 2010
  5. TerryNirv
    Tony Stark after the sex cahnge (;D)
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. TerryNirv
    OOC: sorry I haven't been posting uys ive been making a few story adjustments cause i might use this as the short story for my Lit. class final.Also can I get a bit of a recap? XD

    Rain was far from the devistated base.He sat under a tree catching his breathe from the battle."Damn Re:volt.They seem to be more of a pest than I could imagine."he said lowly.He than sensed someone."I must say Trent,you've trained your pawns well."he said with his eyes closed.

    Trent walked out of the trees and infront of Rain."They are my comrades.Not my pawns."he said glarring at Rain.

    Rain stood up chuckling a bit.He gripped his pistols aiming straight at Trent."I'll take care of this now."he said as he fired two shots at Trent.Trent quickly stomped his foot to the ground causing a tree to grew infront of him,blocking the bullet.The bullet caused a large explosion,destroying the tree and sending Trent flying back.
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. TerryNirv

    quick khv!

    chuck norris
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. TerryNirv
    Skype would be the best way for us to communicate.We can call each other and send files all at once and all calls are recordable
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 18, 2010 in forum: Production Studio
  9. TerryNirv
    most tech rock bands usually use their synths instead of bass such as And than there were none and Shiny Toy Guns
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 18, 2010 in forum: Production Studio
  10. TerryNirv
    Rains head went up to the jab that cat delivred.His head fell covering his face.He began to laugh."Amazing,Trebnt on how you trained your subordinates..but."he paused tightly grasping the pistols in his hand."You didn't teach them much on me huh?"he said smiling as he fired both pistols to the ground and made the bullets explode when the made contact with the ground giving him a cover to escape.
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TerryNirv

    Initials means teenage mutant ninja horses
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 17, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. TerryNirv
    i can play guitar and bass and ive been playing both for about 3 years
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 17, 2010 in forum: Production Studio
  13. TerryNirv
    OOC: accpeted

    Rain looked and saw Kaia and looked back at Trent grinning.Rain started to laugh a bit."Do you think this pointless war will ever end?"he asked smiling.

    Trent kepts his glare at Rain."Aslong as the Military keep their grip on us I doubt it."he said in anger.

    Rain laughed again."I think differently.I think that it's the people who won't accept their place in the world are the cause of this war."he said keeping his composure pointing one of his pistols at Kaia."There's only one cure for war and that is too eliminate the cause."he said as he pulled the trigger.

    "Damn!"Trent said as he quickly punched the gorund making a tree form infront of Kaia blocking the bullet.
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. TerryNirv
    Profile Post

    XDthat explains it

    XDthat explains it
    Profile Post by TerryNirv for MandyXRiku4ever, May 16, 2010
  15. TerryNirv
    Reno still stood at Kyrie's cell.He listend to her sing."Nice voice.."he commented.
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. TerryNirv
  17. TerryNirv
    Profile Post

    do any drugs? : P

    do any drugs? : P
    Profile Post by TerryNirv for MandyXRiku4ever, May 16, 2010
  18. TerryNirv
    Profile Post

    o.o mmmk

    o.o mmmk
    Profile Post by TerryNirv for MandyXRiku4ever, May 15, 2010
  19. TerryNirv


    gin and rangiku needs too make babys
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 15, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  20. TerryNirv
    Trent sat down and looked at the damage he had already made.He than noticed the lack of soliders coming at him.They could of evacuated the base,but that was only a guess.Trent than had a feeling like he was being watched.

    The sound of gun fire made Trent jump away from where he was sitting and look at where it came from.

    Rain walked out from the shadows holding out both his pistols.His eyes met Trents glare."Well isn't this a nice reunion."he said keeping his composure.
    Post by: TerryNirv, May 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home