:sparta: i see that o.o
OOC: o.o i have a few questions bout your oc's BIC: Trent chuckled a bit."Just as cold as the machine."he said putting up his map.
Trent laughed."Eager to kill some more huh?"he said sarcasticly.
Trent sighed."You'll be our safety net.If we are in a position where we can't win I need you too lightport our asses out of there."he said in a serious composure.
"That'd be too demeaning.Heh."he said laughing.
Trent grinned"Here's how this will go.Me and Kaia will come at the enemy from behind,so we'll be code named main offense.You and Seth will confront the foe head on while we position ourselves.You'll both be cde named distraction."he said smiling.
OOC: o.o umm....i havent made up Wrath yet so I am going to go do that now....
Trent coughed into the awkward depression in the room.
Trent laughed again."Isn't this like old times."He said pulling a small map from his pocket."We need to get a message out to the military.Thankfully one of the heads is definently coming after us but I'm not too sure who."he said sighing. Greed watched as Neco put it on.He than glanced to Joshua."That means you too buddy."he said laughing.
Greed let out a big laugh."They are both one and the same.But no matter us three are going to have a little mission."He said grinning pulling out a breifcase from under his desk.He opened it revealing two collars."Try'em on."he commanded. Trent looked at Seth and grinned."Ofcourse I have a plan,it involves you distracting one of the heads for a bit."he said giving a chuckle.
Trent noticed Churchs hands shaking.He gave a large sigh taking the medicine from his hand."You have too let go dude."he said using the medicine on himself.
not mcuh man you?
Trent grinned."Bingo!And the person I need to kill.But before that I need some medicine,heh."he said tring to get up. Greed laughed."Well sucks to be the ones dead their.Any major casualtys?"he asked still giving his demonic grin.
Trent laughed a bit."Good news Rain's dead.....bad news we have the guy whose devistaed alot of citys might come after us."he said grinning to Church. Greed kept his grin as he looked at his subordinates."Mr.Neco,how was your base destroyed?"he asked taking another drink from one of the shot glasses filled with a red liquid.
Trent sat at on a near by chair and sighed again."Church get your ass over here!"he shouted loudly. OOC: accepted
OOC: when he has a name you can BIC: Trent sighed."The old base with one of my favorite pesimists live."he said grabbing Furtim.
OOC: XD hell yeah accepted
"About that....I kinda can't get up."he said grinning a bit. Greed sat at his desk with his demonic smile messing with his ham radio.He reached for the shot glass filled with a red liquid and gulped it down exhaling in enjoyment.Greed found the channel on the radio he was looking for and grabbed the mic."This goes out to all the Military Base 10-5w survivors.I need all your pathetic asses here at base 03-g imediatly.Anyone not present in 72 hours is here by a traitor and will be executed on sight.Hahaha!!!"he said too all the military troops.
Trent laughed than."Don't worry if I'm right,I'll be just fine."he said keeping his grin.
Trent got up slowly and grinned."Actually,I much perfer when he gets in our way I be the one too fight him."he said chuckling a bit.