Greed smiled and walked to Neco."Newbies got a point heh."he said chuckling. Wrath sighed "If we must."he said smiling walking to the portal. Trent looked at some metal an picked up a sword like peice."You guys stay here don't leave till I give the signal keep all walkies on Channel 3."he said quickly running out of the base and into the forest.
Wrath turned around waving his hand in a following gesture."Than lets not waste any time and get this done shall we?"he said happily. Greed began to laugh and walked with him. Trent got up but than felt the shock again,droping to his knees."That dark elemantal from Rains base and 2 of the Seven heads.Their coming this way!"he said still nervous.
Wrath gave a care less smile than pulled out a list.He began to read."Trent Ace,Seth Nakishu,Furtim,Leonard Church,Joshua,Mya.Those are our kill on sight targets."he said acting non-chalantley."As of a Ms. Kaia Moonshine she is a take into custody at all cost.Is this understood."he said calmly. Greed laughed watching the confrontation between Neco and Wrath. Trent looked at Furtim in a serious manner."We need to!"he said in a nervous tone.
Greed grinned."Than I now Dub thee,Neco Gluttony VI!"he said in booming tone.He walked past him and glared back at him."Next it's time for a mission that comes from the King himself.But this time Wrath will be joining us."he finished.As he finished a shadowy, smoke like figure walked out of the darkness. Trent had a feeling of numbness for a breif second.He quickly grabbed his head and dropped to his knees.He looked up to the ceiling."Damn.."he said with an angered look on his face.
XD well i have a healthy one now to
XD im pretty sure you didnt give me the messed up heart
XD its fine
yeah ive had a heart condition for a few years
they took out my heart
surgary : O
hospitalized : D
Greed laughed."First,since this was a test to see if you were cruel enough to be one of the seven,allow me be the first to say you've passed."he said chuckling noticing his slight hesitation."But it's is your choice to join."he finished smiling.
OOC: Rusts is his first name Greed is his main name though XD sorry though i thought it was neko not malum? BIC Greed stepped infront of josh and grinned.Josh weakly looked up to Greed seeing his evil grin.Greed swiped his hand infront of Josh barely touching him.Josh's eyes opened wide as huge cuts formed over his body.The blood splashed out of him covering greed and having drop hit Neko. Greed turned to him."Let's talk,heh."he said happily.
Trent looked at Furtim and gave him a sarcastic laugh. Rust laughed at this."You can stop.It's time for me to have my fun,heh."he said evily.
My Character I'm back : D Name:Hades Age:18 Gender:Male Element:Twilight Allignment:Perversa Weapon:Claws Limit Break: Cerberus Fang-Hades makes a loud roar and a large Dog is made over him out of aura.Hades than launches himself at an almost unstopable speed and puts his right claw infront of himself in an imapling motion. Appearance: Personality:Usually happy and cheerful but can turn into a serious person in no time flat.He keeps his personal goals secret and tries his best not to get into battles.
....when did we turn into lost?
OOC: back from hospital tell me whats going on
Josh coughed up blood.He glared at Neco and than too Greed.He returned his sight too Neco.Josh than spit his blood upon Necos face."The only thing I'm going to say is you'll never stop revolt!"he said grinning. Greeds demonic laugh appeared.He placed his hand on Necos shoulder."Well if thats all he'll say than he's no use to us."he finished laughing.
Greed laughed again."Your quick,"he said smiling.He pulled the hood off the man revealing Josh the a double agent working for RE:volt."This man right here is a traitor and I do believe he has information concerning revolt."he chuckled as he slowly pulled out a small scalple.Greed moved his hand off Josh's neck as the blood that was dripping from the wound went back in."This is your test to become one of the heads.Gluttony is known for the execution and interogation part of our military and you were hand picked to take this test."Greed handed the scalpel to Neco."My bloods running through him making his body paralyzed with him keep the ablity to talk and feel pain.Get too work."he finished laughing. OOC:longest post in rp i win XD
Trent sighed."There's a reason I don't work in the whole light and dark worlds of elements.Too much superstition."he said holding his head. Greed stood infront of the chained man.A black hood covered the mans face.Greeds hand was placed at the base of the mans neck with small lines of blood ceeping from his hand.Greed reached for the microphone to the bases PA system and laughed insanely and spoke."May Mr.Neco come to the interigation room imediatly!"he said with his demonic grin.