"How old are you?"Yuffie asked.
Yuffie poked Yuffie, "Who are you and what are you doing looking like me?" "Mightiest more like clummsiest!" Ashe scoffed. She dropped down and flung her leg under his feet.
Ashe put all her strength into the next blow aiming for his right hip.
Ashe held a firm grip on the sword of kings. As Gilgamesh charged her she did a back flip to gain some distance inbetween them. Yuffie looked up when she heard footsteps, "I guess Vinnie's right, I realy am crazy!"
"You honestly think I wouuld let you beat me so easily? And here I thought I was here for a vacation, silly me." She stepped back into a fighting stance. She had learned early that the first to attack was in more danger than he who waited. Yuffie climbed up a tree, "Cocuonuts, ideal food for the hungry. Ha.." Yuffie grabs the fruit, but falls off the tree, "At least I still have my food."
Ashe turned around, "Huh? Where did he...Gilgamesh." Ashe Pulled out her sword and crept up behind him, "I believe that's one of my aquaintances you're about to attack."
((Hey I won't be on 4 long, my mom's about to kick me off again.)) Ashe sighed and explained to Vaan,"My husband and I...we never went on our honeymoon. He promised after the war...well you know. So I used he tickets he bought and flew from Dalmasca to here on that gummi ship."
Yuffie stood up and brushed herself off, "Stupid root! Jumping under my feet and trippng me like that...I wonder if Vinnie and the others are here."
"Don't come any closer to me."Ashe warned holding the hilt of her sword.
Ashe turned her back to Vaan and fecided she would swi around the island until she found a different way on. Yuffie looked at Ashe with a strange expression as her friend dove into the water going away from the islands. Yuffie shook her hea and ran for the shore, "see ya around then Princess!" Her foot got caught on a tree root as she got to the trees and her face and clothes were coated in sand.
Ashe looked up,"Aww Cripes, I come for a holiday and run into him!"
((Join as made up?))
(It is slightly confusing, but your friend tells the truth. She is alive.) Yuffie Kisaragi stepped out of the gummi ship and stretched, "YAAAAWWWWNNNNN!" Ashe frowned as she followed her co-rider out of the ship, "Yuffie please cover your mouth when you yawn. I'm sure the people here don't want to see your tonsils." "Ashe, Ashe, Ashe....when are you going to learn the Great Ninja Yuffie does not take orders from anyone but herself?" "When you stop calling yourself tha maybe I will believe you."Ashe mumbled under her breath.
((Thanks, I got the game for christmas, I'm stuck on the part with the battery mimics...*sigh* oh well))
((I'm back, Ashe and Yuffie. Unless you'd rather I rp a dude and a girl instead.))
((Alright, thank you. I'll go look at the available players, brb! *Trips over own two feet*))
((May I join as Final Fanasy Yuffie?))
((Oh, er, thanks. I'll be going then. Peace!))
((If it's not too much to ask, what exactly are you rping?:stupid:))