((Yeah, I got to go to, Later guys!))
Ashe laid back onto the sand, "It's nice here, the weather, the water, the atmosphere. You know, it's like nothing bad could happen here."Ashe sighed, 'You would have loved it here Rasler.' she thought to her self.
"Geese I wonder what crawled up his butt and died, he's gotten even more crotchety in his old age."Yuffie grumbled.
Yuffie frowned, "Fine be that way,"she grumbled and walked off. "I'm going to have a lot of paper work when I get back because of you, dissapeaeing on my gaurds like that." Ashe teased,"I'm not hitting you because I'm here on vacation, and if I recall how we'd met you'd just stolen something then too!"
"Hey do you honestly think teenagers are made out of gil or something, I mean sheesh." Yuffie retorted.
Ashe bit her bottom lip so that she wouldn't yell at him,"And then what?"She forced herself to say.
"Something weird did happen to me, I ran into you." Ashe joked.
"Hmm, that's strange I rode on a gummi ship...that I stole tickets to get on." Yuffie mutered the last part.
Yuffie stuck her tounge out at him,"So how'd you end up here? I never thought the great Vincent Valentine was one for vacations.
"Well actually somewhere called Hollow Bastion."Yuffie shrugged, "So what ya been up to?" "When I first got here, why'd you want to knw how I'd gotten here?" Ashe asked.
"No you're not, this Yuffie lives here," She points at Yuffie,"And I'm the Yuffie you fought with." She grins,"Got it?"
"Vaan, Did you here me?"Ashe asked.
Yuffie smiled and skipped over to him, "Hey Vinnie!"
"Hmm...I guess he does go for vacations, or meybe he's on a mission!Hehe" Yuffie laughed.
"Hmm...Vinnie never seemed the type that would like vacations to me. Ya sure it was him and not a person who was from your area that is a Vincent? Ashe sat down beside Vaan,"So earlier, why did you want to know how I'd gotten here?"
"Yeah, I fought with him and some others a few years back, why?"Yuffie asked.
"Weird, I neede a holiday.So I came here."Yuffie shrugged,"Don't know why though."
Ashe walked over to Vaan who was talking to a man she had never seen before. She nodded her head towards him. "Gilgamesh and his dog are here."she said to Vaan. "So how'd you get here?"Yuffie asked.
Yuffie gave Ashe the peace sign then went to talk to Yuffie, "I figure we can look for them now that we found Ashe."
Ashe got up and waved, "I'll catch up with you two later."