Livia was seriously consdering flipping him the bird, but bit her bottom lip instead. She stopped, lit a cigarette, flicked some of the ashes in his direction and went to continue walking.
Livia's hands were tucked into her pockets as she walked along the side walk. She glared at the sky, "Why does the sky have to be so annoyingly vibrant today?" She muttered. While she hadn't been paying attention she had run into a boy walking from a building. She looked at him,"...Sorry..."she whispered. She hung her head and walked around him.
Yuffie shrugged,"Whatever."She skipped back to the other Yuffie. "confused huh? The one fighting is the one from around here. And the one sitting over there like a bump on a log is the one from where I'm from."
In order- I played Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy X, and finaly Final Fantasy VII- Dirge of Cerberus
"Hey Cloud, wait up!"Yuffie runs to catch up,"You wanna spar?If so I'll get my friend Ashe. That way you could fight two opponents at once!"
Yuffie shrugged,"At least something normal's going on now."
Yuffie walks up beside Yuffie, "Soo...why are the two immitations fighting? In our world apparently it's different."
A silent girl sat against the wall. She drew a long breath from her cigarette before crushing it into the ground. 'What the hell was that supposed to mean?'she asked herself again, thinking about the dream she'd been having for months. She ran her fingers through her blue bangs and stood up. 'You know what it means Livia, you know you have to find the people in your dream. You have to find them...and you have to help them.'the voice was one she knew well. It was her brother's. She kicked a rock hard with her right foot. "Great now I'm hearing voices."she muttered.
((May I join?)) Here's my charie: Name : Livia Hartwrench Age : 19 Weapon : A bow for far range, a dagger in her right boot, and two katanas for hand to hand combat magic:White and Dark Race: human Personality : solemn, keeps to herself. A loyal friend if you can break through her barriers Apperance : 5 foot 9 inches, skinny, tan, her eyes are a mixture of blue and green with gold flecks around the edges (Like mine!),short chin length black hair with side swept ice blue bangs. Black lip stick, heavy eye liner. Has black wings tatooed from the inside of her shoulder blades to the tips of her shoulderand ends at the curve in her back. She wears a black haltered/ tube top with a shear peice of fabric covering her stomach, a pair of ripped mini blue jean shorts, she wears a dog collar around her neck that says "only the gods can judge me", and thigh high black boots. Bio : Her parents died when she was three in the early stages of the keybladd war, her brother left when she was seven, and she raised herself on the streets. She smokes but not consistently, only when she nees to think or calm down. She learned how to fight from a trator military man.
"Borrowed!"She corrected him,"I borrowed iit because one I needed the gil for food and two someone had broken in and stolen all my materia while I'd gone out to buy the food. So yes, I was broke. Anyways where were you when you were drawn into this child's coloring book?"
"Gees, the only reason I'm here was because I hopped on a ride after I sto...borowed materia without permission. Now I'd rather face the merchant. This place is always the same, nothing at all to do." She sighed as she took out a green materia she had stolen.
She got up,"Hmm...that works. So how've you been? And please tell me you were trying to think of a way off this island."
Yuffie looked up from the ground, "Hey Cloud...Wait there are two Clouds aren't am I supposed to know which Cloud you are? I am so confused!"
"I wonder..." Yuffie muttered,"If we tried to leave...could we? Or would we be stuck? WOAH!" she tripped on a peice of wood,"Humph, I didn't want to stand up any ways. What was it that Vinnie said? He was just here...he didn't step on a ship or anything. just...POOF, and he was here."She rubbed her head, "I am so confused!"
Yuffie ran her fingers along the railings; she was siting on a platform made completely out of wood. Until now it didn't strike her as odd that there was alot of other people that just *poofed* onto the island, nor had she found it strange that they had the same name, and looked exactly alike. "Geese Yuff, when didja get so serious?"she asked herself. Ashe looked around, "What is it with this place? It's so irregular.There are to many doubles."
Ashe absent mindedly twirled her hair with her thumb, middle, and pointer fingers. She hummed lightly, 'At least there's no war here like there is in Dalmasca, though it is kind of boring...'
Yuffie looked around, "Yuffie, Yuffie? Where'd you go?"
Smiles, yes you may...I guess I'll start then. Ashe stepped out of her car and walked to the front door of the college. It was obviously an old castle but it had a snobby sort of look to it. She held her acceptance letter in her left hand as she walked slowly up the overly polished coblestone steps. She nervously reached out her right hand and took the lion knocker's ring in her hand and lightly tapped it three times against the oak door.
A college has re-opened for selected students, and you've been chosen. But what happens when dreams start to flow around the school like a curse, what happened to the past students? Why did the school close down, why did it re-open now? What's going on? FF-KH X-over You can have a dead Character. Needed: Head Master/Misstress:Needed Sub Master:Needed student president:Needed Student vice-president:needed grounds keeper:broken-wings-dont-fly Name:Mr Wilkins Crotchety old man baldng, gray, white hair glasses smokes Rules: 1. Nothing over Pg-13 2. You can curse but use * so we know what you're saying (fe; sh*t or s**t) 3. No killing others charies w/o heir permission 4. No God modeling or power playing 5.if you're not coming back on tell me so I can dlete your info. 6.No more than 3 characters 7.have fun Format for Oc's: Username: Name: Age: Picture/Appearance: Personality: Power/weapon/both: other: Other Characters: Username: hiddenkeyblade3 Name: Katachi Age: 19 Picture/Appearance: Personality: Very easy-going and mostly always happy. Power/weapon/both: Lightning sword, controls lightning and fire. other: he dosent really like to hang out in large crouds. Taken Kh Charies: Riku:hiddenkeyblade3 Taken FF charies: Ashe:broken-wings-dont-fly I'll begin when someone joins
((Is Ashe taken?))