As Serenity heard the quiet footfall of someone approaching the house she dashed into the woods and wait in silence. When a tall male came through the thicket she studied him carefully. His long white hair fascinated her, she'd never seen hair on a young male. You couldn't say he was unattractive, the only questionable trait about him was the scar on his cheek. She shifted slightly and watched him as he walked towards the mansion and turned and looked at the spot in the woods where she was hidden and she could've sworn he'd seen her but he seemed to shrug it off as he casually looked around. She let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding. "That was too close." she murmered.
Serenity awoke with a start, the bleak forest lights met her eyes. The stream still trickled its way to the ocean and the trees still seemed to meet the endless sky. She sighed softly and crawled to the stream, blood red eyes stared up at her. "You would think I was dead." Serenity murmured as she began braiding her midnight tresses. "I mean my skin is paler then the light that the moon is casting to the ground, and I'm sure my clothes are no reassurance to anyone who doesn't.....anyone who sees me." Standing agilely she walked to the messanger bag and pulled out the old cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. Serenity frowned, her supplies were low. She'd have to go into town this evening. Taking each step, as though planned, she walked towards the old manor. Dimples, blonde curls, he even had the crystaline blue eyes....No she musn't think about him. "I'll find you." She gripped the guitar pick on her necklace and continued onward until the moon's light was illuminated by the pearly white house. In the scant light Serenity could follow each pattern that danced across her skin in ink. Serenity fell to her knees and looked up at the house, "Who am I?" She sobbed silently.
This wasn't going to be a good day, Rikku concluded as she found herself rolling off her bed and onto her floor. Yeah, only she could have a queen sized bed and still manage to roll out of it. Pure talent. She glared at her clock which, blinnked it was some time after noon, "It's too early to be awake." She went to stand up and tripped over the edge of her comforter, definately not going to be a good day.
Evenings are better for me as well, except on weekends I'm for any time of day.
Hey, don't be afraid to drop a message!
((Is it too late to join?))
Roleplaying sooner sounds good to me but I am not good at roleplaying either characters.
((Message has been Sent))
Name :Serai Molekai Age :19 Gender :Female Race :Cetran Element ( Optional ) : Earth Weapon(s) :two Katanas, a dagger in her boot, and a bow Job , rank , or place : Hand Maid at the palace Appearance : Bio :.Despite her outward apearance, Serai is quite sensative and loves to help others. Since her pure being is connected to the planet anything done to hurt it, kills her slowly. Name : Jerum Blaze Age :22 Gender :Male Race :Ireneish Element ( Optional ): Air Weapon(s) :Spear Job , rank , or place : Bar Tender Appearance : Bio : Jerum dropped out of school, so he never had a chance for a proper job. His adoptive parents are wiped out by Jenova. Hate for Jenova drives him to join any fight lead against it. So...when do we start?
"I need to get out of here,"Livia grumbled. She closed her eyes and consentrated on a different part of Hollow Bastion when a sound disracted her, and then she was twirling through the black hole and she was sprawled out on the floor. She groaned, "Oh that hurt like shiitake mushrooms." She looked around and saw a boy, and on his face was plastered an extremely confused face. As far as she could tell he didn't even know she was here.
Livia Hartwrench sat on a crumbling wall in a vacant part of Hollow Bastion, she took a long drag from her cigarette before dropping it the short distance to the fround and putting it out. Yen Sid told her she was to help the protectors of the door, the thing she didn't understand was what door it was supposed to be.
Yuffie stopped, stuck her tounge out him, and then walked back over to Ashe. "Big meanie."she muttered. Ashe hid her laughter behind a hand.
"Hey, HEY! Wait, I didn't mean it. You know teenagers are a certain percent stupid right?" She ran next to him, "So like chill okay? Explain more." Ashe sighed, she should've known Yuffiw would say something stupid.
Yuffie snorted, "Well tha explains a lot."
"Who are you? And what's up with the cheesey names for everything here?" "Yuffie, watch your manners." Ashe said. "This is what I get for being stuck here with a Princess."
Yuffie popped up behind Vincent, "What's a heartless?" Ashe walked up beside Yuffie, "You realy don't pay attention do you?"
Yen Sid stepped through the door, "You are to assist those who protect the door." Livia frowned, "Oh and that maked everything so much easier because they all walk around with signs that say, 'I'm a protector of the door!' Thanks for the advice old man." She oppened her eyes and frowned, "That was fruitful." She grumbled irritantly.
She set her head against a rock and slipped into what you would think was sleep. She was awake in another world though, "Who the hell am I supposed to find and help? There are too many different groups." She yelled at the door of a sleeping chamber.
Livia rolled her eyes and pushed the dagger back down. She wouldn't need it anyways. She shouded herself in a dark mist, and disappeared. "God I love magic."She muttered
Just incase he deided to get smart like some of the people around here, Livia pulled the dagger hilt a little higher in her boot. For better accesibility of course. 'Legend Of The Guardian eh...that sounds intriguing.' Livia thought. She slipped into an alley way and decided to finidh her smoke and see what she could find out.