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  1. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity shrugged, "Something just" She quickly glanced once more around the darkened room and then continued to the now demolished door. "Come on, you were looking for something...right?" She placed her left hand to the wall and continued down the steps.

    Aerith walked back up the stairs to see Yuffie grumbling and eye twitching as three flighty fairies followed her around. Aerith laughed quietly and continued along to the library. Upon reaching her destination she took a deep breath earning her the smell of old musty books and dust. She slowly picked her way along the massive shelves picking a book here and there and then finally settling into a half couch that was located in the middle of the room.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jul 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Aerith's eyes widened for a moment as he released his pent up frustration, and then she just shook her head, "I apologize Leon, I hadn't realized you have been having trouble with your machine again." With a careful glance around the room she placed the basket on a nearby counter and walked to the door,"I'll be in the library to see if I can possibly find a solution to your problem, Leon."

    Serenity flushed, "Oh...well, I hadn't really intended to but...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." She turned her red eyes to look around the room and rubbed the tats on her arms, "Somethings wrong here..." She murmured. Serenity looked up as Advent knocked down the door, and shook her head as she went to follow him.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity ran her fingers against a wall, "If it's rusted, why don't you do the thing that you did to the gate." Even though dark she could see every inch of the room. Her blood red eyes were attuned to the dark, so she noted how there were crumbled rusting remains in the corner Advent had gestured towards.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Mar 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "Okay." Serenity pressed a hand against the wall and walked slowly down the basement stairs. In reallity it probably didn't take that long, but for the fact that she was still waiting for something to jump out of nowhere and attack her, it seemed like it took hours to reach the first basement area. She coughed into her fist as the dust rose from the floor. "It smells as if something died in here."

    Aerith smiled as she walked towards the castle. She had heard Cloud and Leon talking on the comlink earlier, which could only mean he was back in town. She had been out when she'd heard them talking, taking care to see that everyone was settling in alright. She wrapped her hands a little tighter around the wicker basket and continued on her way. She walked slowly up the ramps, she knew where they would be if they were even here. "Hey Leon ever heard of a good security measure such as getting a more advanced firewall and virus blocker?" She stopped for a moment and then continued into the room, "Your back." She noted the way he was casually spread out, she also noticed the purple green bruises that were healing on his body and the weary look in his eye. "I've got some warm rolls if you'd like some." She gestured towards the basket in her hand. Then she looked at the computer and flushed, "Um if I was interupting something I can always come back later..."

    Yuna floated on her back boredly, "The whole day has passed and we've managed to do nothing." Rikku nodded, "Nothing, we didn't even find one piece of treasure." Paine sighed, "Annoying people would have been ore productive." Rikku's ears perked up, "Well, how about we aggravate the first person who passes!" Yuna shrugs, "That is if someone passes Rikku." She began to bounce up and down, "We could always find someone!" "Well here comes Yuffie." Paine pointed out. "Yippee!" Rikku cried out. And off they went.

    Yuffie groaned, all she wanted to do was get into the castle after a long day of practicing and do nothing. But of course half way there she would be found by the miniature gullwings and become their current infatuation to annoy. "Leviathen what did I ever do to you miscreants?!" She cried out.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Mar 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. broken-wings-dont-fly
    ((So I attempted to read through every post, but I'm still not sure just how completely accurate this post is.))

    Serenity gasped as the swirling grey surrounded them. Dancing about in their own manner. She reached to her back to find she had left her bow and arrows back at her camp. She grabbed the dagger from its sheath at her thigh holding it out, knowing it was of little use to her. "What now?" She asked Advent seeing the creatures had the only other way blocked out as well. Serenity reached out for any previous knowledge of what she might have done in previous times. But nothing came to mind. She heard two men's voices and thought to cry out for help only to notice that a few moments later they seemed to dissapear. And just as quickly as the husks had appeared they seemingly dissapeared.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Mar 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity tilted her head to the side slightly, "Why would anyone put a basement passage beneath a library? I mean, if you really think about it basements are almost like garages...really loud."

    She shrugged after this and brushed the hair from her eyes. She walked towards the stairs in the floor.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Rikku walked out to the parking lot in her orange skirt and a green zip up sweater to cover her bikini top. "Where to go, where to go...I guess I should go get something to eat."She stated when her stomach rumbled at her loudly.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "I thought you said we were going to the basement, if I'm correct this is a library." Serenity walked to the shelves and blew a thick layer of dust off of a group of books. She stepped back spluttering and coughing. "Who leaves books in such poor conditions." she coughed out.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "I live in the forest, theres a creek that flows to the ocean. Everythings peaceful and the only sound is natures voice flowing through the air." She smiled a little at the thought. "Key...Blade? Is that the thing you used to open the gate?"
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "Whatever." She shrugged and headed towards the door. "It's fine by me," she placed her hand against the wall and walked down slowly one step at a time. She gagged at the smell, "Has anyone ever cleaned this place? It smells like *ss." Her braid annoyingly thumped against her back, "So you know my story, what's yours?"
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "I've been looking for him for almost a year now, for all I know this could've happened seventy years ago. But I still have to find him. He's all I have left. I don't want to drag others into something that will have no effect on them, but I can't stop you if you decide to come." She shrugged, and rubbed her eye.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "The boy." She ran up the stairs towhere the other person had been standing, "Come on please," Serenity begged the vision. "Why won't you work when it's important?" She looked down at Advent, "He was four, I think, he has blonde hair and electric blue eyes. I don't know who he is but my visions are only about him and he was here. I have to find him."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "I don't know where I'm from so, I'm really trying to find that out but since the barriers went back up I can't get away from this planet. I guess I should really..." Serenities eyes blanked and she was somewhere else. The boy, he looked to be four now, he was walking into this room following a cat. there was someone on top of the stairs. She gasped for air, "He was here," she turned her head around as if expecting to see him smiling at her.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Profile Post

    .... :glomp:

    .... :glomp:
    Status Update by broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008
  15. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "I don't know the answer to either, but you can call me Serenity." She exended her hand and gave his a brief shake. She bit her bottom lip not knowing what to say next. "I guess I'll go?"she offered nervously.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity gasped in surprise and turned looking for the voice of the man. "N-no...y-yes..not really. I was outside when you came and then...." She looked down ashamed and followed the lines of the tatoos on her right arm and gripped the pick on her necklace. "I shouldn't have, I'm sorry." she murmered.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity huffed in annoyance and decided to go into the house...mansion. "If I see him I'll tell him.....I don't know, that I'm trying to figure out who the h*ll I am? Yeah because that's going to make complete sense." She commented dryly. She walked slowly to the open doors and walked towards the staircase, 'I guess I'll go to the room with the childs pictures.' She noted the old fashioned chandelier, the gruesome carpet and the seemingly lack of cleanliness. "I wonder, when did someone last live here?"
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Sighing Serenity walked slowly around the house, in the top window the curtains rustled and you could see drawings on the wall. The other windows were hidden behind dark curtains and nothing could be seen. "What to do, what to do....Gah you just had to be so adventurous and try something new didn't you."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity stepped from the woods and went to touch the broken gates and gasped as she watched them start to fix themselves. Without thinking she walked through them. 'Wait what am I doing?' Serenity thought to herself. As she turned to leave the gate was already closed and all she had with her was her dagger so there was no slicing her way out, and she pprobably couldn't climb the fence either.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity tilted her head to he side, what in the? She unconsciously took a step forward but drew back when she realised what she was doing. What had just happened? Noone had ever gone into the mansion as far as she knew, and she doubted she could follow without being seen. But....
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home