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  1. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "If I knew, I wouldn't still be looking for the answers." She closed her eyes for a moment and when they reopened instead of the iris' being blood red they were like graphite. The color of the tattoos had also switched with her eyes. They slithered quickly, around and around, faster, faster, angsty and anxious. They desired to kill. Swiftly! NO, slow and torturously allowing the blood to drain from gouges all over their bodies. Kill. KILL! Serenity shook her head for a moment and refocused allowing her dark magic to gain power on the head of her arrow.

    She noticed him move involuntarily with his keyblade, "Are you alright?" A breath as the voice filled her mind, "I'm not finished with you yet.. She continued on as if she weren't hearing a creepy voice echoing throughout her head, "Remember, the keyblade is an extension of yourself. Don't let it control you, otherwise you will be weak and powerless. It is an instrument, not a living being..."'I think'
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Mar 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. broken-wings-dont-fly
    She wrapped her hand around his and lead him deeper into the forest. She listened carefully for the bubbling of a stream and walked towards it. They came to a small clearing where her bag sat beside a bow made of complete silver and a matching quiver with arrows made from the same metal. Serenity releases his hand and reaches into her bag and pulled out a silvery black cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. She pulled the hood over her head and notched an arrow into the bow, "Something is coming."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Feb 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. broken-wings-dont-fly
    The sun was burning her skin, literally. Her flesh that was overly exposed was beginning to turn a blackish tint. Serenity stood and walked and pressed her back against the wall. "I don't know what happened, all I know is that right now I have to get back into the forest," she whispered. Her fingers pressed into the crevices of the wall and she began to carefully pull herself up.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. broken-wings-dont-fly
    As fast as the attack had come over her it seemed to leave. A fourth, bloody line joined the previous three as Serenity's ruby eyes rolled back to their normal positions in her skull. Her eyes were halfway lidded as her tattoos went back to slithering about her porclein skin and she slowly lifted her hand to press against her cheek, "S...A..." Her eyebrows knitted together, "There is more...Why can't I remember?" She looked into the sun and all she could see was the nail digging in without any remorse.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "NO!" She cried out indignantly her fingers clinging tightly to the door. Her body reacted by sending increasing pain throughout her, A filthy black nail. Curled about an inch from the tip of the finger and filed to a sharp sadistic point. It stabbed into her jaw. Slowly torturously it was dragged deep down her face and shoved in deeper as it went along. Burning Pain. Angry, Blistering Agony. Fire. There's a fire, somebody put it out! Serenity crumpled onto the floor, not a sound escaping her lips as the pain that she felt in her fragmented of memories became real. The tattoos were strangling her, Remember me? A voice whispered into her mind, "I'm not finished with you yet."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "No, I've got to....alone!" She was shaking her head, the image was fading fast, she couldn't remember. 'The girl!' her mind screamed, 'the girl!' But it was gone, she could no more remember what the girl looked like or sounded like. Peircing blue eyes, the little boy had lost his curls, he was older.Serenity held her head in her hands and shook violently. Her long braid was tossed about carlessly and her many earings were jingling lightly. The tattoos were swirling and moving about as if nervous and anxious now. "Can't," she murmured, "have to go." She wrenched her eyes open and turned back to the door and slowed when she saw faint scratches embedded into the door.
    She cocked her head to the right as she walked closer and she gently pressed her fingers against them and then brought her other hand to her jaw where there were engraved three matching cuts.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. broken-wings-dont-fly
    A white sheen passed over Serenity's eyes as she looked into the room. The little boy kicking his feet back and forth as a girl doodled on a notepad, "Stop moving!" A sigh, "Aren't you done yet?" She rushed into the room and placed her hands on the back of a dusty gothic chair. The thought rushed through her mind again, 'He was here, the boy, he was here.' She allowed her eyes to scan over everything in the room, but no more memories came back, "I have to go." She turned towards the door, "I'm sorry but I have to go."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "You've not even known me two hours yet and you think that we mix well," she wrinkled her nose as she thought upon that. "I am sorry that I bring back memories you do not wish for. I had always thought that perhaps it was easiest to talk upon those things, but obviously my hypothesis was incorrect..." She turned her head to see him walking towards a closed door. Well then again she should say yet another closed door because there wasn't much but those in this manor anyways.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity sighed, "Alone...well I guess you could put it that way. And I don't really mix well with others; it's kind of like mixing kerosene with fire." A sigh and she closed her hand and the orb disappeared, "If you say so then I guess I'm not normal." As they reached the library she smiled at his fascination of the many dusty books, "You like to read as well then?" She nodded her head and walked in front of Advent, glancing back one last time at the library. "Ah well perhaps chivalry isn't quite as dead as the towns people say it is."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jan 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "Mmhmm," she turned to look at his hand on her back. She listened to his murmur when he saw the orb in her hand and then thought on the word aloud, "Magic, yes, its so strange. Isn't it beautiful though, it practically takes on a life of its own. Just knowing I can conjure it makes me feel a little useful." She cocked her head when he asked her what she was, "There are other beings beside humans? I just thought that everyone could perform it."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jan 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. broken-wings-dont-fly
    She shrugged and turned back around, "Sometimes, not knowing makes it just a bit better when you actually do find it. And you will, find it that is; You'll find it. And technically we don't know what we're looking for this time either, and our chances of finding this thing are slim, but who knows."
    Serenity rolled her fingers slightly and a blackish-purple bulb formed there and she smiled at the magic.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Dec 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity wrinkled her nose and walked in front of him, letting her black braid swish back and forth dangerously. She hopped lightly from one foot to the other before stopping in front of him, "You wonder what what was?" She cocked her head to the right intrigued and the tats on her neck swirled and stretched towards him as if they too were curious.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Dec 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serentiy nodded and sighed, "I don't think there is anything else in the house. I know that there's a room upstaairs that once belonged to a little girl, but besides that there is nothing else." She shrugged and dropped the "petal", "Come on, I'm still sure we'll be able to find something."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Dec 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Aerith stepped into the library with her brow furrowed and her mind already working a mile a minute. A quick glance over the shelves and she walked straight to the back to the oldest and dustiest books. Her fingers slipped over a few books before she came next to the most used.

    A sigh as she fingered quite a large book of notes written by other scientists like Ansem, that were in search form answers about strange happenings. Aerith pulled the book into her arms, sat onto the floor, and started reading carefully through each note.

    Serenity smiled at him and her red eyes softened, "Thank you. Really, you have no idea how much that means to me." She stepped forward into a white room with a capsule that looked like an opened flower, "We are late. We've missed something. Tell me what's happened! Everything that's happened, you know why the gates have opened and closed, anything!" Serenity knelt beside the plant confused, "I do not understand what this is!"

    Yuffie grumbled and walked down to where Leon was attempting to translate and Cloud was relaxing. She stopped in front of Leon's computer and glared at the illegible forms running across the screen. After considering to ask if he had broken his toy again, Yuffie went and plopped down on the couch, "Welcome home chocobo head.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Dec 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity shrugged, "I spend more time looking for the past that I don't really give myself an opportunity for a free, do what you want destiny. I mean, what if you didn't know if you were a parent or not, wouldn't you work your hardest, regardless of your keyblade, to find the child."

    "There has never been a day since I'd woken up, that I haven't wondered where I came from. Who I am, where the boy is now, if he's alright. These questions haunt my mind day and night and there is going to be no relief until I find the answer. And there will always be more questions, but there will not always be answers. So some days you just have to remember what your really here for, whatever it may be, and you have to be thankful for whatever extra piece has been given to you to help you get there."

    She glanced around her and sighed, "You just have to think of your keyblade as just another extension of yourself. It doesn't control you, it's just another bit that you have to control. You go where you want to, not where it tells you to go, and maybe eventually you'll just feel the need to go where the keyblade's telling you to go."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. broken-wings-dont-fly
    "Thanks, I feel comfortable with you as well." She reached up and tugged on one of her ears, "I...don't know about the tatoos or the earings." Serenity stared ahead, "Spirits know, I wish I did. I don't know where I'm from, who my parents are, if I have any siblings, what my name is. I mean, I could be death-incarnate and I wouldn't know."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jul 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity smiled as she turned to hiim, "I'm sorry if that was uncomfortable. I'm not used to being around anyone. Mainly a few animals in the forest, but hardly people. So it seems whenever I am, I'm always awkward..." She pinched her arm sharply, "Right, going." She walked on.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jul 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. broken-wings-dont-fly
    A small smile spread across her face. "I don't think you look different just unique. And unique is good. Anyways, fighting typically tends to solve nothing. And everyone knows that nothing's fair in love and war." Serenity's eyes closed and a glimpse of the boy was there. "Or life." she added after a moment. "Right, we should probably keep going."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jul 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. broken-wings-dont-fly
    She cocked her head to the right, "No, I'm slightly used to that. I mean seriously who doesn't stare at the weird girl with moving black tatoos, tons of piercings, that also has no sense of normal fashion. No harm or foul can be done if you just admit it."Serenity laughed quietly, "I've actually never seen myself." Serenity shrugged and bounced to a new subject, "Odd...I've definitely been called worse." She silenced for a moment as she thought of them, "Vampire. Devils child. Queen of the Heartless." Suddenly it was difficult to swallow the knot in her throat.
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jul 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. broken-wings-dont-fly
    Serenity's step faltered for a moment as the words impacted her. She shook her head and shrugged, "I wish I knew." She worried her lower lip for a few minutes before adding, "I woke up in Hollow Bastion, after the first attak that is, and I've traveled around ever since. Does something feel 'irky' to you? Kind" Her left hand reached up to rub the rose tat located on her neck, as the swirled tatoos began to slither uncomfortably, "Like, we've missed something. Or someone's already been we're late."
    Post by: broken-wings-dont-fly, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home