It's because what seems to be the majority of the Ace Attorney fanbase are a bunch of whiners who hate change. Anyways, I also loved Apollo. Definitely one of my favorite characters in Ace Attorney.
Vaporeon, Delibird, and Ampharos
Oh God, I saw so many things like this last school year. I'm an art student, and I had to take a Color course in the Fall semester, and the professor would show us so many color-caused optical illusions like this.
Really like the colors in the hair- and how the hair looks in general. Overall, very well drawn. Good background. Scarf looks really nice. Really, my only critique is that either the neck should be a little wider, or the head shouldn't be sticking out so much.
Lolita by Vladmir Nabokov. It was... interesting. Not something I'd recommend for everyone, but still an... interesting read. Very different.
Most of the bands I like have at least one slow, depressing song, so those usually (EX: Disenchanted by MCR, When the Crowds are Gone by Savatage, Turn Back Time by Freedom Call, etc), Covers of Radiohead songs (especially Creep and No Surprises), and for some reason, I listen to more classic rock when I'm depressed, too. Especially Led Zeppelin, Guns N' Roses, and Nirvana.
The Persona 4 OST and Muse, mostly.
Some of them aren't celebrities, per se, but Voltaire, Nikola Tesla, Freddie Mercury, Shakespeare, and Vincent Price.
A Star Command world would be pretty awesome, but I'm more curious to see what a Toy Story world would be like.
Madoka was really good, and so was Sailor Moon. Really disappointed that the reboot got post-poned, I was looking really forward to it. Rayearth is another really good one, though not all people would consider it a Magical Girl anime. Mermaid Melody was just... eh. Dropped it after a while, too many annoying characters.
My desire to see where they go with the perfection that is the concept heavily outweighs my disdain for the fact that it's written by Andrew Hussie. I definitely plan on checking this out.
You can unlock a marriage event in the final .hack//G.U. game, but it's for PS2. You can choose to marry a boy or a girl, but you're automatically playing as the main character, Haseo, who's a guy. Actually, if you choose a guy to have the event with, there's only one guy you can "marry." For the rest of the guys you can choose from, it's more like a friendship event. Other than Harvest Moon, which you already mentioned, I can't think of any other games that you can get married in. (But Harvest Moon: More Friends in Mineral Town is a pretty good game, just throwin' that out there.)
It's absolutely beautiful
Well this is... interesting. I honestly don't know what to think about this. I'm not really into LoL or eSports, but this seems like this is a step in a good, futuristic direction since eSports are only gonna' get more popular.
Digimon Tamers was the best season
Your anatomy/posing could use work, but I really like that you seem to be experimenting with perspective. The way the line art looks in the second one works well, too.
Macross Zero (aired after the original Macross series, but takes place before it) -> Macross (or you can watch the Do You Remember Love movie) -> Macross Plus -> Macross 7 (and Macross Dynamite 7) -> Macross Frontier. There's a lot of summary movies and side-story OVAs, but that's the basic timeline. Honestly, I haven't even seen most of these myself, but Macross 7 is a really good series. It's full of a lot of hot blooded goodness, and not to mention, one of my favorite soundtracks in any anime ever. And you don't need to know awful much about Macross in general to be able to get it. What little you do need to know is flat out told to you throughout the series, though, so it's no issue. Macross 7 was my first exposure to Macross as well, and I knew almost nothing about the Macross franchise at all when I watched it, but I still understood it fine and loved it.
Infinite Ryvius, Macross 7, Jinki Extend, and Gunbuster. I haven't actually seen the ones I'm about to list, but I've also heard good things about Mazinger, Bubblegum Crisis, GaoGaiGar, and New Getter Robo. EDIT: And Zoids. I've only seen a little bit of it, but I've heard enough good things about it to recommend it anyways. But it's good judging from the few episodes I've seen, regardless.
Bill Wi the Science Fi