The word he blocked out is the S word. just typed it
Your a loooooser because all you did was copy people who had already made a thread like this "proves point"
CRAP im 15 year old riku! "takes quiz again till he gets 16 year old riku"
is he banned cause thats his rank but he keeps posting.
We heard you! And im level 9 know so ill post my pic
I heard that the pics weren't from kh3 so are they making kh3?
Plz post a comment on this and check out my other vids and let me know what you think of the one Bring me to life thats the song
Are they going to relesea in america and is it going to be english?
you lucky bit**** lol i only have 16 and is bad rep with someone saying HAHAHAH
No one gave me rep "kicks ground" :(
I pay attention to you kitty_mckechnie namine4.0, Videogamenerd,Sara,Arc,The kadaji family,my RPG and thats it
some of yall seen my picture and im an urber shmexy man lol
I know your blue distiguished road thing is gone same with me.
If you look bellow our location our blue thingy isn't there so im not a distuguished road.
Yay Im Xaldin!!!!! Word Word Word
Hey i said it first see So yall aint special if you look at the third or fourth post i posted it LOL
Go see my thread HELP!
In kh1 Im stuck at halloween town I start following those kids and they go up the swirley hill and when i go over there i can't figure out where to go i searched it up a walkthrough and this confused me On the hill in the center, opposite the little curling top, is a small gravestone, just on the other side of a low stone wall. Examine that gravestone to open up a path to Oogie's Manor. Walk across the bridge and through the gate in the next area to get there.
This rpg is about the organazation go on a trip but failed to reach it and landed on an island the boat won't work so there LOST! They must survive the jungles creatures and wait till the rescue team gets there......alive. 1.Naruto:Naruto 2.Neji: 3.Hinata: 4.Rocklee: 5.sasuke: 7.Shikamaru: 8.:Tenten: 9.Gaara: 10.Temari: 11.Kiba: 12:Akamaru: 13.Sora: 14.Riku: 15.Kairi: 16.Roxas: 17.Namine: 18.Tidus: 19.Xemnas: 20:Xigbar: 21:Xaldin: 22:Vexen: 23:Lexaeus: 24:Zexion 25:Saix: 26:Axel: 27:Demyx: 28:Luxord: 29:Marluxias: 30:Larxene: Sighn up by doing this Name:Naruto Character:Naruto Sampel of RPG:Naruto Hated Sasuke so much he wanted to crush his bones.
I know where thats from its from the riku puffs pic it has her freaked out because sora said he had riku for breakfeast.