There is no video in the link
IDK? LOL you kept acting funny around me so i thought but dude i have played it i like the giant minotaur part cause you have to break its armor and stuff and i like zeuse fury cause you charge it and throw and and if you click r3 and l3 at the same time you have gods fury
No im not i have godofwar 1 so are they selling godofwar2 for psp now? or it hasn't come out? And rat me and you used to be best buds but now you acting like TBK which he is rude and an ediot.
there making godofwar2 for psp and i have proof! on this site the god of war site click the thing thats flashing above the name godofwar
We had a party when he got voted off lol jk but it was still mean how they made fun of him on the show dont ya think? eh? well he did suck.
HaHA you got screwed lol jk But that game should be remove did these people on here really have a heart attack?
Roxasvsriku that was a burn Phisoxa dont double post
Sharp you do know you bumped this thread right....
If people really had a heart attack than that game needs to be removed
Ok im pretty much a prince of persia freak now so here Pic: Size:400x190 text:Naruto warrior forever Color:black
Sure cause i have my own fastforum so ok.
Well i thought it was... And its obvious when it says sound effects will help i mean help with what?
I do since my friend is a skater and I watched the true story movie the lords of dogtown
Gamefreak you do know im 10 but im not dumb i read these comments and turned my volume off and my eye kinda hurted after seeing that ugly face...
He kept cussing and all that it was disturbing
Ok i found this vid pretty disturbing.....
My mom lets me play M for mature games Godofwar is sweet especially the hydra part Hes screaming at you and you have to use block so you wont get blowed away and prince of persia is kinda hard because when your dark prince your health goes away so you have to find sand times for your health to go back up That proves i played those games Back on topic Im glade there gonna sell ps2 games for atleast 2 more years. And im not that mad for it coming out to ps3 cause im getting one this christmas but people who cant afford a ps3 would like to have it for ps2.
I almost got godofwar2 but it was 50 dollars so i just bought godofwar and prince of persia the two thrones
I hate you...JK but how long will they keep selling ps2 games?
Marluxia:Sora i have always loved you Sora:WTF......Oh wait "gets cursed"