I got round to playing as roxas it was really good are ther any other codes to play as bosses besides roxas.
sorry i only have ar max so you have to convert it infinite hp (gummi ship) XRT3-XFG3-TND1A AG76-5HJR-RR4TY RHR7-G9Z0-66XK5 havent got the other one right now sorry.
Did you want them in ar max.
What gummi ship codes did you want.
I need them in ar max. Oh sorry i didnt see the bit where you said get someone to convert
Do any of you guys have the master code and the infinite hp code for re chain of memories Thanks.
Thanks for the codes.
Well the one i want most is for bosses to have maximum hp.
can i have those in ar max please.
could i have these codes for ar max evilman infinite mp max drive normal roxas in party normal roxas with two keyblades in party.
Does anyone have this for ar riku can use dark aura thanks.
hey fellas if anyone wants any codes tested for ar max just ask.
Thanks Dead heart
hi again has anyone got these for ar max. Riku can do ground attacks while playing as him play as normal roxas sora has karis keyblade Thanks guys.
Thanks for giving me the full party code oh and does anyone have this code for ar max xemnas (limit cut) in black cloak replaces either donald or goofy
Thank you thank you so much!! The hooded roxas code you gave me is it all one code
Thanks a lot!!!! Thanks a lot for the hooded roxas code and i woul like the black cloacked xemnas
thanks a lot but could i have that in ar max im so sorry to mess you around
please Has anyone got a hooded roxas code please
I get it thaks for tellin me. I was just wandering is ther a code to make xemnas an ally