can i have the code maraluxia replaces donald and goofy for ar max Thanks. sorry i pressed quote by mistake
Oh and how come bosses are only playable on the emulator.
Ive allways wanted to play as bosses like that.
Ive just read that carey is trying to make it possible on the ps2
Wow!!!! Those codes are so cool is it possible to play as sephiroth and the others on ps2 as well.
No there isnt.
Hey guys any news for playing as boss codes.
could i have these please (ar max) axel (limit cut) replaces donald and goofy terra replaces donald and goofy sora has limit form costume sora can peform 16 finishing moves Thanks guys.
could i have these for ar max auron in party all worlds mulan in party all worlds jack in party all worlds beast in party all worlds Thank you.
Are you able to have it in ar max format.
What does that code do.
Thanks for the mp code but does anyone else have the riku code. And these time never decreases in the demyx battle sora has infinite time for the luxord battle Thanks.
cool vid razor.
could i have these please for ar max riku in party all worlds infinite mp
Thanks but is there such a code to make sora a enemy
Thanks oh and is there a code to make a sora be in the party and be an enemy.
can i have the finish plus code for ar max please thank you.
does anyone have any of thes for ar max please play as mulan in all worlds play as aladdin in all worlds play as jack sparrow in all worlds play as jack from halloween town in all worlds play as auron in all worlds thanks fellas.
Well a few pages back somone was talking about playing as shan yu.
Will there be any.