Quite awhile ago i think.
You can only play as bosses on the emulator except for hooded roxas.
master code Oh ok but could i have the master code for kingdom hearts final mix please.
Whats almost here?
Here are the replacement codes riku boss replaces donald VY2G-E2DD-FATGX JDZ7-DDVE-Y0N04 riku boss replaces goofy Y7UN-5TUU-W1HKZ VCMJ-27ZW-ZVBJF
How would you make it.
So you can actually play as bosses while in a fight for the ps2.
This may sound a bit weird but for playing as bosses would there be any way to sort of swich the characters posision so that sora would be the boss and we would be playing as the boss.
By sending a private message to them. Does anyone have any play as boss DMA codes please.
By DMA do you meen it only works in one room because if it does i dont mind.
Is it just for the emulator.
Is it possible to play as bosses in the first kingdom hearts game.
Back online Hey fellas its been awhile since i was last online.Anyway has there been any progress with playing as bosses.
Hi guys has any boss codes been made for the ps2 yet. As in play as shan yu.
Hi guys how you all doing has anyone got any codes to play as bosses doesnt matter if its for the emulator.
How are the boss codes comein carey.
Hey fellas how come you have to yuse the emulator for certain codes.
Wow nice code cloud is it useable on the ps2.
When you say jokering do you mean pressing the R2 button when going somwhere else.
Hey fellas im having a bit of a problem.When i use the codes axel limit cut replaces donald or goofy and axel limit cut is an ally.The code works at first but if i try to leave the erea the game crashes.Am i doing something wrong.