1748- Dancing.... nah! i must be drunk to do that! XD
1718- ye thats Sephiroth!
1705 - thank you!
1702- because im a part of Pulverize! and BTW set a number before talking Mr. Bob!
1,698 - I got new Avatar & Sig! what do ya think? made both my self!
i always liked Squall Better than cloud! <3 Gunblade<3
1390- who want to join my "Sora Must DIE Club"?
LOL thats crazy! Watch what i saw for some days ago when i was playing... i just had to film it XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y93w6DkfiFI
i know that this have nothing whit to do whit this case but watch my NEW AMV! XD http://pulverize.smartvideochannel....19D4DD9547F243F9BDAA51103C5C02A9&v=mostviewed
880 x 290 is the normal size for our banners but i dont know what Ryko wants...
http://pulverize.smartvideochannel....19D4DD9547F243F9BDAA51103C5C02A9&v=mostviewed Worked realy hard on it! it crashed for me once! so i had to do half of it all over again! it tokk around 15 hours to make it!
OMFG GRATZ RYKO! Pulverize Production FTW!!!!!! BTW Sry that the AMV was alittle boring... the song was alittle hard to work whit :P
well? is there going to be a winner or not... because today is almost over!
1302- Enomine - mitternacht RULLZ!
1278- how do u like ure chilli? zzzZZZzzz..... zzzZZZzzz.....ZZZZzzzzZZZZ bye going to bed!
hehe ye.... but are we going to know the winner tomorrow?
1261- YEY im the first one on this page :P
when are we going to know who's the winner?
FMA is best! since Naruto Have only fillers! Here is my top 5 Anime List: 1- Neon Genesis Evangelion 2- Fullmetal ALchemist 3- innocent venus 4- Weed 5- Naruto EDIT: BTW why is not Neon Genesis Evangelion on the list?
Darkandroid is probably sleeping XD.. but best of luck to u Ryko!!