great XD hehe ;P
yeah would be **** if they screwed it up :/ but look at FF7 Last Order.. i think that one was a blast :D the same ppls that made that have made death note.. :P
Showdown Of Fate 2 ;d
hehe ok... i dont like hip hop because its all about the voice and how u sing/rap.. i like more the lyrics and the sound of the music in the background! and i like dramatic music :P
damn i forgot pop :/ sry :(
i like them all exept HipHop! But i vote Gothic becuase i luv black and thats what i listen to now :P EDIT: Here all of my mixes:;6926466;;/fileinfo.html (if u havnt heard them!)
Roxas... because he has 2 keyblades :P
Sephiroth all the way!
DUDE THEY ARE GAME CHAR!!!!!!! u dont fall in love with game chars :S
Hate them all XD
ure friends is just afraid to get raped in the azz... but u can say to them that the chance of u geting raped of a homosexual is equal to the chance that u gonna rape a girl! remember that!
but seriusly guys... dont make topics or pools like this! whats next, would u have sex with a afroamerican girl/boy? that would just be stupid, just like this pool!
3541 - Pie... Gurgle
at least 50 of my friends that is girls are lesbian or bisexual!
yeah he's my gay friend! The one who bullys gays, bully him and the ones that bullys him bully me and the ones that Bully me dies!!!!!!!!!!!!! just so easy is it!
Ofc, i have a gay friend
YEY hes dead finaly!!! PARTY IN MY PLACE GUYS!!!! LETS GET DRUNK!!!
do u smoke? if not dont take with u ure ID card on school... they will jump on u like dogs for asking for u going to the store and buy smoke for them XD
i can leave the control when i go into battle... very boring i tell ya!
the new Battle system sux!